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The Recovery of the Corporate Expression of Christ

“…the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins that He might rescue us out of the present evil age according to the will of our God and Father.” (Gal. 1:3b-4) We have been rescued out of the present evil age, and need to experience more rescuing so that our church life can be uplifted.

“We who are many are one Body in Christ, and individually members one of another.” (Rom. 12:5) “Christ our life.” (Col. 3:4) The church life is the corporate expression of Christ. The church life must be filled with the aroma and flavor of Christ and with the character of God; such a living is the living of the Triune God through our humanity. (The Recovery of the Church, msg 5, VII., VII.C)

For centuries the Lord has been longing for such a church life. We pray that before long this kind of church life will be fully practiced among us in the Lord’s recovery. May the Lord be satisfied by seeing such an expression of Himself through the recovery of the genuine church life throughout the earth. (VII.D)

FTTA Gospel Trips

Four gospel trips concluded last weekend. The other 47 trips are continuing through this week and most through next week also. Please pray for:

  • the saints to enter into practice of the vital groups and to care for the newly contacted and returning students;

  • the capacity of the saints to be increased to meet the need of shepherding all the new ones;

  • the recipients of BFA materials to enjoy the riches of the ministry;

  • the new students to continue coming to the Bible studies and to become remaining fruit.


Please continue to pray:

  • that more young saints from outside Germany will gain admission to German universities;

  • for the learning of the German language by the saints who have emigrated;

  • for the increase, strengthening, and building up of all the existing churches in Germany;

  • for the raising up of lampstands in many cities that have been visited since October.

Thessaloniki, Greece

As a result of the blending tours and regional conference held in the Balkans after the ITERO in October 2017, the Lord has gained a desire for further blending among the saints in the Balkans. We are planning another regional conference in the fall.

In Thessaloniki we are appreciating the Lord’s steady increase. We are having conversations with several of our Rhema literature readers. Please pray that:

  • the contacts we are now meeting with, and many Greeks in general, would be granted a spirit of wisdom and revelation to see God’s economy and come fully out of the system of Greek Orthodoxy;

  • the application of a serving couple for a new three-year residence permit will be approved and released shortly.

Valletta, Malta

“And having been brought safely through, we recognized then that the island was called Malta. And the natives showed us uncommon kindness…” (Acts 28:1-2a)

A small number of saints are meeting in Valletta, the capital of Malta, a European island country in the Mediterranean Sea between Italy and Africa. Please pray that the Lord will release some experienced ones to shepherd these saints and that He will gain a strong testimony in this country.


  1. Morning revival: Weeks 4 AND 5 of The Recovery of the Church.

  2. Information about Germany and Europe: see the right side of https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.