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A Desperate Need for Growth

Hebrews 6:1 says, “let us be brought on to maturity.” At the incense altar we pray for growth unto maturity that many may be qualified for the formation of an army for God’s move on earth.

Southern California Spanish-Speaking Conference

The annual conference for Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California will be held in Anaheim from January 15 to 17. At the same time, we will have a Young People’s Conference and children’s meetings. Details in English y español are at http:www.churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.

LA and Santa Barbara Campuses

This week is the beginning of a new school term at many of our local colleges and universities. As the new year begins at UCLA, pray for all the saints to be refreshed and open to the Lord concerning those around them (friends, family, classmates) to each bear at least one remaining fruit, wherever they are.

At USC, LA City College, and other downtown campuses, there will be a pre-semester fellowship on Lord’s Day, January 10. Please pray for the core students to be built together in an actual and practical way, beginning with this time.

CSUN does not resume classes until late January, but will join UC Santa Barbara for a few days this week at the gospel table, meet new students, and blend with the saints. Pray for the Lord to gain a solid base in Santa Barbara for the increase of His testimony there.

For all these campuses, please pray for the Lord to:

  • Increase the prayer that is according to His heart for these campuses among the saints and students.
  • Cause definite and actual growth, more than ever before, in each student.
  • Keep our students freshly “painted” with the anointing day by day so that they spontaneously “paint” their family, friends, classmates, and contacts throughout the school term.

Bibles for America

Bibles for America gave away roughly 110,000 Bibles in 2015, more than in any single year since we began in 2000. We praise the Lord for bringing so many spiritually hungry and thirsty people into contact with our free offers and giving them the opportunity to order.

Please join us in praying that the Bible and book recipients of 2015 would be drawn to read, savor, and enjoy the Word and the ministry they’ve received. Please pray also that the Lord would continue to increase the number of orders in 2016 and that He would lead BfA into new and ever more effective ways to reach people with the healthy spiritual food.

We invite you to visit the Bibles for America 2015 Year in Review to see encouraging recipient comments, statistics, and highlights from this year: http://biblesforamerica.org/2015/


About 200, mostly trainees and some serving saints, will participate in the FTTA gospel trip to Germany, January 21 through February 4. They will be joined by saints in Germany and from other European nations. It is anticipated that most of these will contact the refugees from the Middle East. The trainees and local saints may also distribute the NT Recovery Version in German to the German-speaking people. Much may happen in this time with the refugees and the local people.

Some in Anaheim are participating in short-term intensive Arabic and German language classes before the trip. Also, before the gospel trip some saints who are currently serving in the UK will move permanently to Germany. Please pray for:

  • The move of the full-time serving ones from the UK to Germany.
  • The contact with new seeking ones among the refugees and the shepherding of the seeking ones who were contacted in the past.
  • The free mass distribution of literature and the response among both refugees and Germans.
  • The release of saints who are proficient in the Arabic, Farsi, and German languages.
  • The salvation and gaining of the Lord’s chosen and called ones, especially the useful ones and the young ones.
  • The Lord’s protection of His present move from the attack of the evil one, Satan.

Follow-Up Gospel Trips to Germany

After the FTTA gospel trips, follow-up gospel trips to Germany have been proposed from February 14 until July 1. The two main purposes of these trips are to shepherd the new contacts and to distribute Bibles. Further information can be obtained by reading the two pages on Follow-up Trips to Germany at www.churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/ and by e-mailing germany2016@amanatrust.org.uk. Please pray for the Lord’s clear leading in finalizing the plans for these trips.


The FTTA gospel trip to India is January 8 to 25.


  1. Morning revival: Week 20 in Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 4. Hold on to your copy of Material Offerings and the Lord’s Move Today. We will use it more in the coming months.
  2. Those who are burdened to give in support of the gospel work in Europe can download instructions at http://www.lordsmove.org/information.html. Click on the link “How to Give.”
  3. This Saturday, January 9, at 6:00pm, there will be a love feast at Hall 2. After dinner we will show a video in English (with Spanish translation via FM radio). This special one-hour fellowship, given during the recent Winter Training, is about the present move of the Lord to care for the refugees in Europe and to strengthen the Lord’s testimony in Germany. After the video we will pray. You are welcome to bring food and join us.
  4. Anyone can receive the weekly prayer email: sign up at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.