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International Chinese-speaking Conference

The conference is February 12 to 14 in Anaheim. Information is at http://www.icsc2016.org (Chinese) and http://www.icsc2016.org/en (English). There will be translation to English, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese. Please ask the Lord to bring many saints of all languages together for a rich feast in His word.

United States

First Timothy 2:1-2, “I exhort therefore, first of all, that, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings be made on behalf of all men; on behalf of kings and all who are in high position, that we may lead a quiet and tranquil life in all godliness and gravity.” In this year of U.S. elections, let us make prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings for the Lord’s choice in every election. First Timothy 2:3-4, “This is good and acceptable in the sight of our Savior God, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth.” May the election process and the results bring more people to salvation and bring more people to the full knowledge of the truth.

CSUN Gospel

The CSUN students will have a gospel table at the campus club fair this Tuesday and Wednesday from 11 am to 2 pm. Pray that they would be bold in contacting their classmates with the gospel and that the Lord would send them some sons of peace. Also pray for the strengthening of the core students and the homes to receive the new fruit.

North American Gospel Trips

Some of these trips conclude Friday and others continue until next week Monday. Updates and prayer burdens from the trips are at www.gtca.us and beseeching.org.

International Gospel Trips

The trip to India finished last week. Some other trips finish early this week and the large trip to Germany finishes this Thursday. Updates and prayer burdens from the trips are at beseeching.org.

All Gospel Trips

Please pray for all who were touched on these trips, that their hearts remain open. Ask the Lord to richly supply the local saints in the cities and countries visited so that they may shepherd all who were contacted. Ask the Lord to add remaining fruit to the existing churches and to raise up new churches.


(1) Please pray for the Lord’s wisdom and bountiful grace to the saints:

  • coordinating the follow-up trips;
  • providing hospitality and transportation for many visitors week after week;
  • serving daily in contacting refugees and revisiting those who respond positively;
  • who migrated in the past month, and those about to migrate, in their search for housing suitable for care for university students or refugees;
  • preparing and leading the classes for refugees and for those who recently migrated to Germany. (Basic German, 18 weeks; A Healthy Walk with God, 12 weeks; Gospel of John, 5 weeks)

(2) Please pray also for the refugees:

  • that the Lord would gain the translators for His eternal economy;
  • that the ones whom we have established relationships with would advance to have more appointments with us, be open to receive the gospel, and sign-up for the long-term programs we are offering (German class, Book of John course, and a Healthy Walk with God course).

(3) Please also pray for the local Germans, that the seekers would find the tables and even those who do not seek Him would be softened to drop their concepts and be open in a new way to the gospel.

In order to keep the saints informed and bring them into the burden of this move of the Lord, the overseeing brothers are putting together reports that can be shared freely among the saints. These reports present many encouraging matters, but (for security) do not contain names of the saints or new contacts. These reports are on a public Facebook page “Germany Update” (http://facebook.com/germanyupdate). This will enable the saints to read and share the reports freely. We hope these reports will be an encouragement to all the saints in the Lord’s recovery.


We had a blending meeting for saints from multiple cities in September of last year. We began Rhema literature distribution near the end of 2014, both directly and through a local distributor. Distribution increased as we began use of the internet last year. Besides Rhema literature, we also have six gospel booklets combined into one and published as “The Gospel of God’s Economy” and the New Believer’s Series by W. Nee also published in one volume.

Please pray for:

  • An increase in the number of saints in Istanbul and also in the whole country.
  • Gaining of more readers and seeking ones through Rhema distribution and local contacts.
  • The serving couple to obtain long-term status for staying here.
  • The publication of 22 booklets by W. Nee in February 2016.


  1. Morning revival: Week 24 in Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 4.
    Next week we begin The Church as the Temple of God—the Goal of God’s Eternal Economy (Thanksgiving Conference).
    Hold on to Material Offerings and the Lord’s Move Today. We will use it more later this year.
  2. Two-week follow-up gospel trips to Germany will be February 14 until July 1. The main purposes of these trips are to shepherd the new contacts and to distribute Bibles. Further information is at http://germany2016.amanatrust.org.uk.
  3. Those who are burdened to give in support of the gospel work in Europe can download instructions at http://www.lordsmove.org/information.html. Click on the link “Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe.”
  4. Anyone can receive this prayer email weekly; sign up at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.