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Eat the Hidden Manna

Revelation 2:17a, “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, to him I will give of the hidden manna.”

We need to eat the hidden manna in order to be incorporated into the New Jerusalem as the tabernacle of God. (Orthodoxy, week 4, III.A) To overcome the degradation of the church and to return to and remain in the orthodoxy of the church, we need to advance in our eating, to have a personal and intimate time with the Lord in His living and operative word.

Southern California Spanish-Speaking Conference

The annual conference for Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California will be held in Anaheim January 13 to 15 at the Ministry Conference Center (MCC) in Anaheim. Details in English y español are at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.

Southern California Young People’s Blending Conference

On the same January 13 to 15 weekend as the Spanish-speaking conference, there will be a Young People’s Blending Conference in Anaheim at the MCC Cafeteria. All serving ones are encouraged to participate full-time with their young people. May the Lord superabundantly pour out His rich blessing on this special conference! The conference is free but registration is required; contact those who serve with YP in your district.

340 Saints, 42 Teams, 21 Countries, 4 Continents

The purpose of these FTTA gospel trips is for trainees to experience life and service outside the Training Center, to testify concerning the training, to encourage young people to join the training, to coordinate and blend with the local churches, and to preach the gospel and announce the truth.

This year the 340 participants are 305 FTTA trainees, 10 FTTA-Midage trainees, and 25 serving saints. Each trip is 15 to 19 days long. The destinations and dates are:

  • 3 teams, 29 saints to Argentina, Brazil, and Chile, various dates, January 6 to February 6
  • 12 teams, 110 saints to United States and Canada, between January 27 and February 13
  • 26 teams, 193 saints to Europe and 1 team, 8 saints to South Africa, January 19 to February 2 During these trips, reports and prayer burdens will be at beseeching.org.

Please ask the Lord to accomplish the purpose stated in the paragraph above.

Lord, Thrust Out Workers to Your Harvest in Germany

Matthew 9:37-38, “He said to His disciples, The harvest is great, but the workers few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest that He would thrust out workers into His harvest.” At a fellowship between messages 9 and 10 of the winter training, we were encouraged to open to the Lord and to beseech Him for four types of thrusting out.

  1. The emigration of trained and experienced families and saints for the practical strengthening and
    building up of the local churches in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, and Stuttgart, Germany.
  2. Beginning February 1, a continuous presence of five laborers with campus experience in each of these
    four key cities, each serving at least one month, to gain German college students.
  3. Beginning February 1, a continuous presence of ten laborers in each of these four key cities, each
    serving at least one month, for the perfecting of a small number of the most seeking refugees, who
    would then perfect others in their own language group.
  4. Many saints to join the Bible distributions and conferences throughout Europe in October 2017.
    Information about these and more aspects of the Lord’s move in Europe are in the four page “Europe Report – Winter 2016” (links in Europe item below).


“Thus says the Lord Jehovah, Moreover for this I will be inquired of by the house of Israel to do it for them; I will increase them with men like a flock” (Ezek. 36:37).

Currently, approximately 4500 saints are meeting in many cities in Europe. However, in Ezekiel 36:37 the Lord promised to increase His people with men like a flock. In this verse the Lord said that He would be inquired of by His people concerning this matter. Therefore, we need to pray for this and ask the Lord to fulfill this word in

Europe in 2017 (Luke 10:2).

The four page report distributed at the winter training is available at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/ and http://www.lordsmove.org/pdfs/2016WinterTrngEuropeReport.pdf. Information about blending trips and conferences in October 2017 is at http://itero2017.amanatrust.org.uk.

Polish Recovery Version

Typesetting of the Polish New Testament Recovery Version will begin this month, and final proofreading will begin in August. Please pray that all who labor on this project will enjoy the Lord’s overshadowing grace and that the Lord will create a hunger in the Polish-speaking people for His interpreted Word.


On December 7 to 11 about 50 co-workers from India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka attended a 5-day Co- workers’ Training at the FTT New Delhi training center. The general subject was “The Increase of Christ for the Building up of the Church.” .

On December 22 to 25 about 320 saints from 49 localities in India attended a 4-day National College Training in Chennai. The general subject was “The Tabernacle and Priesthood.”

A four page report of these trainings with some prayer burdens is in the December issue of News of the Churches in India, at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.


  1. Morning revival: Returning to the Orthodoxy of the Church, week 4.
    Keep your copy of Material Offerings and the Lord’s Move Today; we will use it again later this year.
  2. There will be a special fellowship for high school juniors and seniors from 9 am, Saturday, January
    28 through lunch Lord’s Day, January 29, at Oak Glen. Cost is $75. Please register through the serving ones in L.A. Deadline for registration is Lord’s Day, January 15.