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Summer College Training

The West Coast South and Northwest College trainings are this week at Oak Glen and near Seattle, respectively. About 320 saints are at Oak Glen, and 150 in Washington. The Midwest, Southeast, and Northeast College trainings are next week. The title of the training is “The Revelation of the Mystery.” Please pray for these times that:

1) the Lord would grant each one a vision of His economy;
2) the students would experience much perfecting in the exercise of the spirit and the carrying out of the God-ordained way;
3) all those serving would continue steadfastly in one accord;
4) the Lord would personally shepherd each trainee, in particular each of the newly graduated high school seniors, so that they consecrate their college years fully to the Lord.

Video Trainings

Please remember the delayed video trainings that take place in many localities after last week’s live Summer Training and simulcasts. In Los Angeles, there are video trainings taking place now at Hall 2 in English and Spanish. Pray for the saints’ hearing, receiving, and absorbing of the Lord’s speaking.

The Church in Rohnert Park, California

In May, the Church in Rohnert Park took the ground! The saints in Marin county and Sonoma county are meeting together every Lord’s Day as the Church in Rohnert Park. This is the first church in North Bay (Bay Area north of San Francisco), and it is the location of Sonoma State University. We are about 20–30 total, including children.

Anti-Terrorism Law in Russia

On June 30 the upper house of Russia’s parliament approved an anti-terrorism law that places broad limitations on “missionary work,” including preaching, teaching, and engaging in any activity designed to recruit people into a religious group. Russian president Putin has not yet put the law into effect. Russian president Putin signed this law late last week, thus putting it into effect beginning later this month. [added July 11] . Please pray that the heavens will rule and keep the door of the gospel open in Russia.

UK Building Fund

Those who are burdened to give to the UK Building Fund for the purchase of the farm adjacent to Bower House in London and for the construction of new facilities at Bower House, Bower Farm, and Woodland Camp can find instructions at http://www.lordsmove.org/ukbuildingfund or you may give to the church, designated for UK Building Fund.

European Student Blending Trip

A group of 27 saints, mostly students from the UK, will blend with the churches in Belgium,
Germany, and the Netherlands July 13 to 26. Please pray for:

  • the preparation of the students’ hearts and the Lord’s arranging and covering of all practical details;
  • the Lord to impress the students with His Body and His move in Europe and that they will have the Lord’s fresh calling to consecrate themselves to Him and for His move;
  • the sweet blending with each locality and a rich supply of grace to the churches.


  1. Morning revival: week 1 of The Increase of Christ (Memorial Day Conference).
  2. The L.A. Summer School of Truth will be on the Two Spirits; the dates are July 22 to 30. Schedule and registration are at https://churchinlosangeles.org/ssot/.
  3. The Lord’s move in Germany:
    Reports are on a public Facebook page Germany Update http://facebook.com/germanyupdate.
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at http://www.lordsmove.org/information.html.