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NCT: Loving Seekers to be God’s Age Turners

The National College Training (NCT) is NOW. It continues through Saturday, July 18 on the University of Illinois campus. The goal of this training is to raise up a generation of age turners who will bring the Lord back. “Come, Lord Jesus!” (Rev. 22:20)

Let us petition the Lord to bestow the top divine blessing of His own presence as the out-poured Spirit upon this training. May we intercede on behalf of a new generation of young people that each will have a life-changing encounter with the God of glory. Supplicate for their total possession by the Master for His use.

Pray that these young believers as a group will offer themselves willingly in the splendor of their consecration and be like the dew from the womb of the dawn, watering Christ in the day of His warfare (Psa. 110:3). Beseech on their behalf that not one of them will despise their youth, but will become a pattern to the saints (1 Tim. 4:12).

Daily updates of the NCT can be viewed at beseeching.org.

Summer School of Truth

L.A.’s Summer School of Truth will be July 24 to August 1. This year we will cover Lesson Book 2 – The Triune God and the Person and Work of Christ. First Corinthians 8:4 says, “There is no God but one.” Although our God is one, there is something mysterious about Him. In Matthew 28:19 the Lord Jesus says, “Baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Here the Lord speaks clearly of the three—the Father, Son, and Spirit. But “name” is singular. The burden for the upcoming SSoT is for the young people to enter into a normal and genuine touch with the Lord, day by day, so that the mysterious Triune God would no longer be a mystery to them. May the Lord cause all the young people to become loving-seekers and loving-experiencers of the processed and consummated Triune God.

Also pray that the Lord would cover all aspects of coordination and fellowship leading up to the SSoT for a bountiful release of the Triune God.

Young people, parents, and serving ones please register at https://churchinlosangeles.org/ssot/.

Nordic Conference

The annual Nordic nations’ conference is July 17 to 19 in Oslo, Norway. It will be followed by the Nordic brothers’ meeting July 19 to 20.


A two-page report about recent activities in the Lord’s move is at http://www.lordsmove.org/reports.html (Europe Report June 2015).


July 16-18 there is a perfecting training for saints in the United Arab Emirates. July 17-18 there is a training for serving saints in Bangladesh.


  1. Morning revival: Week 2 of The Recovery of the Priesthood for God’s Building.
  2. An announcement of the 2015 Chinese-speaking Students Perfecting Training (in Chinese and English) is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.