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Summer School of Truth

LA’s summer school of truth (July 22 to 30) needs the prayer of the entire church so that the Lord have a way to move within and among the young people for His testimony. Please pray that the Lord would prepare the hearts of the young people, that they would experience the Two Spirits—the divine Spirit mingled with the human spirit—in their daily life, and that the Lord would bless this summer school of truth which begins this Friday.

Summer College Training

The Midwest, Northeast, and Southeast college trainings are this week. More than 700 students are expected at these trainings. Please pray that:

  • The Lord would grant each one a vision of His economy;
  • The students would experience much perfecting in the exercise of the spirit and the carrying out of the God-ordained way;
  • All those serving would continue steadfastly in one accord;
  • The Lord would personally shepherd each trainee, in particular each of the newly graduated high school seniors, so that they consecrate their college years fully to the Lord.


May many saints rise up to give a little time each week to “war the good warfare” (1 Tim. 1:18) on the Internet by presenting truths of this ministry, supporting others’ presentations, or testifying their experiences of Christ. This will provide a positive flow of life and truth to water people everywhere and will help (in internet search results) to push down false information that has accumulated over the past years. For more information, contact Don Martin.

Lord, Add Believers to Yourself!

Acts 5:14, “Believers were all the more being added to the Lord, multitudes of both men and women.”

In recent weeks there has been much violence in the United States, in Europe, and in other places. This violence is due to “the mystery of lawlessness that is now operating” (2 Thes. 2:7). However, Christ is “Head over all things to the church” (Eph. 1:22). We cooperate to ask Him to turn the mourning and lamentations from these negative events to a hunger for His word in all the earth (Amos 8:10-11) and to add believers all the more to Himself.


A 21-minute video was shown the last day of the Summer Training. It is available at https://www.amanatrust.org.uk/videos/2016STV.mp4.

For the continued shepherding of the seeking ones, a door will be open for the saints to serve in Europe (mainly Germany) for a period of one to three months. This service is tentatively scheduled to begin on September 1st. An application will be required. Details will be forthcoming. Please pray:

  • That the Lord will burden the saints to participate in the ongoing care of the seeking new ones in Germany and other parts of Europe.
  • For translators to be raised up and perfected to be our co-workers and for our own brothers and sisters who can translate to be able to come to Germany either by visitation or migration.

Nordic Conference

The annual Nordic Conference will be in Uppsala, Sweden on July 22 to 24, for blending fellowship in the Triune God. Following the conference, there will be a brothers’ fellowship July 24 to 25.


  1. Morning revival: Week 2 of The Increase of Christ (Memorial Day Conference).
  2. This year’s Spanish Speaking Perfecting Training in Southern California will be Saturdays August
    27, September 24, and November 19.
  3. The Lord’s Move in Europe:
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at http://www.lordsmove.org/information.html.
    Giving for the UK Building Fund instructions are at http://www.lordsmove.org/ukbuildingfund or you may give to the church, designated for UK Building Fund.
  4. The European Student Blending Trip is July 13 to 26. Pictures, videos, and updates are at http://www.unistudents.eu/blending-trip-2016.