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National College Training: Consecrated Age Turners

The National College Training concluded Saturday. The report from Friday night, with the corporate consecration of 1300 college students: “The atmosphere was palpable, electrifying, and unquenchable! And all who were there will have the memory of tonight stamped into their being. Lives have been changed and the Lord has gained what He is after!” (Longer daily reports and photos are at http://beseeching.org.)

Let us continue to petition the Lord to:

• keep the fire burning in every student who attended;
• bring this atmosphere of consecration to other students in the recovery and to all the churches;
• release the gospel through the students wherever they are before their school year; and
• cast fire on all the college campuses to gain an unprecedented number of freshmen this fall.

Summer School of Truth

L.A.’s Summer School of Truth will be July 24 to August 1. This year we will cover Lesson Book 2 – The Triune God and the Person and Work of Christ. First Corinthians 8:4 says, “There is no God but one.” Although our God is one, there is something mysterious about Him. In Matthew 28:19 the Lord Jesus says, “Baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Here the Lord speaks clearly of the three—the Father, Son, and Spirit. But “name” is singular. The burden for the upcoming SSoT is for the young people to enter into a normal and genuine touch with the Lord, day by day, so that the mysterious Triune God would no longer be a mystery to them. May the Lord cause all the young people to become loving-seekers and loving-experiencers of the processed and consummated Triune God.

Also pray that the Lord would cover all aspects of coordination and fellowship leading up to the SSoT for a bountiful release of the Triune God.

Young people, parents, and serving ones please register at https://churchinlosangeles.org/ssot/.

New Training Center in Mexico City

FTT Mexico began in 1999 as a section of FTTA. It moved to Mexico City in 2002. The training center used since then needs to be replaced because 1) by the fall semester it will be overcrowded, 2) it is one hour from UNAM, the number one university in Mexico, which frustrates trainees in practicing campus work, and 3) the area around this training center is less secure than when we began here.

We agreed to purchase a new facility which is much larger, only 11⁄2 miles from UNAM, and in one of the safest locations in Mexico City. The cost is 3.5M US$; we have received a little over 2M US$ and made a 50% down payment.We need 1.5M US$ by August 15 to obtain the title. Please pray for this.

Offerings may be given to the church, designated for the Mexico City training center.

Young People’s Conference of the Americas

The 2015 Young People’s Conference of the Americas for ages 12 to 22 will take place in São Roque, Brazil Wednesday, July 22 through Lord’s Day, July 26.

Krakow, Poland

Please pray for the monthly English Bible and Polish ministry book distributions in Krakow. Please pray also for the shepherding of the seeking ones here and for the raising up of the church in Krakow.


Recently, the Lord released a three-year residence permit for the full-time serving ones from the USA. Praise and thank Him for His faithfulness and for answering the prayers of the saints!

Please pray for Greece as it goes through the present economic and political crisis. Pray that the heavens will rule and that the Lord will soften many hearts and produce a desperate seeking in the Greek people.


  1. Morning revival: Week 3 of The Recovery of the Priesthood for God’s Building.
  2. An announcement of the 2015 Chinese-speaking Students Perfecting Training (in Chinese and English) is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.