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Closely Following the Completed Vision of the Age

“Therefore, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision.” (Acts 26:19)

“And I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.” (Rev. 21:2)

The vision that the Lord has given to us in His present recovery is the all-inclusive vision of God’s eternal economy with its ultimate consummation—the vision of the New Jerusalem. The totality of what the Bible reveals to us is the New Jerusalem. The New Jerusalem is the total composition of the entire revelation of the Bible.

Our living out the New Jerusalem is for us to become the New Jerusalem, and our working out the New Jerusalem is for us to build the New Jerusalem by the flowing Triune God. Every local church should be a miniature of the New Jerusalem, and every believer should be “a little New Jerusalem.” Whatever is ascribed to the New Jerusalem should be both our corporate and personal experience.

The New Jerusalem is the embodiment of God’s complete salvation with its judicial and organic aspects. As we experience each section of God’s organic salvation, we go up level by level until we become beings in the New Jerusalem. (Vital Factors for the Recovery of the Church Life, msg. 2, II.A-E)

Semiannual Video Training Registration

Saints in LA and Santa Clarita will participate in the 2021 July Semiannual Training by video training. The schedule is July 5 to 10 for English, Chinese, and Korean, and July 5 to 14 for Spanish. The firm registration deadline is Tuesday, June 15. Details are at http://tinyurl.com/summertrainingla.

This training will be a Crystallization-study of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth. Please pray:

  1. For the Lord to motivate many saints to register so that God would gain a people according to His heart who would possess the good land and produce the divine inheritance for His return.
  2. For the saints to prepare themselves and exercise to maintain a high training atmosphere to receive the Lord’s timely speaking.
  3. For the brothers who are pre-recording the messages that the Lord’s burden will be fully released.

California Summer School of Truth

This year’s SSOT from June 12 to 26 is currently being held online for all of the saints in the state of California. The young people are covering the following topics: “The Triune God” (7-8th Grades), “Life” (9-10th Grades), and “The Bible” (11-12th Grades). We are grateful to the Lord for this opportunity that our YP could be educated in and develop a taste for the truths we have inherited in the Lord’s recovery.

In Los Angeles, we have a few in-person activities to gather and be encouraged together. These gatherings are being announced and coordinated by the serving saints in the various halls.

Please pray that:

  1. The hearts of the young people would be good ground for the Lord’s word;
  2. The group fellowship times would be cherishing and nourishing to minister life, practical help, and experiential impressions to the young ones;
  3. The Lord would supply the serving ones as they shepherd the YP and coordinate various activities.

Bibles for America

BfA offers free copies of the NT Recovery Version in Spanish, along with 7 free e-books in Spanish available to download from our site.

We recently had a phone call with a Spanish-speaking Bible recipient. She was overjoyed with the NT Recovery Version and all the e-books, which she had already downloaded. She described the Recovery Version as “a jewel” and spoke at length about how easy it is to understand. She also particularly appreciated the application of God’s Word found in the ministry books. She was so excited about the free offers from BfA that she is sharing them with her website subscribers and Facebook followers.

Please pray that many more Spanish-speaking believers would be led to the free materials available from BfA and be richly fed with the ministry of the age.

GTCA Cities – St. Louis, MO

A GTCA mini-conference this Saturday, June 19 will be held with the church in St. Louis, Missouri. The conference will cover the Lord’s present move in the United States. Go to http://gtca.us for Zoom information as well as recordings of the previous two mini-conferences with Memphis and Cincinnati.


We thank the Lord for His faithfulness and the provision in His Body that despite the pandemic, the saints were able to purchase a meeting hall near Sofia University and the saints’ homes. Since then, the saints have been meeting almost daily via Zoom and in person at the meeting hall. The church in Sofia has also been participating in the seven annual feasts and other online events.

Last November, the ministry books distributed by Rhema became available in Bulgarian and were advertised online. Since then, the ministry of the age has reached hundreds of seeking ones. In addition to the seven Bulgarian LSM publications, which the local saints have been enjoying, there will be another 15 titles printed by the end of this summer.

Please pray for all the saints to be constituted with the ministry of the age and receive a governing vision of God’s economy unto the organic building up of the church in Sofia and the Lord’s testimony in Bulgaria. Pray for the Lord to build them together as the local expression of His universal Body through the corporate God-man living and the God-ordained way carried out by the vital groups for the accomplishment of His New Testament economy.

For more recent reports from Central and Eastern Europe, visit http://churchesceeb.org/2021-reports-en.


Please continue to pray for the saints to be covered, protected and preserved during this time of social unrest and pandemic.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 2 of Vital Factors for the Recovery of the Church Life (ITERO).

  2. European Parents Conference will be a series of five online messages for parents and burdened saints, plus a special family meeting, June 25 to 27. For more information, visit http://epcconference.eu.

  3. Holy Bible Recovery Version App is the official app from Living Stream Ministry that contains the Recovery Version of the Holy Bible in English with its enlightening footnotes, valuable cross-references, and useful charts and maps. For more information, go to http://www.lsm.org/rvapp.html.

  4. Living Stream Ministry has launched a digital newsletter called “Having This Ministry…” To learn more and subscribe, go to http://newsletters.lsm.org/having-this-ministry/index.html.

  5. FTTA Middle-Age Training is pleased to announce that the 2021 Fall semester begins on August 30. For details, visit http://fttamidage.org.

  6. Ways to Give: Information on setting up online giving through Subsplash, as well as where to mail checks, are at http://www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.