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The Need for a New Revival

John 21:15 “Jesus said to Simon Peter, Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these? He said to Him, Yes, Lord, You know that I love You. He said to him, Feed My lambs.”

Three factors are necessary for the new and final revival: seeing the vision, living the life, and shepherding according to God. Our seeing must be so strong that we are energized, motivated, and governed. This will cause us to be one with the Lord in our living, which will issue in shepherding. Shepherding includes the gospel to sinners. Without shepherding, our vision and living do not stay healthy in our experience. When we love the Lord daily and shepherd His sheep, our vision and living stay fresh.

We need to follow the steps of the processed Triune God in seeking and gaining fallen people. Our not having the Father’s loving and forgiving heart and the Savior’s shepherding and seeking spirit is the reason for our barrenness. (message 5, outline I.B.1-2)

Summer Training

In the winter training we saw the salvation and provision of God (ch. 1–17) brining us to the kingdom (ch. 18). The result is that we see the vision of God’s building and enter into the building work (ch. 19–40). Lord, grant us all more vision and more building!

Please also pray for the bountiful supply to the brothers preparing to speak, and for wisdom to those caring for other preparations for the training.

National College Training, “Come, Lord Jesus!”

The National College Training is July 12-18 on the University of Illinois campus in Urbana-Champaign (halfway between St. Louis and Chicago). There are 1780 registered, representing 325 college campuses; 1405 are from 39 U.S. states and 375 are from 33 other nations. The goal of this training is to raise up a generation of age turners who will bring the Lord back. “Come, Lord Jesus!” (Rev. 22:20)

An invitation to pray for this training is at http://beseeching.org/prayer-for-college-training/. May we allow the Lord to move in an unprecedented way through our prayer!


Dick Taylor, James Lee, and Craig Birchler all arrive in Sydney the evening of Lord’s Day, June 14. They will have three days of fellowship with the leading brothers there about the Lord’s move. May the Lord’s light shine brightly and His life flow freely in this time to open the way for further building and blending throughout Australia.

Thursday, June 18 James and Craig return to California. Dick goes to Tasmania until Saturday, June 20 for a small conference and much informal shepherding. There are two small lampstands in Tasmania; please pray for the establishing of a lampstand in Hobart, the largest city in Tasmania.

Dick returns to L.A. Lord’s Day, June 21.


  1. Morning revival: week 11 of Crystallization-Study of Exodus.
  2. The Los Angeles Summer School of Truth will be July 24 to August 1.
  3. An announcement of the 2015 Chinese-speaking Students Perfecting Training (in Chinese and English) is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.