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The Need for a New Revival

God became man to make man God in life, nature, and expression but not in the Godhead so that God could produce and build up a corporate expression. When we have a vision of this, the God-man living comes forth. This living has a function—shepherding.

In this conference we saw the high peak of divine revelation. What should we do? In 2 Samuel 7:5-17 Nathan spoke a high peak of revelation to David. David’s response: he “went and sat before Jehovah” (v. 18) and prayed (v. 18-29). Like David, let us pray, Lord, do in us what You have spoken. Penetrate our living. Bring forth Your shepherding through us.

Summer Training

In the winter training we saw the salvation and provision of God (ch. 1–17) bringing us to the kingdom (ch. 18). The result is that we see the vision of God’s building and enter into the building work (ch. 19–40). Lord, grant us all more vision and more building!

Lord, give each one of us a heart to love Your word and to receive this training in a fresh way.

National College Training, “Come, Lord Jesus!”

The National College Training is July 12-18 on the University of Illinois campus in Urbana- Champaign (halfway between St. Louis and Chicago). An invitation to pray for this training is at http://beseeching.org/prayer-for-college-training/.

The goal of this training is to raise up a generation of age turners who will bring the Lord back. “Come, Lord Jesus!” (Rev. 22:20)

Middle-Age Training

Saturday, June 20, 35 trainees graduated from the Middle-age training in Anaheim.

Please pray that:

  • all continue in the grace of God which trains us in our daily living (Titus 2:11-12);
  • each one “follow the Lamb wherever He may go” (Rev. 14:4);
  • the Lord bring at least 40 new trainees for the entire fall term.

Korean-speaking Bible Seminar in LA

We had a very special seminar last Saturday. Seventy-five new ones participated and the majority of them were young men in their 20s and 30s (55 were from one theology school). Also many young saints functioned in various services including becoming the host in the group sessions. We all enjoyed what grace is and how we can enjoy the Lord as grace.

Please pray that:

  • These new ones could remain in contact with the saints who were in the same group session.
  • We could maintain a good relationship with the theology school and this school could be open door
    for the gospel of kingdom.
  • More young brothers and sisters would function in gospel preaching and shepherding.


From April to May, we had a series of 8 weekend retreats in London. 653 attended these retreat weekends, including 218 new ones. The subject was God’s Eternal Purpose as Seen in the Book of Ephesians. During these two months, all were infused with a seeing that God’s eternal purpose, His heart’s desire is the church. Please pray for all those 218 new ones to be contacted and shepherded and to enter into the church life.

European Blending Trip to US

European university students will be making a blending trip to the U.S. The full trip includes the FTTA graduation, the summer training in Anaheim, a week of sightseeing and activities with students in the Chicago area, and the National College Training.

Lord, grant these students many precious experiences of Yourself and Your Body.

FTT London

Saturday, June 13, was the graduation of the Full-Time Training in London. It was marvelous. Over 600 attended to witness what the Lord has done in the 15 graduates from 10 countries over their two years of training.

Czech Republic

On June 13 we had our sixth seminar in this series of six. The topic was “The Vision of the Glorious Church.” The atmosphere of the seminar was pleasant. 13 saints and 5 new ones attended. Two of the new ones attended this seminar series for the first time. There is a feeling among us to continue the seminars in some way. This also was shared with the attendees at the seminar.

We are so thankful for the prayer support of the Body. As a direct result of the seminars a very good connection has been established with a sister from outside of Prague, with a brother who lives close to Prague, and with one couple from Prague. The sister who came from 170 km east of Prague will arrange a time of fellowship in her town with some other seeking believers whom she knows. This will probably be in second half of July. We would like to continue with the seminars in September and perhaps even try to have some seminars in other cities.

Sri Lanka

In the past 6 months, the Lord moved rapidly in Sri Lanka through the coordination of the Body. Overseas saints came to labor in one accord with the local saints for various moves from December to April. The Lord indeed poured out His blessing. The church in Mannar was raised up, and the saints were full of burden to declare that they would co-labor with the Lord to raise up 17 local churches in the next 6 years. More about the saints’ experiences in Sri Lanka is at http://lmasia.org/temp/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/E-2015-06.pdf (English) http://lmasia.org/temp/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Asia-2015-06.pdf (Chinese)


  1. Morning revival: week 12 of Crystallization-Study of Exodus.
  2. The Los Angeles Summer School of Truth will be July 24 to August 1.
  3. An announcement of the 2015 Chinese-speaking Students Perfecting Training (in Chinese and English) is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.