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Taking Care of Others according to the Spirit

“Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you.” (Matt. 7:7)

“For where there are two or three gathered into My name, there am I in their midst.” (Matt. 18:20)

“Who then is the faithful and prudent slave, whom the master has set over his household to give them food at the proper time?” (Matt. 24:45)

As we are contacting people and dealing with them, we must ask, seek, and knock for the proper way to contact them. To ask is to pray in a common way, to seek is to supplicate in a specific way, and to knock is to demand in the most intimate and most earnest way.

The best way for the kingdom people to contact others is according to the kingdom and according to the Spirit. We need to pray ourselves into God so that we may receive the riches embodied in His Spirit to feed ourselves and all those under our care. We must learn to do everything through the cross and by the Spirit in order to minister Christ into others for His Body. (The Development of the Kingdom of God, msg. 4, I.C.1-4)

July Semiannual Training

The Semiannual Training is next week from July 1 to 6 in Anaheim and through webcasts in many localities. Please ask the Lord to prepare the speaking brothers during their labor on the messages. Also ask the Lord to prepare all who have registered to attend, to be good listeners and absorbers of the word, and to fully participate in the morning study times. Lord, make us willing and ready to be further trained and formed into God’s army to fight with God for His interest on earth.

Los Angeles Young People

This summer, from August 10 to 17, our young people will have a special camp called Pursue 2019. Registration is now open for junior high and high school students, as well as serving ones. Please pray that many of the young people would give this time to the Lord and that their hearts would be open for the Lord to gain them in their teenage years.

FTTA Graduation

The FTTA graduation will be this Saturday, June 29, 9:30 am in Anaheim. This term 115 trainees will graduate. Please pray for their faithful going on with the Lord outside the training environment, the willingness of many to serve full-time, and their blending into the church life wherever they go.

Let us also ask the Lord to operate in the hearts and situations of many more young saints to apply for the Fall 2019 term, which will begin on August 11. The deadline for U.S. applications is July 10.

North America College Training

Saints and churches are continuing to persevere in prayer for the upcoming NACT so that the Holy Spirit may move in an unprecedented way in this generation of college saints. To join the forty days of dedicated prayer (from June 11 to June 20, the last day of the training), visit these websites:

Bibles for America

A new and improved slipcover for the NT Recovery Version has been designed and is now being used to package our Bibles for distribution. The bold color and large lettering on the front serve as an advertisement for the Bible to whoever may see it, and the wording on the back highlights our online resources. Please pray that this new cover will be used by the Lord to create more awareness about this free gift so many more will order a free Bible. Pray that those who receive a Bible would be eager to open it, and would also be motivated to take advantage of our online resources.


The NT distribution at the German Protestant Church Festival (Kirchentag) took place this past weekend. About 70 saints of all ages from six localities participated during the event. Of the 6000 Bibles prepared, 5925 were distributed: 5640 German, 220 English, and 65 in other languages. Please pray:

  • for all the recipients to touch truth and life;

  • for the seekers to contact Bibles for Europe for further fellowship; and

  • for the door to remain open for our participation at the next festival in 2021 in Frankfurt.

Ethiopia College Training

Since last October’s ITERO in Addis Ababa, the Lord has opened many doors in the universities in Ethiopia. In December, an invitation to speak to a group of 50 seeking students in the southwest resulted in the word spreading to other universities and a one-week training attended by 500 students. These ones then went back to their respective campuses and shared what they heard with their friends. Many expressed their desire for a longer time of training during the summer.

After much prayer and consideration, there will be a one-week training in three locations this July and August. A total of 2,300 college students from over 25 universities are registered. These students are so eager and full of anticipation. They are ready to pay any price to attend despite the false accusations and slanderous talk they hear against us. Hallelujah!

Please pray for this time and consider giving to support the cost of training such a large number. (The average expense is $105 per person for one week.) Gifts may be given to the church in LA designated for ‘Ethiopia College Training.’ Through His move in the Body, may the Lord fully gain this group of college students for His testimony and advancement in Africa!

A more detailed report is posted at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 4 of The Development of the Kingdom of God in the Christian Life and the Church Life (April ITERO).

  2. Audio of the May 12 joint meeting of the church in LA is available at http://tinyurl.com/LAnextgen.

  3. Prayer for North America College Training: at http://collegetraining.org/2019/pray.php sign up to pray for 15-minute time slots; at http://www.40daysprayer.com subscribe to receive prayer burdens and updates.

  4. Audio/video of SoCal Blending Conference messages are at http://www.socalblending.org.

  5. Spanish language radio broadcast: Monday through Friday, 9:00 to 9:30 pm. LA County 100.3 FM; San Fernando Valley and Ventura County 90.3 FM.