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Summer Training

Genesis is a book containing all the seeds of the divine truths. All the divine truths in the whole Bible were sown in this book. (Life-study of Genesis, message 1)

Please beseech the Lord for a rich anointing on the speaking brothers and a spirit of wisdom and revelation in every trainee so that Genesis chapters 1 to 11 may be opened freshly and fully.

Raising Up the Next Generation

Lord’s Day, June 23, about 225 saints among the Spanish-speaking families gathered to have fellowship with Tom Goetz regarding the raising up the next generation in the church life. This fellowship spoke about the critical need to give attention to our own children and young people as the talents that God has given us. If we would care for them through their growing up, they will become young believers, seeds of the gospel, and ultimately our fellow laborers. This important labor among the children and young people is composed of four main points: a) Helping the children become gospel seeds sown in the schools, b) helping our young people have a proper humanity as a testimony and remedy to this present age, c) recognizing that bringing our young people into the church life through the homes is the way to keep our young people, and d) paying attention to a fundamental point in our service and that is to not replace the young people’s function but learning to bring them into working with us.

Please pray that the Lord would raise up the next generation of children and young people in Los Angeles and would provide a strong advancement in the area of the care of the children and young people throughout all of Los Angeles.

College Training

Approximately 420 saints will gather in Northern California for the West Coast College Training, July 8-14. This includes at least 54 saints from Los Angeles (14 serving ones and 40 students) plus 4 students and a serving one from Santa Barbara. We need many fighting prayers to cover this year’s training concerning the Lord’s Coming. Please pray that the Lord would:

  1. Gain the students’ full consecration to the Lord to be a factor to bring the Him back
  2. Develop each student’s personal relationship with Him
  3. Strengthen the students’ exercise of the spirit in their daily life
  4. Cause the students to incite one another to rise up and take the lead to bear fruit on their campuses
  5. Shepherd and inspire the incoming freshmen to give their college years fully to the Lord

BfA at Spanish-Speaking Pastors’ Conference

A number of Spanish-speaking pastors from a theological university in Puerto Rico have received and greatly appreciate the New Testament Recovery Version. Some currently even use the Recovery Version to teach classes in various theological universities and seminaries in Puerto Rico.

These pastors have invited BfA to give a presentation during a July 5-6 conference in Orlando, Florida, that will include approximately 100 pastors from Puerto Rico, the U.S., the Caribbean, and Central and South America. Please pray:

  • That the hearts of these pastors would be soft and open to receive more light from the Lord in the Word and in this ministry.
  • That the Lord would cover and be with the brothers in their presentation of BfA and the Recovery Version at this conference.

South Africa

Brother James Fite from Orange County is at FTT Pretoria for this final week of this term. His prayer request to us:

  • that the content, burden, and spirit of the lessons be faithfully and clearly released in the sharing and received by the trainees.
  • for the health and energy level of serving ones and trainees during this time.

West Africa Blending Conference

Four West African countries—Nigeria, Benin, Togo and Ghana—will hold a blending conference in Bohicon, Benin June 28 to 30. During this time, the saints will digest the 2013 Chinese-speaking conference messages. Please pray that:

  • Many saints from the four countries will attend and that crossing the borders will be easy.
  • The spirits of the saints will be fully released and be blended as they digest, enjoy, and seek to experience the unsearchable One.
  • The churches in West Africa will be refreshed through the blending.
  • The church in Bohicon will be blessed by the visiting saints.
  • The enemy would be bound.


  1. Morning revival: REPEAT week 11 of Crystallization of Daniel and Zechariah. July 1 to 7 we will use training verses or repeat week 12; prophesying will include both.
  2. Summer Training: for those registered for the live training in Anaheim, the packets will be distributed on the morning of Lord’s day, June 30th in your district. For those registered for video trainings, your badge and outlines will be available at the first meeting you attend.
  3. Remember the web site http://an-open-letter.org, with an overview of the recovery, some history, ministry portions, and testimonies from Christian leaders.
  4. An issue of the Lord’s Move in Africa newsletter is here: http://beseeching.org/beseeching/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/LMA-NL-Vol.-1.3-final.pdf.