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Summer Training

The summer training, our third in Genesis, is this week. Let us pray for the release and reception of the Lord’s word in a way that brings many onwards toward maturity.

College Trainings

About 50 saints from various parts in L.A. will be attending the west coast college trainings July 7-13 at Engedi and Occidental, California. The midwest and east coast trainings are July 14-20. Our topic this year is “The Humanity of Jesus.” In particular, please pray:

  1. For the Lord to speak a sanctifying and preserving word so that the students could have a proper humanity;
  2. For the students’ learning to spend personal time with the Lord, blending with each other, and picking up a burden for sinners’ salvation;
  3. For every student, especially the incoming college freshmen, to have the Lord’s personal appearing and to consecrate themselves fully to the Lord;
  4. For health, safe travel, and the binding of the enemy’s attempts to frustrate and/or distract students from attending the whole time and being focused completely on the Lord.

Summer School of Truth

The Summer School of Truth in Los Angeles will be July 18 through 26. Meals will be in districts; meetings will be in hall 5. Sign up at https://churchinlosangeles.org/ssot.

This summer we seek to learn, to appreciate, and to enter the enjoyment of God’s full salvation. We also desire an increase the involvement of more parents and an increase in participation of our young people in a continuing, vital, house-to-house church life, both in their own homes and in other homes. Please pray for this.

Gospel Report

Saturday, June 21, in Arcadia, the semi-annual Chinese-speaking gospel in-reaping had over 700 attend including 89 gospel friends. After the first session—the gospel truth forum—many gospel friends came to the podium to receive the Lord and 46 were baptized. In the second session, James Lee gave a gospel message on the true freedom (John 8:36) with another 5 baptized. There were many sisters praying during these two sessions; this is the key for us to receive the Lord’s blessing that night.


On June 19 approximately 30 saints from Germany, Switzerland, and Austria distributed German Recovery Version New Testaments at a Christian event in Stuttgart, Germany. According to the event website, there were over 21,000 participants that day. Because this was a gathering of many serious-minded and genuine believers in Christ, our burden was to distribute New Testaments and to make known and available the riches of the truths of the ministry to the German-speaking Christians. We felt that to a certain extent this was fulfilled on that day. All the New Testaments that we had, close to 700, were given out and 20 to 25% asked for further contact. Last, there was a sweet coordination and blending among the saints as they worked together to seek the increase. Please pray:

  • For the follow-up contact of the Bible recipients by the saints in the coming days; may many of these recipients be added to the churches as remaining fruit.
  • For a positive reception of the Recovery Version and a positive response by German-speaking Christians.

Myanmar (Burma)

Saturday, July 5 is a young people’s training. The following Saturday will be an elders’ training.


  1. Morning revival: repeat week 4 of Intrinsic Significance or summer training verses
    starting July 7: repeat week 5 of Intrinsic Significance or summer training verses
    starting July 14: week 1 of The Heavenly Vision (Memorial Day conference)