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Southern California Blending Conference

“God has blended the body together…” (1 Cor. 12:24b)

“In the blending of the churches we receive nourishment, we receive revelation, and we receive a vision of God’s eternal purpose concerning Christ and the church. Such a blending is not only for our own mutual spiritual benefit but is also for the mutual building up of the Body of Christ.” (1993 Blending Conference Messages concerning the Lord’s Recovery and Our Present Need, ch. 2)

“Are the churches in every area willing to be blended together as one? There may be fifteen churches in a particular region, but the question is whether or not they would be willing to be blended together. We may like to be independent under the cloak of being local.” (One Body and One Spirit, ch. 1)

“From now on, the churches should come together frequently to be blended. We may not be used to it, but after we begin to practice blending a few times, we will acquire the taste for it. This is the most helpful thing in the keeping of the oneness of the universal Body of Christ.” (The Divine and Mystical Realm, ch. 6)

This weekend, June 9 to 10, the Southern California Blending Conference will be held at the Ministry Conference Center (1200 N Hubbell Way, Anaheim, CA 92801). For the last three years, we have held similar conferences, and each time all who attended were encouraged. This practice of gathering the churches in Southern California has afforded the Lord an opportunity to speak a specific word for the present need of the Lord’s recovery. Bring your personal FM radio for translation into Chinese, Korean, and Spanish. The schedule is as follows:

SATURDAY: 4:00–5:45 pm Meeting 1; 5:45–7:00 Break (no food for sale); 7:00–8:45 pm Meeting 2

LORD’S DAY: 10:00–10:30 am Lord’s Table; 10:30 am–12:30 pm Meeting 3

Children’s service for K–6 will be provided during all sessions in Anaheim at 1853 W Ball Rd.
PLEASE NOTE: Lord’s Day, June 10, there will be no meetings in any of the halls in LA.

Please pray strongly for the Lord to gather all the saints for this special time of blending and that He will speak a timely word to meet the present need of all churches in Southern California.

Summer Training Webcasts in Los Angeles

This year’s Summer Training (July 2 to 7) will be a continuation of the Crystallization-study of Leviticus. For those who cannot attend the live sessions in Anaheim, the church has arranged for multiple webcast locations in Los Angeles: 3 simulcasts in English (Halls 2, 4, 5); 1 simulcast in Chinese (Hall 3); 2 simulcasts in Korean (Halls 1, 2); 1 simulcast in Spanish (Hall 1), and 1 delayed webcast in Spanish (Hall 2). The deadline to register is June 12 ($105). For more information, please fellowship with the registration coordinator in your district.

Ask the Lord to increase our number participating in His speaking to the churches in this training. Lord, make us willing and ready to be trained to live a holy, clean and rejoicing living!

Balkans Conference

This November will mark the sixth year since David and Elda Chang migrated from Los Angeles to serve in Albania. With a population of just under 3 million people, this small country is located in the Balkan Peninsula, across the Adriatic Sea from Italy; to its east is Macedonia and to its southeast is Greece. Over the years, many saints from LA have had the blessing of visiting the Chang family there. This fall, there is a wonderful opportunity for even more saints to visit and blend.

The saints in the Balkans warmly extend an invitation to all the saints and churches in the Lord’s recovery to participate in a weekend regional conference in Tirana, Albania on November 2 to 4, 2018. They are thankful to the Lord for the prayers of all the saints and churches throughout the earth, and now invite you to consider going to blend with them for the strengthening and spread of the Lord’s testimony in this region. We pray the Lord will bless this gathering for His further move in the Balkans, Europe, and the whole earth. Detailed information is at https://amanatrust.org.uk/events/conf2018.

It would be a tremendous blessing and encouragement if a good number of saints from LA could attend. Please contact David Ho <dave.t.ho@gmail.com> for questions or guidance about participating.

FTTL Graduation

The graduation meeting of the Full-Time Training in London will be this Saturday, June 9 at Bower House. Please pray for the Lord’s blessing on the graduating trainees to be useful, living and functioning members of the Body, as well as for a new crop of first-term trainees from the UK and Europe.

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The church in Addis Ababa was raised up in 2001 with just over 50 saints who were mostly university students. Since then, the church has grown to over 350 saints and there are over 20 localities in Ethiopia where the saints are meeting. Furthermore, 58 saints have now passed through at least one year of the two-year Full-time Pursuing Training; several have the burden to serve in a full-time way.

With over 105 million people, Ethiopia is the second most populous country in Africa. And there is a growing hunger in this country for the truth. But the church in Addis Ababa does not have a proper meeting facility. There is hardly any more room for the general meetings and no space for children and young people’s meetings.

After some years of fellowship, prayer, and searching, a suitable property is now under consideration. The land is 1.75 acres and may be used for both meetings and trainings. The plan is to renovate an existing two-floor building into offices and residences, and build a meeting hall for up to 1000 saints and a hospitality and blending center. This property will also serve as a center for the furtherance of the Lord’s move in Africa.

The market price for the property is $3.5 million, but the selling price is just over $2.5 million, since the current Orthodox Christian owners are favorable toward us, feeling good that the name of the Lord will be called on this property. A down payment of $365,000 is required by June 15, with full payment to follow within two months. The church in Addis Ababa will raise at least $100,000.

We present this to the Body for the consideration and prayer of the Body. Please pray for this transaction and for the Lord’s will to be done. If the Lord so burdens, you may give to the church in LA designated for ADDIS ABABA.

India and Sri Lanka

The Lord’s Move to Asia Newsletter describes the recent nationwide trainings for serving ones and young people in Sri Lanka. It also has a report on sisters’ prayer and vital groups in India.
http://lmasia.org/temp/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/E-2018-05.pdf (English)
http://lmasia.org/temp/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Asia-2018-05.pdf (Chinese)


  1. Morning revival: Week 9 of Crystallization-Study of Leviticus, Vol. 2. Continue to Week 10 after the SoCal Blending Conference.

  2. Audio of the May 6 joint meeting of the church in LA is available at http://tinyurl.com/greatgrace.

  3. The Summer Training will be July 2 to 7 in Anaheim and by local webcasts in LA. Registration for the webcast ($105) is due June 12. Saints from LA should register at http://tinyurl.com/summertrainingla and give cash/check payment to their district’s registration coordinator.

  4. The Summer School of Truth in Los Angeles is July 20 to 28. The topic is: The Church.

  5. Information on Germany and Europe, see the right side of https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.