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Seeing and Practicing the Scriptural Way to Meet and to Serve

“And He… gave Him to be Head over all things to the church, which is His Body…” (Eph. 1:22-23)

“Therefore we do not lose heart; but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day.” (2 Cor. 4:16)

We must see and practice the crucial points concerning the light and revelation we have received from the Lord regarding the scriptural way to meet and to serve for the building up of the Body of Christ:

  1. We must function as priests of the gospel, preaching the gospel and saving people by visitation.

  2. We must meet in the new believers’ homes, nourishing and cherishing them, so that our fruit may remain.

  3. We must teach and perfect the saints through the vital group meetings under the New Testament work of the ministry, unto the building up of the Body of Christ.

  4. We must lead the saints to pursue and desire prophesying in the church meetings, speaking for the Lord, and speaking forth the Lord, supplying the Lord to others, and speaking and listening to one another in mutuality for the building up of the saints and the church.

In order to practice the scriptural way to meet and to serve for the building up of the Body of Christ, we need a revived living and a labor in shepherding that flow out from our love of the Lord. (The Genuine Church Life, msg 5, I.A-D; II)

College Conference Registrations

The Spring College Conference (April 6 to 8 in Anaheim) provides college students a significant opportunity for blending, not only with other students, but with many families in Southern California who will provide hospitality. The registration deadline is this Lord’s Day, March 25. Please pray for the Lord to motivate and energize more college students to attend.

High School Brothers Conference

From March 23 to 25, brothers from across Southern California with gather at Oak Glen for the Spring 2018 High School Brothers Conference. For this conference we pray:

  • for the Lord to prepare the hearts of all of the brothers in Southern California;

  • that the young brothers would open to and experience the Lord as life who meets the need of every situation, condition, and person;

  • and that the issue of touching this life, in their experience, would be a house of feasting where they learn to serve, testify, and love the Lord to the uttermost.

GTCA Cities in California – Clovis

GTCA is the carrying out of the burden to gospelize, truthize, and churchize America. This long-term labor is part of the one, unique work of the Lord to build up the Body of Christ. Each week we will pray for one of the 2018 target cities in California.

Clovis is northeast of Fresno. It is the location of a community college and near Cal State University-Fresno. There are 20 saints living in Clovis who presently meet with the church in Fresno. The FTTA gospel trips this year included time on the campuses and door-knocking in the community. Lord, raise up a solid testimony to be Your shining lampstand in Clovis!

Bibles for America

On average, over 84,000 people visit the BfA Blog each month. Many are subscribers; others are people who come to our site by clicking on BfA blog posts that show up in their online search results.

As the number of people coming to our site via the blog increases, more people in this country have an opportunity to discover the rich ministry of the age. Please pray for all of these visitors to

  • notice the free NT Recovery Version offer and books and order them.

  • read them and be brought into the full knowledge of the truth and the experience of Christ as life.

European University Conference

The Spring European University Conference will take place March 23 to 25 in the Netherlands. The subject will be “The Humanity of Jesus for the Fulfillment of God’s Purpose.” We feel that this topic is very much according to the Lord’s heart, and it is also stirring up His enemy’s opposition.

Please pray that the Lord will prepare the hearts of the university-age saints from all over Europe and release them to attend the conference. Please pray also that the Lord’s blessing will be poured out on every aspect of this gathering.

Impact of the ICSC in Europe

A good number of saints from Europe, including 60 from Germany, attended the February International Chinese-speaking Conference in Taipei. The subject was “The Goal of the Lord’s Recovery—to Bring Forth the One New Man.” Please pray that all the saints in Europe will see the vision of the one new man and will have the personal experiences needed to save them from their cultures and to bring forth and live out the one new man on earth today.

Polish Recovery Version

The Polish Recovery Version NT is available beginning this month! Last week, 15 saints in Krakow distributed copies of the NT along with an insert on how to use it, plus The Basic Elements of Christian Life. Over these next two weeks, there will be open days at the universities for the incoming students for the 2018 autumn semester—one was last week and another three universities are this week. Please pray that the Lord would open to us a door to reach many Polish seeking students in these universities.


  1. Morning revival: Week 5 of The Genuine Church Life. After next week, we will begin The Crystallization-Study of Leviticus, Vol. 1 (Winter Training).

  2. Joint LA Meeting: The whole church in Los Angeles will meet together on Lord’s Day, May 6 at LA Trade Tech College.

  3. College Conference will be April 6 to 8 in Anaheim. Registration due March 25.

  4. Junior High Brothers Conference will be April 20 to 22 at Oak Glen. Registration due April 8.

  5. International Memorial Day Conference will be May 25 to 28 in Kansas City, Missouri. Conference and hotel information is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer. Saints from LA attending are requested to RSVP no later than April 29 at http://tinyurl.com/memdayla (adults) or http://tinyurl.com/memchildrenla (children).

  6. Information about Germany and Europe: see the right side of https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.