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The Consciousness of the One New Man

“God is my witness how I long after you all in the inward parts of Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 1:8)

“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 2:5)

“[In the new man] there cannot be Greek and Jew, circumcision and uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free man, but Christ is all and in all. Put on therefore…inward parts of compassion, kindness, lowliness, meekness, long-suffering.” (Col. 3:11-12)

The one new man comes into being as we are saturated, filled, and permeated with Christ and replaced by Him through an organic process. In order to practice the church life in the consciousness of the one new man, we need to live in the inward parts of Christ Jesus and take Christ’s inward parts as our own. (The Genuine Church Life, I.E.2, III.)

Chinese-Speaking Blending and Perfecting at Oak Glen

This weekend Chinese-speaking saints from L.A. will have a retreat at Oak Glen. Some saints from six other localities (SoCal and Phoenix) will join us; our total number will be close to 200. There are two main burdens this time: 1) we will all consecrate ourselves to love the Lord and the church life whether we are students, young adults, or families; 2) we will enjoy the humanity of Jesus for our life and service of the church, that is to practice the God-ordained way through the vital groups. Please pray that the burdens be well-received by the saints, and give us a enjoyable and profitable weekend.

UCLA Spring Break Blending Trips

Every year, the students at UCLA go on blending trips to various parts of the US to have their vision of the Body of Christ enlarged and refreshed. This year, a group of 14 will go to Atlanta, Murfreesboro, and Knoxville; another 12 will go to Washington, DC and Philadelphia; and a few will attend FTTA short term. Please pray:

  • for the bountiful supply to the saints in the host localities in their receiving us and that this kind of pattern would have a definite impact on our students and be reproduced;

  • for safe travels and that the times in the vehicles would be filled with the enjoyment of Christ;

  • that the blending would usher in an enlarged and refreshed vision of the Body of Christ;

  • that those short-terming would receive the maximum benefit in their time in the training.

Summer Training Registration

Registration for the 2018 Summer Training (July 2 to 7) is open now: $205 for Anaheim. Ask the Lord to increase our number participating in His speaking to the churches in this training on Leviticus. Registration deadline for live is April 27 and for webcast is June 12 at: http://tinyurl.com/summertrainingla.

Bibles for America

Over the last five years, BfA has produced over 60 videos, with over 1.7 million views across its website and YouTube. These videos have been a great source of help to many people. They cover the following general categories: gospel messages, Bible truths, Recovery Version and Christian books, and inspirational testimonies. BfA videos can be found at http://biblesforamerica.org/videos.

Please pray for many more people to enrich their Christian lives by watching these spiritually nourishing videos and sharing them with others.


The International Blending Conference is in London March 30 through April 1. The general subject is “The Crucial Revelation of Life in the Scriptures.” Please pray for the gathering of the saints from all over Europe for this annual spring conference. Pray also for the Lord’s covering of every aspect of this conference, the release of the His up-to-date speaking, and the advance of the His move.

GTCA Cities in California – Folsom

GTCA is the carrying out of the burden to gospelize, truthize, and churchize America. This long-term labor is part of the one, unique work of the Lord to build up the Body of Christ. Each week we are praying for one of the 2018 target cities in California.

Folsom is northeast of Sacramento, less than 12 miles from the church in Roseville. We have a local prayer meeting, children’s meeting, various home meetings and Bible studies, and host a weekly BfA table in Folsom City College. After fellowship with the brothers in the region, we had our first table meeting as a district in October 2016. There has been some traction with the local people through the children’s meeting yet we feel like there is room for the Lord to grow.

Lord, grow, and gain the local people.


The church in Stuttgart is in need of a meeting hall. Please pray that the most suitable location at the most affordable price would be released in a timely manner.

There is the need for a new meeting hall for the church in Berlin that will match what the Lord wants to do for His testimony there. The brothers have found two potential places. May the Lord lead them in the decision.


  1. Morning revival: Week 6 of The Genuine Church Life. Next week, we will begin Crystallization-Study of Leviticus, Vol. 1 (Winter Training).

  2. Joint LA Meeting: The whole church in Los Angeles will meet together on Lord’s Day, May 6 at LA Trade Tech College.

  3. Junior High Brothers Conference will be April 20 to 22 at Oak Glen. Registration due April 8.

  4. International Memorial Day Conference will be May 25 to 28 in Kansas City, Missouri. Conference and hotel information is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer. Saints from LA attending are requested to RSVP no later than April 29 at http://tinyurl.com/memdayla (adults) or http://tinyurl.com/memchildrenla (children).

  5. Information about Germany and Europe: see the right side of https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.