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He Must Increase

Today in the Lord’s recovery the greatest need, the primary need, is to gain the increase. A house cannot be built without materials. We need to save sinners through the preaching of the gospel that they may become material for the building up of the church as the house of God….If we mean business with the Lord for His recovery, we need to consider our present situation seriously. We should not be comfortable concerning the present situation of the Lord’s recovery, especially regarding the matter of increase. (1992, Fellowship Concerning the Urgent Need of the Vital Groups, Chapter 19, pp. 184-185)

Increase is the burden for the Southern California Blending Conference, Saturday, April 30, 4 to 5:45 pm and 7 to 8:45 pm (bring your own dinner) and Lord’s Day, May 1, 10 am to 12:30 pm. Translation into Spanish, Chinese, and Korean will be available through personal FM radios. Information about limited childcare will be provided in the coming weeks.

Junior High Sisters Conference

The Junior High Sisters Conference is April 1-3 at Oak Glen.

Oak Glen

In December 2015 the churches in Southern California became owners of the Southern California Blending Center at Oak Glen (https://oakglen.org). This spring all our young people’s conferences are here. The downpayment was 20 percent of the purchase price. The seller is loaning us 80 percent, to be paid through 2016 and 2017. Thank the Lord for this purchase and ask Him to keep us in His grace for our giving (to the church, marked for Oak Glen) for the payment of this loan.


In addition to the on-going labor by local saints and visiting full-timers, the third two-week, follow-up gospel trip began Lord’s Day, March 27 (none from L.A. are on this trip, but five sisters formerly in L.A. are on the trip; ask the Lord to release more for the following trips). Please pray:

  • that the Lord of the harvest will thrust out more workers into the harvest in Germany;
  • for the continuing shepherding care of the refugees to bring them to salvation and into the church life;
  • that the Lord will raise up more translators and perfect many of them to be our co-workers;
  • for the openness of the German people to the gospel and the ministry;
  • for the strengthening of the church life in Germany through an increase in number and the growth and building up in life.

Frankfurt, Germany

Our annual German-speaking conference will be the weekend of May 14 to 16 in Frankfurt. We also plan to start the Lord’s table in Frankfurt that weekend when the German-speaking saints are together. We expect 600+ saints to attend (much larger than prior years). Please pray for:

  • the release of a conference venue to accommodate all the saints, and
  • the finding and release of a facility to meet the current on-going need in the day-to-day church life in Frankfurt and in the work with the refugees and Bible recipients.

Summer Training Registration

Summer Training registration is open now; $155 for Anaheim, July 4-9; $80 for video in LA. Register at http://tinyurl.com/summertrainingla. A paper form is available in the halls as an alternative.

Ask the Lord to increase our number participating in His speaking to the churches in this training.


Thank you so much for your prayers for Albania and for the Yowells’ trip there last week! It was evident in so many ways that the Lord’s blessing was on this trip. There was a sweet anointing as we spent the week with the Changs and Carol Song. The Lord truly flowed in a divinely human way.

Furthermore, we had the largest gathering of saints together at one time at the Changs’ place—13 adults and 7 kids! For 2 newer ones, it was their first Lord’s day meeting. Another family (Mark and Irina) opened their home for the first time and invited us and the Changs for a meal. We also were able to spend quality time with Stela, a key sister there, despite her busy work schedule.

In one gathering, we covered Matthew 26 on loving the Lord and consecrating to Him. In another gathering we fellowshipped about the need for regular prayer in twos and threes. Later, we also began to teach some saints how to pray-read.

Overall, it was such a precious time. We need to continue to stand with the Changs as they continue to stand for the Lord’s move there. It is not easy to be there, and they need continued blending in order to receive the supply from the Body. Please see this video for more direction in your prayer: https://youtu.be/ 5nRw7PD84wA.

Lord’s Move to Asia

The current two-page newsletter has good reports from Myanmar, Vietnam, and Sri Lanka.
http://lmasia.org/temp/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/E-2016-03.pdf (English)
http://lmasia.org/temp/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Asia-2016-03.pdf (Chinese)


  1. Morning revival: Week 26 in Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 5.
  2. High School Sisters Conference is April 15-17 at Oak Glen; registration deadline is April 3.
  3. The Spring College Conference will be in Anaheim April 15 to 17. http://www.college-conference.com/.
  4. The European YP Conference will be July 29 to August 4 in Poland; https://ypconference.eu.
  5. The Lord’s move in Germany:
    Reports are on a public Facebook page Germany Update http://facebook.com/germanyupdate. Information about follow-up gospel trips is at http://germany2016.amanatrust.org.uk.
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at http://www.lordsmove.org/information.html.