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Participate In, Experience, Enjoy, and Possess the Triune God

“Go therefore and disciple all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” (Matt. 28:19)

“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” (2 Cor. 13:14)

The divine revelation of the trinity of the Godhead in the holy Word, from Genesis through Revelation, is not for theological study but for the apprehending of how God in His mysterious and marvelous trinity dispenses Himself into His chosen people, that we as His chosen and redeemed people may, as indicated in the apostle’s blessing to the Corinthian believers, participate in, experience, enjoy, and possess the processed Triune God now and for eternity. (2 Cor. 13:14, note 1, last paragraph)

It is altogether worthwhile for us to spend our time and energy, with a spirit of prayer, to exercise our entire being to conduct a thorough and exhaustive study of the Divine Trinity as revealed in the holy Word. (Crystallization-Study of Numbers, week 6, II.)

Los Angeles Campuses

April is a critical month for the labor on the college campuses in LA. We desperately need the prayers of all the saints to fight the battle for our students to be fully gained for the Lord:

  1. Reestablishing contact at UCLA — At UCLA, the saints will be laboring to reestablish regular contact with all of the students at the beginning of the new spring quarter.

  2. Good finish at USC and CSUN — At USC and CSUN, this will be the final full month of classes for this academic year, our last opportunity to further solidify the students in the church life.

  3. College Conference — We are beseeching the Lord that many of our newer and younger ones would attend the college conference, April 19 to 21, in Anaheim, and see a vision of God’s purpose that will capture them.

  4. College decisions for high school seniors — April is also the month when high school seniors decide which college to attend in the fall; may the Lord place each one as He wills for His economy.

    • CSUN has an open house for all admitted students April 6; hall 2 will have a table at that event.

    • UCLA has an open house for all admitted students April 13; hall 5 will have an open house for high school juniors and seniors April 12 to 14 to provide a foretaste of the church life at UCLA.

  5. North America College Training — Perhaps most importantly of all, the first deadline to sign up is April 15. This special event only takes place once every four years, and we are asking the Lord to send more students than ever from LA to this time, including our graduating high school seniors. Many are asking time off from internships and even summer school so that they can be there. Others are facing pressure from other directions, preventing them from coming. May all of the enemy’s frustrations be bound and may a myriad of students be fully released to attend the college training!

July Semiannual Training Registrations

Registration and payment for the July 2019 Semiannual Training (July 1 to 6) is open until April 28 for the live training in Anaheim ($205) and June 11 for webcasts in LA ($105). Late registrations will not be accepted. Saints in LA should register online at http://tinyurl.com/summertrainingla and follow payment directions. Please ask the Lord to release as many saints as possible to participate in His speaking to the churches in this training on Numbers.

We hope that many saints from the church in Los Angeles will seize the opportunity to participate in this training. As the Lord leads, may many be led of the Lord to budget their time and money so that they can physically attend the meetings. “You [Timothy] have closely followed my teaching, conduct, purpose, faith, long-suffering, love, endurance” (2 Tim. 3:10). May we likewise closely follow the Lord’s up-to-date speaking so that the Lord may build His Body and prepare His bride.

Bibles for America

BfA is currently developing an easy-to-use online site for ordering BfA materials. Saints can order items such as gospel tracts and distribution kits, and churches can order bulk quantities of Bibles, books, and other items for outreach activities. This much improved site will replace LetHisWordRun.com, which is no longer in use.

Please pray for the Lord to head up all of the many details related to the site’s development and timely completion. We pray the Lord will use it to facilitate the distribution of the free Bibles and books to those who hunger for God’s Word.


  1. At the March 21 to 24 book festival in Leipzig 5060 NTs were given out and some ministry books were sold. The large majority of the visitors were typical Germans with a good number from the greater Leipzig area. The saints in Leipzig have contact information from multiple NT recipients. Please ask the Lord to grow in these recipients as they read, and to give them a hunger to order ministry books. May the Lord gain many for the church life in Leipzig.

  2. Twenty-five FTTT trainees will be in Germany from April 2 to May 3. They will be labor in small groups with local saints in various cities. Please pray that the Lord will bless this gospel trip, that the trainees and the locals will enjoy the Lord together richly, that their service in the gospel and shepherding in coordination with the local saints will advance the Lord’s move in Germany, and that the trainees will receive an enlarged vision of and burden for the Lord’s move in Europe.


The European university conference was March 29 to 31. Attendance was 326 including 191 students. Six were baptized. Fourteen European nations participated. Pray that all will continue in the jubilee by eating, drinking, breathing Jesus.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 6 of Crystallization-Study of Numbers, vol. 1.

  2. July 2019 Semiannual Training is July 1 to 6. Registration is now open until April 28 for the live sessions in Anaheim ($205) and June 11 for webcasts in LA ($105). No late registrations. Saints in LA are invited to register online at http://tinyurl.com/summertrainingla and follow payment directions.

  3. 6th Grade Conference at Oak Glen will be May 3 to 5. Registration deadline is April 21.

  4. Southern California Blending Conference will be June 8 and 9 in Anaheim.

  5. Junior High School Conferences at Oak Glen: for sisters, April 12 to 14 (registration due March 31); for brothers, April 19 to 21 (registration due April 7).

  6. Memorial Day Conference will be May 24 to 27 in Seattle, WA. Conference information, including MORE ROOMS at an ADDITIONAL HOTEL, is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer. Saints from LA attending should RSVP no later than April 28 at http://tinyurl.com/memdayla (adults) and http://tinyurl.com/memchildrenla (children).

  7. Germany & Europe Info: https://churchinlosangeles.org/information-about-germany-and-europe.