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A Vessel to Contain the Lord and to Express Him

Jesus…came to Bethany, where Lazarus was, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. Therefore they made Him a supper there; and Martha served, but Lazarus was one of the ones reclining at table with Him. Then Mary took a pound of ointment, of very valuable pure nard, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair; and the house was filled with the fragrance of the ointment. (John 12:1-3)

The issue of life is the church life as a house of feasting. The house of feasting is produced by the resurrection life; the church is the produce of the resurrection life. In the real church life the service to the Lord is rendered, the testimony of the Lord is seen, and the love toward the Lord is poured out; this is the real expression of the Body of the Lord, which is a vessel to contain the Lord and to express Him. (The Genuine Church Life, msg 3, II, II.A, II.H.4.b)

Lord, bring us fully into resurrection to feast with You and express You.

High School Sisters Conference

From March 9 to 11, sisters from across Southern California with gather at Oak Glen for the Spring 2018 High School Sisters Conference. For this conference we pray:

  • for the Lord to prepare the hearts of all of the sisters in Southern California;

  • that the young people would open to and experience the Lord as life who meets the need of every situation, condition, and person;

  • and that the issue of touching this life, in their experience, would be a house of feasting where they learn to serve, testify, and love the Lord to the uttermost.


The spring term of the Middle-age Training in Anaheim begins March 12. Lord, release the saints from every restraint, and grace them inwardly to give themselves to begin or to continue this training!

Bibles for America

Radio spots advertising free Bibles from BfA aired two weeks ago on over 150 stations in major cities and smaller towns all over the U.S. The advertisements, announcing our free offer for a NT Recovery Version, were sponsored and produced by a brother in coordination with BfA. Please pray:

  • For the people who heard the ads to be interested in receiving this unique free study Bible.

  • For them to follow through and place an online order.


The Spring European university conference will be March 23 to 25. Please ask the Lord to release many students to register and attend the conference.


This weekend, March 9 to 11, there will be a German-speaking young people’s conference.

South Africa

From March 9 to 11, the annual National Conference will take place in Pretoria, South Africa. Brothers Mark Raabe and Michael Stewart will be with us.

  • It is a new conference venue in a much more central part of the province. We are grateful for this new arrangement but please pray for grace that the logistics and practical arrangements would be properly taken care of and not be a hindrance or distraction.

  • May the Lord to release His up to date speaking related to the one new man.

  • Pray that there would be many new and existing ones and that the Lord would specifically burden us whom to invite. The capacity of the venue has increased from 350 to 700, allowing for more attendees.

  • May the Lord increase the blending during the conference weekend, both within the homes and in the times between the meetings.


In 1981, the testimony of the Lord’s recovery was in only 8 of the 48 Asian countries. Through the spread of the ministry and the migration of the saints, now the testimony of the Lord’s recovery can be seen in 36 Asian countries. In recent years, the labor and coordination between the local saints and overseas saints has resulted in the increase of the churches. The Recovery Version and the Life-Studies have also been translated into various Asian languages. By the saints being perfected to function, the churches have had much breakthrough in the gospel and in the spread of the testimonies.

However, we still need to pray for the 12 countries in Asia that do not yet have this testimony.

http://lmasia.org/temp/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/E-2018-02.pdf (English)

http://lmasia.org/temp/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Asia-2018-02.pdf (Chinese)


The current newsletter of the churches in India (at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer) has reports and photos on a brothers’ training, propagation on campuses, participation in the International Chinese-Speaking Conference, and practice of the God-ordained way.

Pray for the ongoing translation of the Recovery Version into six Indian languages (with one addition language to be started), pray for the Lord’s covering of the tripartite beings of all the translators so that the knowledge of Jehovah may fill the entire land of India. Please also remember the finances needed for this project.


  1. Morning revival: Week 3 of The Genuine Church Life.

  2. Brothers High School Conference is March 23 to 25 at Oak Glen. Registration due March 11.

  3. College Conference will be April 6 to 8 in Anaheim. Registration due March 25.

  4. International Memorial Day Conference will be May 25 to 28 in Kansas City, Missouri. Conference and hotel information is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer. Saints from LA attending are requested to RSVP no later than April 29 at http://tinyurl.com/memdayla (adults) or http://tinyurl.com/memchildrenla (children).

  5. Information about Germany and Europe: see the right side of https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.