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The Gospel for the Increase unto the Consummation of the Age

The Southern California Blending Conference last weekend has the general subject The Primary Need for Increase in the Lord’s Recovery through the Universal Practice of the Priesthood of the Gospel. The three messages are highlighted in the following three prayer topics.

“What will be the sign of Your coming and of the consummation of the age?” “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole inhabited earth for a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:3b, 14 Conference outlines, audios, and videos will be posted by Tuesday afternoon at http://tinyurl.com/2016SoCalBlendingConference.

The Contents of the Gospel and the Charge to Spread the Gospel

“Jesus came into Galilee, proclaiming the gospel of God, and saying, The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God has drawn near. Repent and believe in the gospel.” Mark 1:14-15

“Go therefore and disciple all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them….And behold, I am with you all the days until the consummation of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

You…need to consider yourself, in particular where you are in relation to the carrying out of God’s New Testament economy. What is on your heart? What have you seen as a heavenly vision regarding the divine economy? How will you carry out the vision you have seen? Let us all spend time before the Lord in order to be filled with the burden of God’s New Testament economy. LS Acts, msg 67, sec 3

Lord, draw each one of us to have such a time with You to consider these questions thoroughly.

Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, Gaining People for the Kingdom, and Producing the Churches—the Kingdom of God

“When they believed Philip, who announced the gospel of the kingdom of God and of the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized” Acts 8:12

The subject of Acts is the propagation of the resurrected Christ in His ascension, by the Spirit, through the disciples, for the producing of the churches—the kingdom of God.

Let us all be filled with the riches of God’s New Testament economy and then carry out the burden for God’s economy positively and aggressively. We all can become aggressive if we are filled and saturated. I hope that in the coming years there will be a great increase for the Lord’s propagation. May there be a real stirring up throughout the earth! LS Acts, msg 55, sec 3

Practicing the Priesthood of the Gospel for the Increase

“That I might be a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles, a laboring priest of the gospel of God, in order that the offering of the Gentiles might be acceptable, having been sanctified in the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:16

The greatest need in the Lord’s recovery is to gain the increase. This increase is not by saints merely going out to preach the gospel individually, but by the saints being built up together to be a priesthood. Such a priesthood enables the saints to conduct themselves worthy of the gospel of Christ (Phil 1:27).

In this message, ten practical points were given on how we can conduct ourselves worthy of such a gospel: 1) call on the Lord 2 or 3 times every morning; 2) pray-read 2 or 3 verses, 3) pray 2 or 3 times a day with short prayers to the Lord 4) read 2 or 3 chapters of the Bible each day; 5) read 2 or 3 life-studies a week; 6) attend 2 or 3 meetings a week, 7) meet with 2 or 3 companions a week; 8) budget our time to contact 2 or 3 people a week; 9) shepherd 2 or 3 saints a week; and 10) bear 2 or 3 remaining fruit in 10 years.

Pray that the Lord would bring the church in Los Angeles into this burden and add to the church for the sake of His dwelling place on the earth.

Church in Los Angeles

The whole church will meet Lord’s Day, May 22, at L.A. Trade Tech College at 10 am. (We will not have a corporate lunch, but we encourage groups of saints to go to nearby restaurants for lunch.)

Sixth Grade Conference

The Sixth Grade Conference will take place May 6 to 8 at Oak Glen. Pray for the Lord to bring as many sixth graders as possible to this conference from across LA for a genuine and solid salvation experience and (following the conference) to grant them a meaningful baptism and a good start to their church life.

Earthquake in Ecuador

The churches in Ecuador are still recovering from the devastating earthquake on April 16 which mostly affected the coastal provinces of Manabí and Guayas. In the days immediately following, the saints were all accounted for and had not suffered much damage, except one couple and their granddaughter, who died when their building collapsed. As of last week, many saints were still without electricity, running water, and employment.

The churches have responded generously to meet the practical needs of saints in the areas affected by the earthquake. In the midst of this difficult situation, the saints are continuing steadfastly and proclaiming Christ as the gospel. One of the truck drivers hired to deliver supplies was so moved by the love of the saints that he was baptized with joy. Many saints who were not meeting have returned with a fresh consecration.

Please continue to pray for all the saints to be covered and supplied in their practical needs and energized for the gospel that the Lord’s testimony in Ecuador could shine even brighter.
There is a need for financial assistance. Checks should be made out to the church here and designated “Ecuador earthquake relief” or given directly to the Church in Anaheim with the same designation.

Europe, One-Week Trainings

Each of the four weeks in May there are one-week trainings in London open to all in Europe. Some who are new to the recovery will attend. Each training is on The Four Great Pillars in the Lord’s Recovery: Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel.


The annual conference is May 7 to 8 in Rome.


  1. Morning revival: REPEAT week 30 in Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 5.
    May 9-14, Week 31; May 16-21, repeat Week 31; May 23-28, Week 32
    Hold on to Material Offerings and the Lord’s Move Today. We will use it more later this year.
  2. The L.A. Summer School of Truth will be on the Two Spirits; the dates are July 22 to 30.
  3. The European YP Conference will be July 29 to August 4 in Poland; https://ypconference.eu.
  4. The Lord’s move in Germany:
    Reports are on a public Facebook page Germany Update http://facebook.com/germanyupdate. Information about follow-up gospel trips is at http://germany2016.amanatrust.org.uk.
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at http://www.lordsmove.org/information.html.