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Choose Life!

“…I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse; therefore choose life that you and your seed may live, in loving Jehovah your God by listening to His voice and holding fast to Him; for He is your life and the length of your days…” (Deut. 30:19-20)

God uses two trees to speak to us in a parable. The tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil are a kind of parable. They show us that man has two different kinds of food and can live either by life or by the knowledge of good and evil, that is, the knowledge of right and wrong….Some Christians take the principle of right and wrong as the standard for their living, while other Christians take the principle of life as their standard for living. (Watchman Nee, Two Principles of Living, pp. 2-3)

May we be Christians who take the principle of life as our standard for living. May we be those who …discern and respond to matters (including the pandemic and related government actions) not according to right and wrong but according to life and death.

LA Gospel to All Nations

“I am debtor both to Greeks and to barbarians, both to wise and to foolish.” (Rom. 1:14)

“If I preach the gospel, I have no boast, for necessity is laid upon me; for woe to me if I do not preach the gospel. If I do this of my own will, I have a reward; but if not of my own will, I am entrusted with a stewardship.” (1 Cor. 9:16-17)

In recent weeks, the church held Chinese-speaking and English-speaking meetings to share the good news of Jesus Christ with our friends, relatives, and neighbors. Our Korean-speaking meeting will be May 29 and our Spanish-speaking meeting will be May 30 and sixth grade (below). Let us pray for:

  • much willingness to follow-up with those who attended the recent meetings and to nourish them;

  • abundant wisdom and grace to the saints preparing for the upcoming two meetings;

  • saints to rise up to pray for and invite their neighbors, friends, and family members; and

  • the Spirit to operate in the hearts of the invitees to release them to participate and to receive the Spirit’s speaking in the meetings.

Campus Team Retreat

This week, from Monday to Thursday, campus full-timers from across the US and some other countries are meeting together for fellowship. Please pray that the Lord would:

  • blend all the workers together to do the one work on the campuses to build up His one Body;

  • guide them into His up-to-date direction during this unprecedented time; and

  • grant them the way to help the students rise up on each campus to take action for the Lord’s move.

SoCal Sixth Grade Students

Now is a good time to be reminded that we do not rely only on the sixth grade conference for our children to be saved. We must rely on the Lord’s timing, convicting, and calling of our children. This year, because the conference is canceled, it will depend, more than ever, upon the parents and vital groups in the churches to lead the 6th graders who are ready for salvation and to prepare them for their baptism.

A letter from SoCal Young People about our sixth graders is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer. This letter discusses prayer, a definite and personal experience of salvation, baptism, and a good beginning of the Christian life. A 15-minute video for the parents and three simple gospel videos are at http://www.scyp.com/6th-grade.

A gospel time for LA sixth graders with their families and close friends will be May 6. Please pray for attendance by all, assurance to those who have already received the Lord, and a definite salvation for those who have not yet received the Lord.

Virtual European YP Conference

The conference subject is “Men Who Turn the Age.” The first meeting is Saturday, May 16, 10:30 am to 12:30 pm California time. (Later dates are in the Announcements section below.) Lord, bless this conference with rich speaking, full participation, and a solid response by every young person!

Lord’s Move to Asia

Pray that the Lord may have a way in the following countries, in which we are not conscious of anything of the recovery: Afghanistan, Iraq, Maldives, North Korea, Palestine, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Yemen.


  1. Morning Revival: Crystallization-study of Deuteronomy, week 12. Next week, REPEAT week 12.
    May 25 we will begin The Will of God (March 2020 ITERO).

  2. Giving to the church at this time, see https://churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.

  3. The Memorial Day Conference will be held completely online from May 22 to 25. The conference messages will be streamed free of charge from http://conf.lsmwebcast.com in different languages.

  4. The European Young People’s Conference will be online, Saturdays, May 16 and June 20, Friday July 31 to Monday, August 3, and Saturday, August 29. The Parents Conference will be June 5 to 7 and the Family Conference will be June 26 to 28. Details are at http://ypconference.eu.

Online Resources

  1. The Church in Los Angeles has a new YouTube channel to show videos from recent gatherings, such as gospel meetings and midweek perfecting fellowships. http://youtube.com/churchinlosangeles

  2. The Bible Tells Me So is posting daily videos on weekdays to help foster a “Family Time” in each household. http://www.thebibletellsmeso.com/familytime

  3. LSM Webcast is offering access at a reduced subscription rate until June 30. http://www.lsmwebcast.com

  4. LSM Christian Radio broadcasts hymns and messages 24 hours each day. http://lsmchristianradio.com

  5. Bibles for America has a new webpage with easy-to-use resources for telling people about God’s salvation. http://gospel.biblesforamerica.org

  6. GTCA updates ongoing burdens about the ten target cities for migration this year. http://gtca.us

  7. Living to Him provides a forum for helping young working saints to practically enter into a vital living for the building up of the Body of Christ. http://livingtohim.com