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Preparing, Raising up, Shepherding the Next Generation

“This charge I commit to you, my child Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you might war the good warfare.” (1 Tim. 1:18)

“O Timothy, guard the deposit.” (1 Tim. 6:20) Deposit: That which was committed and entrusted to Timothy, the healthy words that he received from Paul, not only for himself but also for others. (note 1)

The Lord surely loves and cares for our children and young people, and His good intention for them is that they would become the next generation in His move. Throughout history He has depended on the faithful labor of His saints to raise up the next generation, mainly their own children, for the continuation of His divine economy on the earth.

The lessons learned by the first generation [among Israel in the wilderness] surely became part of the heritage passed on to the second generation.

The second generation did not pass through as much as the first generation did, but they received the benefit of what the first generation experienced. I believe that the older generation told the younger generation about all they experienced, enjoyed, and suffered. This speaking was part of the raising up, or the building up, of the second generation. (Raising Up the Next Generation for the Church Life, foreword and chap. 17, sec. 5)

Lord, release the entire spiritual heritage, both enjoyment an suffering, of our older generation for the preparing and raising up of our next generation.

Memorial Day Conference

“The seasons (feasts) appointed by God as holy convocations signify the gathering of God’s redeemed people to have a festival with God for His joy and enjoyment so that the redeemed may participate in it with Him and with one another. According to Leviticus 23, there were seven annual feasts. Seven is the number of fullness. The seven annual feasts were in the fullness of God’s riches.” (Truth Lessons, Level 3, Vol. 2, ch. 8, sec. 2)

This weekend’s Memorial Day Conference (May 24 to 27) in Seattle, Washington is one of our seven New Testament “feasts.” Please pray that the Lord will take more crucial steps in expanding and enriching our experiences of Christ for the advancement of His purpose.

Many localities, including LA, will be partaking of this time via webcast. Pray that many will give their time to attend these webcasts and to speak with one another after the meetings. Lord, prepare us all to feast with You for Your joy and for our enjoyment with You and with one another!

SoCal Blending Conference and Weekend Children’s Camp

The Southern California Blending Conference will be June 8 to 9 in Anaheim. For the last several years, we had similar conferences, and each time all who attended were encouraged. This practice of gathering the churches in Southern California has afforded the Lord an opportunity to speak a specific word for the present need of the Lord’s recovery. All the saints are encouraged to reserve this weekend to gather together for corporate blending and to enter into the Lord’s present speaking to the local churches in Southern California.

On the same weekend, there will be a wonderful time of blending for the dear children of the saints in the churches at the Southern California Weekend Children’s Camp. This gathering is open to children in K to 6th grade; please register as early as possible before June 4.

Volunteers are needed for a number of services; please sign up at http://tinyurl.com/scbcla.

All information, including children’s registration, is at http://www.socalblending.org.

North America College Training

Late last week, 2780 of the 2800 spots at the upcoming North America College Training were filled. From Los Angeles, we have 108 saints participating, including 55 undergrads, 3 grad students, and 16 high school seniors. The others are trainees and serving saints. Thank the Lord for what He has done so far. Please continue to keep all of these ones in your prayers!

Bibles for America

Thanks to your effectual prayers, all obstacles to shipping The All-inclusive Christ at low rates have been removed. We are moving forward to make this helpful book available to the public soon. Please pray for many thousands of seeking Christians to learn of this special offer and place an order. Pray that this book will bring more of God’s children into the experience of Christ as their rich, all-inclusive portion.


Nineteen FTTA-XB trainees complete their three-week gospel trip in Germany this Tuesday. Please pray that they receive an enlarged vision and a strengthened burden for the Lord’s move in Europe. Please also ask the Lord to continue shepherding all the new contacts through the local saints in Germany to gain remaining fruit for the strengthening of His testimony in Germany.


A group of saints visited the saints in Malta May 12 to 17. (There were a few prior visits in recent years.) They also had fellowship with a pastor and distributed Bibles at the university. Please pray that the Lord will gain the seekers, raise up the saints, and establish His testimony in this small European country.

Novi Sad, Serbia

On April 28 approximately 130 brothers and sisters from 16 countries gathered in Novi Sad, Serbia, a city on the banks of the Danube River. They joined the 11 saints and their children who regularly meet there for the first Lord’s table in Novi Sad and in the country of Serbia.

Among all who gathered for this feast, there was a strong feeling that we witnessed and experienced something of the Body. We realized the Lord had found a group of saints who made themselves available to Him for His need in this age. They are open to follow Him according to the present truth as it is revealed in the Bible and in the fellowship of the ministry. May the Lord continue to spread freely with and among the saints in Serbia, in the Balkans, and in the whole Earth.

A short video report is at http://tinyurl.com/y4eylcto; a one-page written report is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.


Please pray that the Lord would continue to open the door for the spread of the gospel of the kingdom to gain proper vessels in this country. A couple laboring there will be joined by another couple in July; pray for more saints to receive the burden to come and coordinate for the propagation in Azerbaijan.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 12 of Crystallization-Study of Numbers, vol. 2.
    Beginning Monday, May 27: REPEAT week 12 to prophesy June 2.
    Beginning Monday, June 3: The Development of the Kingdom of God in the Christian Life and the Church Life (April 2019 ITERO).

  2. Audio of the May 12 joint meeting of the church in LA is available at http://tinyurl.com/LAnextgen.

  3. Southern California Blending Conference will be June 8 and 9 in Anaheim. All information, including children registration, is at http://www.socalblending.org. Serving ones are needed for a number of services; please sign up at http://tinyurl.com/scbcla.

  4. July Semiannual Training is July 1 to 6. Registration for LA webcasts ($105) due by June 11 at http://tinyurl.com/summertrainingla.

  5. Summer School of Truth: Please reserve August 9 to 17.