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Increase through the Priesthood of the Gospel

“Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and disciple all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you all the days until the consummation of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20)
The Lord desires an increase through the universal practice of the priesthood of the gospel.

For this increase, let us beseech the Lord that:

  • each of us open to the Lord to be joined with a companion or two for the priesthood of the gospel;
  • the companions pray regularly for specific people and declare to the Lord, here we are, send us;
  • the companions go out to contact and shepherd people;
  • everyone be blessed with more experience of Christ in the gospel.

Lord, release a high and full gospel in Los Angeles for Your increase and for Your coming back to end this age.

Memorial Day Conference

Please pray for the upcoming Memorial Day Conference in Washington, DC, on May 27–30. May the Lord continue to gain His increase both within every saint and through the spreading of His Word on the whole earth!

Summer School of Truth

The Los Angeles Summer School of Truth will be July 22-30. The topic will be The Two Spirits. Please pray that all of the young people would be released both inwardly and outwardly to attend this special time. Also, pray that the young people would learn to enjoy and experience the Two Spirits.

Registration and the schedule are at https://churchinlosangeles.org/ssot/.

Oak Glen

The conference center at Oak Glen became the possession of the Southern California churches last December. It is now operated as the Southern California Blending Center. This spring Oak Glen was used for four young people’s conferences, the sixth grade conference, FTTA team trips, the middle-age training trip, and by several local churches, including L.A. In the summer it will be used for the West Coast (South) College Training.

The downpayment in December was 20 percent of the price. The churches in Southern California need to pay the remaining 80 percent this year and next. Our contributions to this purchase are part of our functioning as “a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 2:5) because “doing good and sharing with others” are included in sacrifices with which “God is well pleased” (Heb. 13:16). Contributions may be given to the church, designated for Oak Glen.


May 14 to 16 we had our annual German-speaking conference as well as the first Lord’s table of the church in Frankfurt. Approximately 750 (660 adults and 90 children) from 26 countries attended. Among the saints were 67 who recently migrated to Germany from the Middle East. We especially enjoyed the response of these new ones, many of whom were recently saved and baptized, to the conference messages concerning The Gospel of God. Four of these were baptized on the last day of the conference.

We would like to express our appreciation for the prayers of the Body in supporting us. We are full of joy that the Lord has gained another city for His kingdom and are full of expectation that He will continue to spread city by city until Germany, Europe, and the entire earth are His.

We also sensed the Lord was working on many levels throughout the weekend by operating in and encouraging the local German-speaking saints, solidifying the new saints from the Middle East in the church life, and blending the saints from abroad and bringing them into the Lord’s burden and flow in His current move in Germany.


  1. Morning revival: Week 32 in Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 6.
    May 30-June 4, repeat Week 32; June 6-11, Week 33; June 13 to 18, week 34
    Hold on to Material Offerings and the Lord’s Move Today. We will use it more later this year.
  2. The 2016 Summer Training will be July 4–9 in Anaheim. Registration for video ($80) and late
    registration for Anaheim ($205) are open until June 14.
  3. The L.A. Summer School of Truth will be on the Two Spirits; the dates are July 22 to 30.
  4. The European YP Conference will be July 29 to August 4 in Poland; https://ypconference.eu.
  5. The Lord’s move in Germany:
    Reports are on a public Facebook page Germany Update http://facebook.com/germanyupdate. Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at http://www.lordsmove.org/information.html.