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The Need for a New Revival

Revival is not an emotional stir. Rather, it is an inward energizing by life as a result of seeing God’s economy. Excitement is temporary; we need a clear, solid seeing. This seeing strengthens us within. May we forget the things behind and stretch forward, crying out for this revival, which will complete God’s economy and end this age.

Don’t be content with understanding and agreeing. We need to be captured and possessed by the vision in a way that changes our being and our living.

“Not that I have already obtained or am already perfected, but I pursue, if even I may lay hold of that for which I also have been laid hold of by Christ Jesus.”

(from the opening word of Memorial Day conference message 2)

Sixth Grade Baptisms

Baptisms will be Lord’s Day afternoon, May 31. Baptisms for halls 1 and 4 will be at hall 1; those for halls 2, 3, and 5 will be at Haskell. The young believers to be baptized are:
Hall 1: Phoebe Ahn and Stacey Choi
Hall 2 Ethan Chan, Juan Kelly, Abraham Orona, Christopher Paik, Sherlock Quintero-Escamilla
Hall 3: David Hong
Hall 4: Karissa Ho
Hall 5: Jachin Chyn

We pray that each of these sixth graders would experience a definite exodus from the bondage of slavery and into the realm of freedom in Christ.

Campus Teams Reunion

Wednesday, May 27 through Saturday, May 30 a good number of saints from around the US and even the world will be gathered together in Irving, TX to fellowship about the Lord’s move on the college campuses. The title of this time is Perfecting Our Students for the Increase and Building Up of the Church. Please pray for:

  1. The fresh imparting of a renewed and uplifted vision concerning the work on the campuses;
  2. The blending of all those laboring on the campuses to carry out the Lord’s one work on this earth;
  3. The Lord to go on even further through this time to solidly gain a flock of college students from many campuses who will turn the age and bring the Lord back;
  4. Safe travel, health, and the binding of any of the enemy’s frustrations.

FTTA Boston

Twenty-six trainees (including two from L.A.) are graduating from the FTTA Boston extension, but only 17 have applied to begin the fall term. Lord, increase the number of trainees in Boston!

Thessaloniki, Greece

There will be a conference here May 29 to 31. For several months we have been meeting almost daily with our contacts and feel that the Lord is making progress in each one. We hope that the conference twill be the time they come fully into the recovery. Please pray that:

  • all the dear ones we have been contacting here would be able to attend every meeting. Our experience has been that when there is a larger gathering of the saints, there is much encouragement and further revelation for those who have not been able to participate in a meeting larger than in our living rooms.
  • saints from throughout the recovery will attend to support, supply, and manifest the fullness of the One who fills all in all.
  • saints from the surrounding countries who are also in smaller, isolated situations would also be able to attend for the mutual support and blending together.
  • every practical detail would be under the Lord’s anointing.

We’re very thankful for all that the Lord has done, is doing, and will do here for His move through your prayers. We can’t imagine what it would be like here without them. Thank you for standing with us!

Czech Republic

Please pray for the ongoing monthly seminars in the Czech Republic.


Continue to pray for the Lord’s care for the saints in Nepal, for their outflow in the gospel, and for many to be saved and brought into church life.


  1. Morning revival: week 8 of Crystallization-Study of Exodus.
  2. Rob Wilder robocad@aol.com will edit the prayer emails for June 7 and 14. Please send inputs to him by 6 pm those Lord’s Days.
  3. The summer training will be June 29 to July 4 in Anaheim. Some video trainings in L.A. will begin June 29, some later. Late donation is $205 for Anaheim, still $80 for video.
  4. The Los Angeles Summer School of Truth will be July 24 to August 1.
  5. The 2015 European Young People’s Conference will take place in Małe Ciche, Poland, Lord’s Day, July 26 through Saturday, August 1. Registration is now open, with a deadline of June 1. Registration for all attendants, including families, is at http://ypconference.eu.
  6. The 2015 Young People’s Conference of the Americas will take place in São Roque, Brazil Wednesday, July 22 through Lord’s Day, July 26. This is for saints ages 12 to 22. Information and registration is at http://brazilypconf.org. Registration deadline is June 1st.
  7. An announcement of the 2015 Chinese-speaking Students Perfecting Training (in Chinese and English) is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.