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The Governing Vision of God’s Economy

Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraint.” This means that without a vision, the people will become loose, like wild horses in their untamed state. The clearest instance in the New Testament where the word vision is mentioned is in the case of Paul. In Acts 26:19, while he was defending himself before King Agrippa, he uttered this word: “I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision.”

Under the heavenly vision we are directed toward God’s destination, and our life is controlled according to God’s economy. The governing vision of the Bible is the Triune God working Himself into His chosen and redeemed people in order to saturate their entire being with the Divine Trinity for the producing and building up of the Body of Christ consummating in the New Jerusalem. (CWWL, 1986, vol. 2, “Crucial Words of Leading in the Lord’s Recovery, Book 1: The Vision and Definite Steps for the Practice of the New Way,” pp. 4-5; CS Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes, msg. 10, I.G-H)

Lord, bring all the saints under the heavenly vision of Your economy!

Church in Los Angeles Joint Meeting

The whole church in Los Angeles—all halls, districts, and languages—will meet together on Lord’s Day, May 23, starting at 10 am. This time will include the Lord’s Table, ministry and encouraging fellowship, and the annual business meeting of the church. There will be translations to Chinese, Korean, and Spanish. The Zoom information will be communicated next week. Groups or districts are welcome to gather, with the usual safeguards, to participate in this meeting.

Please pray for a healthy attendance and participation, and for much blending and mutual encouragement to all.

Our Young People

We are overjoyed to announce the baptism of some of our young people in Hall 2 this Lord’s Day, May 16, at 12:00 pm. Allison and Isaac (6th grade) and David (7th grade) have given themselves to the Lord and made the choice to testify before the world that they belong to Him!

Please pray that all three would:

  • Eat a healthy, heavenly diet by reading the Bible with their parents, especially the four gospels;
  • Enter into a daily experience of their wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ; and
  • Find companions with whom they can pursue the Lord together.

LA YP Parents and Serving Ones Fellowship

This Thursday, May 13, 8:00 to 9:00 pm, there will be an important time of fellowship for the parents and serving ones of the young people in the church in LA. The fellowship will be about the burden for the upcoming SSOT and our church Policy for the Protection of Children and Young People.

Please pray that the Lord would bless this time with His burden and heart for our young people, and lead us in caring for them in the church in LA.

LA College Seniors and Recent Graduates

A special time of fellowship with current college seniors and recent college graduates will take place May 16. We are burdened that this category of saints would receive the proper care and shepherding during this critical transition period.

Please pray that this time would be well attended, that the saints would be receptive and responsive to the fellowship, and that the Lord would use this time to shepherd and care for these ones in every way as they move onto the next stage of their human life.

LA Korean-speaking Gospel Meeting

This Friday, May 14 there will be a Korean-speaking gospel meeting. The churches in Santa Clarita and Torrance will join this time. The invitation with Zoom link is at http://www.tinyurl.com/2021gospelmeeting. Please pray that the Lord would bless this meeting and strengthen the saints to preach the gospel.

SoCal Spanish-speaking Perfecting Training

Saturday afternoon, May 15, there will be a perfecting time on Zoom for Southern California Spanish-speaking brothers who have been invited to ITERO. Lord, release many brothers to register and participate in this time of perfecting for the advancement of Your move in Southern California!

FTTA Short-term

During this Spring 2021 term of the Full-time Training in Anaheim, three virtual short-term sessions were arranged for any college students and young working saints interested in visiting the training. The third session takes place next week from Monday to Wednesday, May 17 to 19. During this time, prospective applicants will have the opportunity to fellowship with current FTTA trainees, attend classes, join the gospel teams, and have a time with FTTA staff members.

Please pray for the saints’ visitation of the FTTA and for the Lord’s continual calling of recent college graduates and young working saints to offer themselves to be trained in these days.

National Full-timers’ Retreat

This week, from Monday to Wednesday, May 10 to 12, the full-timers throughout the US and Canada are gathering online to fellowship about their service to the Lord. Please pray that:

  1. The Lord would refresh and strengthen the serving spirit in all of these ones.
  2. All the fellowship would result in an increased one accord for the Lord’s one work in these countries.
  3. Much mutual learning would equip every full-timer to more effectively preach the gospel and shepherd the college students.


Please continue to pray for the second wave of the pandemic in India to be under control without further spreading; that the Lord of all can come into the situation to withstand the work of the enemy and to control the worsening situation.

Also pray for the opening of people’s hearts, that through God’s sovereign arrangement in the environment as the Leader, many can be open to Him as the Savior, and that He would give repentance and forgiveness of sins to the people.

Lord’s Move to Africa

The May 2021 newsletter of the Lord’s Move to Africa reports on how the Lord is strengthening His testimony in South Africa in three strategic cities—Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg. This issue is available to download in English and Chinese at http://www.lmafrica.org/newsletter.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 10 of Crystallization-study of Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes, Vol. 2.

  2. Living Stream Ministry is offering a free e-booklet, Life’s Principle—To Change Death into Life. Formats include PDF, Kindle, Audiobook, and more! Visit http://www.lsm.org/lifes-principle.

  3. July Semiannual Training Registration: LA’s Semiannual Video Training will begin on July 5. For schedule and registration, please see our church app or visit http://tinyurl.com/summertrainingla and follow instructions carefully. Registration must be completed by June 15.

  4. Memorial Day Conference Webcast: May 28 to 31. No registration needed; all are welcome!

  5. Summer School of Truth: June 12 to 26 on Zoom. Registration deadline is May 23.

  6. A Timely Speaking of Supply: Each week Living Stream Ministry posts a free video from messages given by Brother Lee at http://lsm.org/timely-speaking.html. This week’s video is “The First God-man’s Living—from the Manger to the Cross (2)” from The God-man Living, ch. 4.

  7. Ways to Give: Information on setting up online giving through Subsplash, as well as where to mail checks, are at http://www.churchinlosangeles.org/members/offerings.