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The Word of God Which Operates

“We also thank God unceasingly that when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but even as it truly is, the word of God, which also operates in you who believe” (1 Thes 2:13). Since the word of God is living and operative (Heb. 4:12), it operates in the believing ones (footnote 3).

Lord, grant us more speaking, more hearing, and more believing of Your word!

Southern California College Conference

The first college conference is November 6 to 8. The subject is The Four Wonderful Steps of Christ.
(L.A.’s colleges are assigned to the second college conference weekend, November 20 to 22. For college students in L.A., early registration ends on Lord’s Day, November 8.)

University Students in the UK

More than 7,000 Gospel of John booklets were distributed; more than 1,700 students requested
further contact; and more than 300 of these are currently meeting with the saints. Please pray for:

  • The shepherding of the students into the church life so that they will become part of a nucleus for the
    establishing and strengthening of the churches all over Europe.
  • The perfecting of the university students to be “fishers of men” and “feeders of lambs” for the
    priesthood of the gospel on the campuses.

European Young People

The teacher’s training for the Winter School of Truth will be November 6 to 8 in the Netherlands.

Europe and the Refugees

The mass human migration out of the Middle East into Europe is a divine opportunity arranged by the
Lord’s hand. Many refugees are young, educated, and open to receive care and even the gospel. We should all pray that many will receive the gospel and that some will propagate the gospel among their fellow refugees.

If anyone has some ability in Arabic or Farsi and is burdened to participate, please read the letter at
https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/. Or, if anyone has the burden to pray faithfully for this situation, please read the same letter.


Please pray for the ongoing seminars in Bucharest, Resita, and Deva to contact the readers of the ministry, and pray for the organic increase of the churches through these seminars.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is the largest Arab state in Western Asia with approximately 30 million inhabitants. In recent years the flow of the divine life has reached and watered this land, bringing in multiplication and increase. Currently there are 9 local churches, the largest of which is in the nation’s capital, Riyadh. The saints are hungry for the word of God. In addition to the Lord’s Table meetings, prayer meetings and small group meetings, meetings for reading the Life-study messages and video trainings are also held regularly. May the Lord continue to strengthen His testimony in Saudi Arabia!

More about the Lord’s move in Saudi Arabia, plus news from Nepal, Vietnam, and Zambia, are in the October issue of the LMA newsletter: http://lmasia.org/temp/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/E-2015-10.pdf (English) and http://lmasia.org/temp/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Asia-2015-10.pdf (Chinese).


  1. Morning revival: Week 15 in Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 3.
  2. The audio of the October 18 joint meeting of the church in LA is available at http://tinyurl.com/
  3. The Southern California College Conference will take place November 20–22. Early registration deadline is Lord’s Day, November 8; late registration to guarantee lodging ends November 15.
  4. The Thanksgiving Conference will be November 26–29 in Jacksonville, Florida. A detailed announcement is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.
  5. The 2015 Winter Training will be December 21–26 in Anaheim. Some video trainings in LA will begin December 21, some later. Registration for video ($80) and late registration for Anaheim ($205) is open until December 1.
  6. Please send inputs for future prayer emails to both Justin Lim, justinlim@cantab.net and Don Martin, dmartin11@socal.rr.com.