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The Lord’s Word

Rev. 3:8 says, “You have a little power and have kept My word and have not denied My name.” The Lord’s word is the Lord’s expression, and the Lord’s name is the Lord Himself…. The return to the pure word from all heresies and traditions and the exalting of the Lord’s name by abandoning every other name constitute the most inspiring testimony in the recovered church. This is why the church in the Lord’s recovery has the revelation and presence of the Lord and expresses the Lord in a living way, full of light and with the riches of life (Rev. 3:8, note 3).

May we all seek and hold the Lord’s living and operative word, His light, and the riches of His life in attending the Thanksgiving conference or the videos. Lord, save us from the attitude of Laodicea (“I am wealthy and have become rich and have need of nothing”—Rev. 3:17). Lord, we need and we want more of You this week!

Thanksgiving Conference

The Thanksgiving Conference will take place this Thursday evening through Lord’s Day morning (November 24 to 27) in San Jose, California. Ask the Lord to richly anoint all the brothers preparing to speak and to open every heart to fully receive the word spoken. Also ask the Lord to supply the saints caring for practical aspects of the conference.

Bibles for America

This month Bibles for America launched a BfA Pinterest page. Pinterest is a social media platform with 110 million active monthly users who can “pin” items to their own pages and see items others have pinned. As people begin to pin BfA-related items, many others will have the opportunity to discover the Bibles for America website and order the free Bible and books.

Please pray that BfA pins would begin to spread among Pinterest users and that many would visit the website and order the Bible and books. May the Lord use such social media outlets to reach people where they are and draw them to Himself.

We invite you to visit the new BfA Pinterest page and pin anything you’d like to share with others (https://www.pinterest.com/cmjohnfinn/bibles-for-america). You can also find BfA on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.


Please beseech the Lord regarding the following needs:

  1. The Lord’s leading about which Farsi-speaking saints could be perfected through personal care to
    become “faithful men, who will be competent to teach others also” (2 Tim. 2:2), and the Lord’s
    guiding the shepherding saints in carrying out this perfecting.
  2. The Lord’s enlarging of the local saints’ capacity to take over care of the many new believers as the
    majority of the shepherding saints leave Germany in one to two weeks, and all the saints entering into
    the burden to regularly visit the new believers and to invite them into homes.
  3. The Lord’s gaining local, young German students through the Bible table distribution, campus
    activities, follow-up appointments, and open homes.
  4. The Lord’s thrusting out workers into this harvest, particularly some who are mature in life and
    experienced in the church life and in service on the campus.

Polish Recovery Version

A team of saints has been laboring for almost four years to produce a Polish translation of the New Testament Recovery Version. The plan is to begin typesetting in January and conduct final proofreading in August 2017. Please pray that all who labor on this project will enjoy the Lord’s overshadowing grace and that the Lord’s interpreted word will be a great blessing to all Polish-speaking people.


  1. Morning revival: Material Offerings and the Lord’s Move Today, week 3.
  2. The International Thanksgiving Conference will be in San Jose, CA November 24 to 27. Details are at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.
  3. The 2016 Winter Training will be December 26–31 in Anaheim (live) and Los Angeles (simulcasts). Registration for video ($105) and late registration for Anaheim ($255) are open until December 1.
  4. The Lord’s Move in Europe:
    Information about serving in Germany this fall is at http://germany2016.amanatrust.org.uk.
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at http://www.lordsmove.org/information.html. Giving for the UK Building Fund instructions are at http://www.lordsmove.org/ukbuildingfund or you may give to the church in LA, designated for UK Building Fund.