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Thanksgiving Conference

The Thanksgiving Conference will take place this week from Thursday night through Lord’s Day
morning (November 26–29) in Jacksonville, Florida. The subject is “The Church as the Temple of God— the Goal of God’s Eternal Economy.” Ask the Lord to richly anoint all the brothers preparing to speak and to open every heart to fully receive the word spoken. Also ask the Lord to supply the saints caring for practical preparations for the conference.

Bibles for America

Last week, Bibles for America released the fourth in a series of videos based on the Basic Elements of the Christian Life series. The new video, “The Precious Blood of Christ,” shows the effectiveness of Christ’s blood in three directions: toward God, toward man, and toward Satan. The previously released truth videos cover the assurance, security, and joy of salvation and have been viewed over 20,000 times in 140 countries and territories. They have also been shared thousands of times on Facebook. Through the Internet, these videos reach not only BfA Bible recipients but also people who have never heard of BfA and are searching for spiritual help online.

Please pray that this new video would reach many and that they would receive light concerning the preciousness of the Lord’s blood. Please also pray that many would share the video through Facebook and other social media platforms.

To watch “The Precious Blood of Christ,” visit BfA’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Bibles4America.

Mass Migration out of the Middle East into Europe

As a result of much prayer and fellowship, there are currently two parts to the labor in contacting refugees from the Middle East as well as the Europeans:

(1) Sowing in southern Europe: On Saturday, November 14, the distribution of what is planned to be 200,000 to 300,000 care packages began in Greece. There are around 10,000 people per day coming in through this area. The goal is to get the gospel and ministry into this stream of humanity as they journey north. These care packages include some food, hygiene items, and a gospel tract entitled “My New Life.” They also provide information on how to contact saints through a website on a smart phone, enter prayer requests, and listen to 24/7 streaming gospel, ministry and hymns—all in various languages. There are teams of ten saints from various parts of the world rotating into this labor every two weeks. If even one to five percent of the refugees receive these materials, this would be thousands of people.

(2) Shepherding in northern Germany: The labor in northern Germany will involve more one-on- one contact and follow-up shepherding in homes, both with the local saints as well as saints who have migrated to help. This endeavor is still in its experimental stages, so the brothers need the saints’ prayers and the Lord’s leading. The reports of the openness and fields being white are astounding. It was reported that on November 15 there were five Syrians in the Lord’s Table meeting in Düsseldorf, Germany.

Please pray for:
– the Lord’s continued leading concerning the way to go forward in a coordinated way.
– the free mass distribution of care packages and literature.
– the shepherding of the seeking ones.
– the release and participation of brothers and sisters with an adequate knowledge of the truth and a proficiency in the Arabic and Farsi languages. (It is clear that saints with these language skills are the most valuable commodity in this present move of the Lord.)
– the salvation and gaining of the Lord’s chosen ones, especially the useful ones and the young ones.
– the Lord’s protection of His present move from the attack of the evil one, Satan.


  1. Morning revival: Week 18 in Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 3. Next week we will begin Material Offerings and the Lord’s Move Today.
  2. The audio of the October 10 Children’s Work Perfecting Conference in Diamond Bar are available at http://scyp.com. Click on the “Children” section. The emphasis of these messages is on the neighborhood children’s work.
  3. The 2015 Winter Training will be December 21–26 in Anaheim. Some video trainings in LA will begin December 21, some later. Registration for video ($80) and late registration for Anaheim ($205) are open until December 1.