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Taking Time to Enjoy the All-inclusive Christ

“And you shall take possession of the land and dwell in it, for to you I have given the land to possess it.” (Num. 33:53)

“As therefore you have received the Christ, Jesus the Lord, walk in Him, having been rooted and being built up in Him…” (Col. 2:6-7a)

“I pursue toward the goal for the prize to which God in Christ Jesus has called me upward.” (Phil. 3:14)

God’s intention is to bring all His people into the good land, which typifies Christ as the goal. In the Old Testament God’s people journeyed and then arrived at the goal, but in the New Testament we, the believers, having been baptized into Christ, are already in the goal. The good land today is Christ as the all-inclusive Spirit, who dwells in our spirit to be our enjoyment. To walk according to this Spirit is the central and crucial point in the New Testament.

We must take time to enjoy the Lord as the all-inclusive land so that all the elements of Christ as the rich soil may be absorbed into us for us to be made full in Him in our experience. If we would absorb the riches of Christ as the soil, we need to have tender, new roots. We should not let ourselves get old but be fresh and renewed every day. We need to forget our situation, our condition, our failures, and our weaknesses and simply take time to absorb the Lord so that we may be built up in Him for the building up of His Body, His corporate expression. (Crystallization-Study of Numbers, msg. 19, I.B-C,C.6)

SoCal College Conference B

This year’s fall college conferences in Southern California are split up into three sessions. Students from CSUN, along with other universities, will participate in the second conference from November 8 to 10 at Oak Glen. The general subject is “The Metaphors for the Christian Life.” Please pray:

  1. For the safe and timely arrival of the participants and the preparation of their heart before arriving.

  2. That the Lord would appear to all those who will be attending, both in their personal fellowship with Him and in the messages, so that these metaphors can have a lasting impact on their Christian life.

  3. For every student to be refreshed by releasing their spirits and touching the Lord, especially during the singing times.

  4. That the atmosphere would be full of shepherding and that the practical services needs would be met.

SoCal Children’s Work Conference

The next Children’s Work Conference is Saturday, November 16 in Diamond Bar. These meetings are for parents with children under 12 years of age and for the saints who are serving with the children’s service. During the two sessions, we will focus on the burden and vision for the children along with some practices for the families in the homes and for the churches in raising up the next generation. Pray that all who registered will be able to attend and that all will receive the vision and burden.

The schedule is from 9:00 am to 12:15 pm. No lunch provided. Bring your FM radio if you need translation. Donation is $20. Registration deadline is November 10 at http://www.scyp.com/registration.

Germany – Translators’ Training

All day Saturday, November 9, there will be a translators’ training for the German-speaking churches at the Frankfurt meeting hall. This is open to all who seek perfecting in translation involving German, English, Farsi, or Arabic to improve fellowship among these language groups and to strengthen the presentation of the ministry to all. About 70 saints are registered.


From October 20 to 27, around 1,000 copies of the NT Recovery Version were distributed for free at the International Book Fair in Krakow, where Bibles for Europe was an exhibitor. Furthermore, 120 recipients gave their email addresses and 11 young people called on the name of the Lord. Please pray that a genuine seeking will be stirred up in all the readers and that through continued contact a good number will be shepherded into the church life. May the Lord’s Word to run and be glorified in Poland!

Central Europe

A blending conference was held from September 28 to 29 in Bratislava, Slovakia. Approximately 160 saints attended from 13 countries and 33 localities. Besides the saints from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, and Austria, there were saints from Poland, Ukraine, Germany, Lithuania, Romania, Russia, and the UK. The main subject of the conference was “Living in The Reality of the Body of Christ by Keeping the Principles of the Body.”

Please pray that the Lord will bring all of us into the practical living of the Body of Christ in keeping all the principles of the Body. Also pray that the Lord will bring all the churches in this region into more vitality, prophesying, and clustering for the practical expression of the Body in Europe and on the earth.

United Kingdom

Having been on Premier Christian Radio for 20 years, a new radio airtime was launched in October. In addition to the regular 8 pm broadcast, there is now a 5:30 am time slot. There is also a new initiative called “Saturdays at Bower House” to which radio listeners are invited. Please pray that this will be a great encouragement to all involved, and provide a way for those who enjoy this ministry to be brought into more fellowship and enjoyment of the Word together and to meet others from their area.

May the Lord bless this new slot, as well as the Saturday at Bower House with the saints and the new ones enjoying the ministry together.

Hong Kong

For the past several months, there has been considerable unrest and turmoil in Hong Kong. In such times, the church needs even the more to fulfill the ministry of prayer (Eph. 6:17-18). Please pray for the Lord’s preserving so that the regular church meetings would not be affected.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 19 of Crystallization-Study of Numbers, vol. 4.

  2. SAVE THE DATE! CYP Service Policy Fellowship: On November 24, 3:00 to 4:30 pm there will be an important fellowship for all serving ones and parents of children and young people of all languages in LA to strengthen and upgrade our service. This will be at Hall 5 (522 S Sepulveda Blvd).

  3. Audio of the October 20 Joint LA Meeting is available in English at http://tinyurl.com/godlyfamily.

  4. The Thanksgiving Conference will be in Houston, Texas from November 28 to December 1. Saints from LA who plan to attend are asked to RSVP at http://tinyurl.com/memdayla. Childcare registration required. All information and links are at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.

  5. December Semiannual Training is December 23 to 28. Registration for webcasts in LA ($105) due by December 3. No late registrations. Registration for the live sessions in Anaheim is already closed. Saints in LA are invited to register and follow the payment directions at http://tinyurl.com/wintertrainingla.

  6. Spanish language radio broadcast: Monday through Friday, 9:00 to 9:30 pm. LA County 100.3 FM; San Fernando Valley and Ventura County 90.3 FM.