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Chosen to Be Holy with a Holy Living to Express the Holy God

“And you shall be holy to Me, because I Jehovah am holy, and I have set you apart from the peoples to be Mine.” (Lev. 20:26)

“Even as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world to be holy and without blemish before Him in love.” (Eph. 1:4)

“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people acquired for a possession, so that you may tell out the virtues of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” (1 Pet. 2:9)

To be holy is first to be separated to God; second, to be taken over by God; third, to be possessed by God; and fourth, to be saturated with God and one with God. Being holy because God is holy signifies walking according to God’s holiness, living a holy life.

We need to live a holy life, a life that befits our priesthood. We can be such persons only by contacting the perfect Christ, enjoying Him and experiencing Him day by day. He will make us complete, perfect, and properly balanced. Then we shall have all the qualifications required for us to serve as priests in the New Testament age. (Crystallization-study of Leviticus, msg. 19, I.C, II.F, III)

College Conference B

The past weekend’s Conference A at Oak Glen was very much blessed by the Lord with the living Word strongly impacting all who attended, including our students from USC. Thanks to the prayers of the church, some who were thinking of cancelling at the last minute still ended up attending and truly experienced the Lord’s light. The joy of experiencing Christ as the living Word of God was fresh! Please pray that the students would continue steadfastly in this enjoyment this week.

Conference B will take place this upcoming weekend, November 9 to 11. CSUN has a large number of students attending for the first time. Please pray:

  1. That the Lord would reveal to each one what is on His heart so that they can experience Him as the fresh and living Word.

  2. For the Lord to prepare the hearts of all of the students attending.

  3. That every student would be open to the Lord and experience Him as the living Word who meets their need in every situation, and that the result of this experience would be a spontaneous outflow to friends, classmates, and companions.

  4. That cabin times would be conducive for mutual fellowship and for shepherding of the first-timers.

Oak Glen

The churches in Southern California took possession of Oak Glen Christian Conference Center at the end of 2015. Since then, the facility has been enjoyed by many saints and churches, including many halls and language groups in Los Angeles.

We thank the Lord that the Engedi facility in Big Bear was sold in the summer. Although funds from this sale were originally earmarked for various improvement projects at Oak Glen, the decision was made to first pay down the Oak Glen purchase loan to avoid further interest fees. As of now, the churches in Southern California still need approximately $770,000 by the end of December 2018. If we reach this year-end goal, we will be able to pay off the purchase loan entirely.

May the Lord’s grace continue to operate in the churches and saints in Southern California, that we may even abound in grace for giving (2 Cor. 8-9). Gifts may be made online at socalblendingcenter.org or to the church designated for Oak Glen.

United States Elections

Elections are on Tuesday, November 6 for the US Senate and the US House of Representatives. There are also many state and local elections and issues voted on.

As God’s people, we are instructed to “be subject to every human institution for the Lord’s sake” (1 Peter 2:13). At the same time, we “know that the heavens do rule” (Daniel 4:26). Lord, we praise You as “the Ruler of the kings of the earth” (Rev. 1:5)! We agree with Your sovereignty and pray for the heading up of “all things in Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth” (Eph. 1:10)!


After last year’s Emigration Training in Anaheim from mid-July to early August, many saints migrated to Germany for the Lord’s move. Within a short time, many obtained one-year visas, mainly for language study. Those visas expire soon. Please pray for the Lord to reveal the best way for each saint to stay longer, anoint every applications, and grant visas for the their long-term service.

Tirana, Albania

The Balkan Regional Conference from November 2 to 4 was marvelous! Over 15 saints from the LA area traveled to Tirana, Albania for this special time of blending with saints from at least 12 different countries. The subject was “Man in God’s Eternal Plan.” One of the burdens was that this conference would help to lay a solid foundation of the truth not in the way of doctrine, but in the way of experience.

Please pray for the Spirit of reality to guide all the ones who attended into all the reality (John 16:13). Pray for the spread and strengthening of the Lord’s testimony in Albania and the entire region!


Please pray for the Lord to cover all details related to the proofreading of the Recovery Version in Vietnamese, which is currently taking place until December 1.


  1. Morning revival: week 19 of Crystallization-Study of Leviticus, Vol. 4.

  2. Audio of the October 14 joint meeting of the church in LA is available at http://tinyurl.com/gospelspirit.

  3. The Winter Training will be December 24 to 29 in Anaheim and by local webcasts in LA. Registration, including payment, for the webcast ($105) is due December 2. Late registration requests for the live training ($255) should be made as soon as possible before that date. Saints from LA should register at http://tinyurl.com/wintertrainingla and submit payment either online or to their district’s designated registration coordinator.