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Wisdom for God’s Building Work

“And Bezalel and Oholiab and every man who is wise in heart in whom Jehovah has put wisdom and understanding to know how to do all the work for the service of the sanctuary shall work according to all that Jehovah has commanded. And Moses called Bezalel and Oholiab and every man who was wise in heart in whose heart Jehovah had put wisdom, even everyone whose heart lifted him up to come to the work to do it.” (Exodus 36:1-2)

Exodus…36:2 speaks of “every wisehearted man, in whose heart Jehovah had put wisdom.” These verses indicate that all the builders of the tabernacle were wisehearted. They all received wisdom and understanding from God.

According to 36:2, the builders were those whose heart stirred them up to come to do the work of building. This is to have a heart burning for God’s building. This burning heart stirs us up to participate in the building up of the church. We all need such a heart. This kind of heart is an inner motor motivating us to do the work of building up God’s dwelling place. (Life-Study of Exodus, ch. 171, sec. 2)

Spanish-Speaking Perfecting Training

Saturday will be the last of three days of this year’s training for Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California. The focus is on the practice of the God-ordained way by our cooperating with Him. For this we need to have the vision of the age to arrive at the high peak of the divine revelation; we need the God- man living by being discipled to be overcomers living in the kingdom; and we need to be shepherds caring for and feeding the flock of God. Lord, train us to be the dispensational instruments You seek!

Bibles for America

Bibles for America has made a new set of two free books available to the public via the BfA website. The Gospel of Life is a three-part book consisting of the entire text of the Gospel of John, followed by two articles: “The First Step in Living a Christian Life”; and “The Way to Experience God in the Gospel of John.” The Knowledge of Life looks at the believer’s need to possess and experience God’s divine life in order to fulfill God’s purpose.

Please pray that the Lord would operate in many people through these new titles and bring them into the experience and enjoyment of His divine life.


We have hundreds of names, and many consistent new ones, who come to Bible studies, small group gatherings, Lord’s Day meetings, but very little one-on-one shepherding. We need more workers to migrate, open their homes, and shepherd these young believers.

Many of our new ones are being relocated all over Germany. We pray that as they are being relocated, they would continue to be seeds of the gospel wherever they are sovereignly placed. We also pray that there would be saints willing travel to visit and shepherd them. Under the Lord’s administration, each of these clusters can become a local church.

While much effort is made with the refugee believers, beseech the Lord to also gain some local Germans, both students and working people.

Croatia and Serbia

Saints are currently meeting together to pray, fellowship, and read the ministry in the Croatian cities of Split, Hvar, Zagreb, Osijek, and Pula, as well as in Novi Sad, Serbia. Recently, a burden has arisen among the brothers in Split to take the ground there and start the breaking of bread. If the Lord leads, they would like to do this at the beginning of 2017. There is also a long term burden to organize a blending conference in Zagreb, the capital and largest city in Croatia.

Please pray for the Lord to add to the number of saints in each locality; to raise up a golden lampstand in all these cities; and to spread the ministry and the church life in these two countries and in all the Balkan countries. A complete report is posted at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.


Rhema brothers visited Istanbul in mid-October to explore channels for distributing refugee aids and literature to the refugees in this country. They also visited our local distributor. He can help to distribute both Arabic and Farsi literatures to the Christian groups he contacted. The distributor also mentioned that the response to our Turkish Rhema materials is very good.

Our local publisher is still proofreading The Normal Christian Faith. After that we can typeset the book and hopefully it can be published by the end of November. Please pray for every process involved in this publication.

India and Nepal

In August, there was a Three-Week Intensified Gospel Move in 6 cities in India. A total of 66 got baptized and 2 churches were raised up. Many new ones are from Hindu background. May the Lord strengthen all of them to be His testimony in these localities and raise up two more churches in the near future.

During the largest festival in Nepal from October 1 to 6, throughout the country people were busy in idol-worshipping. However, 30 young people, pure and loving the Lord, gathered for a six-day Youth Training. At the end, 20 consecrated to join the Full-Time Training. May the Lord gain them all to be the channels for His further move in Nepal!

The October issue of the LMA newsletter has more on both of these moves:
English: http://lmasia.org/temp/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/E-2016-10.pdf
Chinese: http://lmasia.org/temp/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Asia-2016-10.pdf


  1. Morning revival: Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 8, week 47. After week 48 we will return to
    Material Offerings and the Lord’s Move Today.
  2. Audio of the October 16 joint meeting of the church in LA is available at http://tinyurl.com/jssxyrk.
  3. The International Thanksgiving Conference will be in San Jose, CA November 24 to 27. Details are at
  4. The 2016 Winter Training will be December 26–31 in Anaheim (live) and Los Angeles (simulcasts).
    Registration for video ($105) and late registration for Anaheim ($255) are open until December 1.
  5. The Lord’s Move in Europe:
    Information about serving in Germany this fall is at http://germany2016.amanatrust.org.uk.
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at http://www.lordsmove.org/information.html. Giving for the UK Building Fund instructions are at http://www.lordsmove.org/ukbuildingfund or you may give to the church in LA, designated for UK Building Fund.