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International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones

The International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones (ITERO) will be October 6 to 8 in Gold Coast, Australia. It will be followed October 9 by a Lord’s Table and blending meeting open to all the saints. Some brothers will participate in three- to five-day church visiting and sightseeing trips beginning October 9. Please pray for all the brothers traveling, for the Lord’s rich and up-to-date speaking, and for the blending of all the saints.


This weekend, October 8 to 9, the UCLA students will go to Engedi for their Freshmen Fall Retreat. Please pray that at least 30 new ones would be able to go, and that from this time, many of them would be prepared to be born as remaining fruit in the homes.

L.A. Korean Bible Seminar

The Lord blessed our Bible seminar on Saturday, October 1. Fifteen new ones attended; five of these were contacted during the Bible distribution at the L.A. Korean Festival. We are thankful for the prayer in the Body. Hallelujah! Please continue to pray that we will stay in contact with these seeking ones, especially those who promised to come to our weekly Bible study.


Proof-reading has been completed for the Turkish translation of The Normal Christian Faith by Watchman Nee, and the manuscript has been sent to the local publisher. Please pray for every step of the publication process to run smoothly so that this book could be published in November.


From July to August, 46 saints in Pakistan, mostly young ones from 6 cities, offered their vacations and put aside their jobs to join the One-Month training. In a corporate prayer during the last week of the training, all the saints interceded for the Lord’s interest in this country with tears, beseeching the Lord to raise up 20 local churches in the coming five years and gain 1000 young people to be absolute to Him for the spreading of the testimony of the Lord’s recovery.


The 2016 International Blending Conference in Bangkok was held from August 12-14 with 1352 saints in attendance. In addition to the 800 saints from Thailand, 525 saints from 7 countries also participated. In the next five years, the saints plan to gain 1300 college students in the 13 universities in Thailand and have 5 families in the vicinity of each campus to be opened for the students. May the Lord continue to strengthen all the churches to receive grace and advance in the Body of Christ.

The September issue of the LMA newsletter has full reports on both Pakistan and Thailand:
English: http://lmasia.org/temp/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/E-2016-09.pdf
Chinese: http://lmasia.org/temp/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Asia-2016-09.pdf

Accra, Ghana

The lease for the meeting hall in Accra is up for renewal. This property has been instrumental for the Lord’s work in Ghana by housing all the full-time serving ones (one family of 5, one family of 3, and 2 singles), providing hospitality to visiting saints, and serving as a convenient meeting point for students from the nearby university. There is still a good feeling to continue the lease. The amount needed to renew it for one year is $16,200. Ask the Lord to cause us to abound in grace for giving (2 Cor. 8-9). Contributions may be made to the church in LA, designated for Accra.


  1. Morning revival: Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 8, week 43.
  2. The whole church in Los Angeles will meet together Lord’s Day, Oct. 16 at LA Trade Tech College.
  3. Junior High Conferences will be held October 22–23 in Fullerton (brothers) and Diamond Bar (sisters). Registration deadline is October 16.
  4. High School Conferences will be held October 29–30 in Irvine (brothers) and Anaheim (sisters). Registration deadline is also October 16.
  5. The 2016 Winter Training will be December 26–31 in Anaheim (live) and Los Angeles (simulcasts). Registration deadline is October 30. For saints in LA, go to http://tinyurl.com/wintertrainingla.
  6. The International Thanksgiving Conference will be in San Jose, CA from November 24–27. Details are at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.
  7. The Lord’s Move in Europe:
    Information about serving in Germany this fall is at http://germany2016.amanatrust.org.uk.
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at http://www.lordsmove.org/information.html. Giving for the UK Building Fund instructions are at http://www.lordsmove.org/ukbuildingfund or you may give to the church in LA, designated for UK Building Fund.