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Christ for Carrying Out God’s Economy

“I will meet with you, and I will speak with you from above the expiation cover, from between the two cherubim which are upon the Ark of the Testimony.” (Exodus 25:22)

The Ark typifies Christ as the embodiment of God and as the presence of the Triune God with us for the carrying out of His economy to establish His kingdom on earth. (Exodus, week 25, I.)

“Father…Your kingdom come…on earth.” (Matt. 6:9-10)

CSUN Blending Trip

The CSUN students are currently blending with the saints in San Jose. They arrived last Saturday night and will return on Wednesday, March 23. Please pray that:

the students would get a taste for blending and see the practical expression of the Body of Christ; the trip would be filled with much enjoyment of the Lord—singing, praying, preaching, and praising; all the students would be refreshed in their whole being for a strong pursuit the rest of this semester.

UCLA Blending Trips

Sixty students and serving ones from UCLA are currently on three simultaneous spring break trips: one to Tennessee; one to Salt Lake City; and one to Seattle and Vancouver. All groups will return by Saturday, March 26. Please pray that these trips would be filled with the exercise and release of the spirit that both God and men would be honored (Judges 9:9).

Junior High Brothers Conference

The Junior High Brothers Conference is March 25–27 at Oak Glen.


The second follow-up gospel trip ended last Saturday. The third begins Lord’s Day, March 27.

Please pray for:

  • the follow up of all the priority gospel contacts met in these trips;
  • the raising up and perfecting of the translators;
  • the Lord to gain this harvest of both native Germans and refugees for Himself;
  • the saints who live in Germany to know the bountiful supply of the Spirit to meet every need.

Some personal testimonies from gospel trips are below the announcements.


On Monday, March 21, Dick Taylor and others arrive in Accra, Ghana to fellowship with the saints and responsible brothers. On Friday, March 25, Dick and Paul Nii-Aryee will fly to Lagos, Nigeria for a conference, while Tim Knoppe from Michigan and James Lee remain in Accra for a parallel conference.

On the evening of March 27, Dick and Paul return to Accra to begin the training for elders and responsible ones there. Please continue to pray for the covering of all the brothers’ travels and for the Lord’s speaking and blessing in all these gatherings.


More than 3 years ago, a family from L.A. (David and Elda Chang with their 2 girls) migrated to Tirana, Albania for the Lord’s move there. This past year, another sister from L.A. (Carol Song) joined them to further strengthen the Lord’s testimony. This week the Yowell family is visiting Tirana, Albania. The saints in Tirana already had their Lord’s day meeting, a very sweet time with 13 adults and 7 children, followed by lunch and encouraging blending. To gather this many saints together at one time in Albania has never happened before. Furthermore, it was the first Lord’s day meeting for 2 of these ones. Please pray that in the coming week:

  • there can be much more profitable contact with the local saints, despite their busy and challenging schedules;
  • specific shepherding can be rendered to the promising young ones so that they grow and advance in the Lord;
  • the Lord would be wisdom for how to strengthen the saints here in an organic way through the blending.


The spring international blending conference will be in London March 25 to 27.

Mass Distributions in Greece

The first series of mass distributions of gospel and ministry materials among the refugees concluded in February. Another series of distribution trips is planned from March 31 through July 5. The distribution teams consist of saints primarily from Europe, Taiwan, Russia, and the US. Please pray for:

  • the blending of the saints who serve on the teams;
  • the Lord’s leading the teams to find the most effective ways to distribute;
  • the openness of the refugees to the word of God and the Lord’s appearing to them as they read it.


  1. Morning revival: Week 25 in Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 5.
    Hold on to Material Offerings and the Lord’s Move Today. We will use it more later this year.
  2. Junior High Sisters Conference is April 1-3; registration deadline is March 20. High School Sisters Conference is April 15-17; registration deadline is April 3. Both are at Oak Glen.
  3. The Spring College Conference will be held in Anaheim April 15 to 17. More at http://www.college-conference.com.
  4. The European YP Conference will be July 29 to August 4 in Poland; https://ypconference.eu .
  5. The Lord’s move in Germany:
    Reports are on a public Facebook page Germany Update http:facebook.com/germanyupdate. Information about follow-up gospel trips is at http://germany2016.amanatrust.org.uk .
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at http://www.lordsmove.org/information.html.


“We love you and we love our Lord Jesus” – A refugee family after a gospel dinner.

“With all these refugees coming here, this is a turbulent time for us” – An 18 year old German student. We realized that the refugee situation has also made the local people more open than before.

“I cannot understand why someone who does not know me will shed tears for me” – A refugee widow with a child. She had noticed a sister shedding tears while this sister was praying for her.

We spent almost the whole day with a brother who has been a hidden Christian for years. He asked to come to the Lord’s Day meeting and he really enjoyed the time. He grew up in a Christian home yet their family has to be underground or they could be imprisoned or even executed. At one point, his father was put in prison for 4 years. While he was in university, during a lecture he asked a question about Islam and he was taken aside and interrogated, after which he was kicked out of the university and all his records erased. Because his life was in danger, he had to flee. When he finally got to Germany (that story in itself is a miracle), he visited several churches, but didn’t feel any peace. As soon as he saw the brothers during the first gospel trip, immediately he felt peace. He kept trying to explain how he felt when he first met us because it was such a miracle to him. He already told his family back home about us.

An Arabic speaking brother wrote: I have never seen a people more open for contact in my entire Christian life than these refugees. Almost every person we talked to (in the way of just wanting to care for them) would talk as long as we would listen. The suffering of these people is unimaginable and they feel that no one is listening to them. Praise the Lord for what He is doing and His love for man! The world has been turned upside down! Devout Muslims are in tears declaring that Jesus is Lord and receiving Him. Islam has been exposed to them and many are willing to hear about a God of love who wants to be their life.
After considerable discussion about good and evil vs. life, a sister led a refugee woman into a simple and sweet prayer of salvation. And she said “believing is in my heart, not just in my words.” How sweet her clear realization. Then she prayed for her family to be saved also. Her countenance was uplifted and her face was shining. What an amazing experience! Oh Lord Jesus! what a Wonderful Savior!