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Church in Los Angeles

“But to Him who is able to do superabundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power which operates in us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus unto all the generations forever and ever. Amen.” (Eph. 3:20-21)

“The church is a group of people who allow God to be mingled with them and who are mingled with God. This was the situation with the early apostles. They were truly Galileans, but they were also truly one with the God of heaven; they had the appearance of Galileans, but they also had the expression of the God of heaven… A glorious and great God was now mingled with common people, shining forth and being expressed through them.” (WL, The Church as the Body of Christ, pp. 46-47)

The whole church in Los Angeles—with all of our halls, districts, and languages—will come together from 9:30 am to 12 noon on Lord’s Day, October 29, to blend together as the Lord’s one testimony in this city. It has been one year since we had such a gathering. This joint meeting will take place at the LA Convention Center. Plan to arrive by 9:15 am to allow time for parking and walking to the room.

Please pray that the Lord would gather all of the saints from all parts of the city to praise Him, to become of one accord for His move, and to be the new man, where Christ is all and in all!

High School Conferences

The Fall 2017 High School Conferences will be this weekend, October 27 to 29. The brothers’ conference will take place in Anaheim; sisters’ conference in Irvine. Please pray for the Lord to freshly appear to each young person.

The Recovery of the Church

The subject of ITERO was The Recovery of the Church. Some outlines from ITERO were also the base for the eight regional conferences October 14-15 in Europe. Briefly, the recovery of the church is the recovery of Christ as our life to saturate us, transform us, and head us up so that we live out the reality of His Body and be His corporate expression.

Ask the Lord to fill us all with this vision of the church and to bring us into this reality.

This Saturday there will be an all-day meeting for Southern California elders and responsible brothers; the primary purpose of this gathering is to review the nine messages from ITERO. Please ask the Lord to release many brothers to attend and to bless the fellowship for the building up of the churches in Southern California.


In the first week of Bible distributions, about 300 saints participated and 17,366 Bibles, mostly Recovery Version NTs in German, were distributed in 53 cities. In the second week, focused strongly on college campuses, more NTs were distributed and many contacts begun with students. Numerous encounters with open, seeking Germans occurred. Some people asked for further contact, and all the recipients have a website through which they can request further contact.

Please pray that the brooding Spirit would operate in all the recipients to read His Word, to touch life in His Word, to desire further fellowship, and then to fully enter into the church life.

Pray also that the events in recent weeks would lay a foundation for raising up many local churches in Germany.


  • Morning revival: Week 17 in Crystallization-Study of Ezekiel, vol. 3. REPEAT Week 17 the week following the Joint LA Meeting.

  • Joint LA Meeting (TIME CHANGE): The whole church in LA will meet together on Lord’s Day, October 29 from 9:30 am to 12:00 noon at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

  • The International Thanksgiving Conference will be in Phoenix Thursday night, November 23 to Lord’s Day noon, November 26. Saints from LA who plan to attend are asked to RSVP by October 29. Childcare registration required. Information is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.

  • The Winter Training will be December 25 to 30 in Anaheim and by local webcasts in LA. For the live training, complete registration including payment ($205) is due October 29. Registration for the webcast training ($105) is due December 3. Late fees will be incurred after these deadlines. Saints from LA should register at http://www.tinyurl.com/wintertrainingla and submit payment to their district’s designated registration coordinator.

  • The International Chinese-Speaking Conference will be February 16 to 18, 2018 in Taipei. Information is available at http://www.icsc2018.org. Registration deadline is November 30.

  • Information about Germany and Europe: see September 10 prayer (“Older Entries” near bottom of https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/).