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Loving Seekers

God’s intention in giving His law to His chosen people was that we become His lovers. We should not try to keep the law apart from loving the Lord and His word and becoming one with Him. (Crystallization-Study of Exodus, week 14, II. and IV.)

The secret is whenever you find that the Bible tells you to do a certain thing, do not say, “Lord, I’ll do this. I just ask You to help me do it.” Instead, tell Him that you love Him, but that you are not able to fulfill His requirements.… The Lord likes us to tell Him again and again that we cannot do what the Word tells us to do. He wants to keep us with Him. The more we stay with Him and tell Him that we are not able to do anything, the happier He is. God wants us to stay with Him so that we, like Moses on the mountaintop, may be infused with Himself. This is what God desires today. (Life-Study of Exodus, ch. 63)

High School Conferences

The Southern California high school conferences are October 30–November 1 in Anaheim (brothers) and Irvine (sisters).

Oak Glen

When the Lord desires to reveal something special to His disciples, the location is often a mountain. Examples span the New Testament, from the decree of the constitution of the kingdom (Matt. 5:1) to John’s vision of New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:10).

Among us, lives have been revolutionized, new ones captured, and consecrations offered to the Lord through mountain times for young people, college students, churches, language groups, small groups, summer schools of truth, children’s groups, and working saints. These times have been a refreshing and encouragement to these saints, a factor for their going on in the Lord.

Engedi, although useful, can no longer comfortably fit most of the young people and college conferences, both for accommodation and meetings. It is also a difficult drive from most localities, subject to inclement weather, and induces altitude sickness to some who visit.

Recently, some brothers negotiated to buy Oak Glen. It is only 20 minutes from the freeway. It is secluded and in the woods; the weather is mild, the altitude is comfortable, the food is excellent, and it is larger than Engedi. Also, the cost to purchase Oak Glen and sell Engedi is the same as the cost to double the capacity of Engedi. Please visit https://youtu.be/e78SKXRiR6U to learn more about Oak Glen.

We expect the escrow for Oak Glen to close mid November. To participate in the down payment, please ask the Lord to grace you for this fellowship (2 Cor. 8:1-4) and give a gift to the church by Lord’s Day, November 1, designated for Oak Glen. Later contributions for Oak Glen are also needed to help pay off the loan.

L.A. Korean Festival Follow-Up

On October 1–4, saints in Los Angeles had a booth at the 2015 Los Angeles Korean Festival with a burden to reach more of the Southern California Korean-speaking population. They gave away over 1,000 free copies of the New Testament Recovery Version in Korean, 200 copies in English, and 100 in Spanish with very positive responses.

One week after the conclusion of the festival, the saints held a Bible seminar in Los Angeles. Brothers used the BfA tract “The Big Question” to share with 65 attendees, 19 of whom were new Bible recipients from the festival, about the human spirit and the meaning of life.

Please pray that the people who received Bibles at the festival would be supplied with the rich nourishment in the Word. Pray also that many would be connected to shepherds in the church for their continued growth.

Mass Migration out of the Middle East into Europe

In recent months there has been a mass migration of humanity out of the Middle East into Europe. This has produced a humanitarian crisis in Europe, and it has also presented the Lord’s recovery with a divine opportunity to contact the migrating peoples, and the Europeans disturbed by the migration, with the gospel and shepherd them into the church life for the increase of the Lord’s testimony in Europe. Please pray for:

  • the Lord’s clear leading and blessing;
  • the cooperation of the churches and the saints to respond to this unprecedented opportunity;
  • the preparation of the appropriate gospel materials and ministry publications, the free mass distribution of literature, and the contacting and shepherding of the seeking ones;
  • the identifying and willingness of brothers and sisters who have an adequate knowledge of the truth and a proficiency in the Arabic and Farsi languages to participate in this move of the Lord;
  • the salvation and gaining of the Lord’s chosen people, especially the useful and young ones;
  • the Lord’s protection of His present move from the attack of the devil and for the display of His victory over the evil one, Satan.


Please pray for the monthly English Bible and Polish ministry book distributions in Krakow. Pray also for the shepherding of the seeking ones in that city and for the raising up of the church in Krakow.


  1. Morning revival: Week 14 in Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 3.
  2. The audio of the October 18 joint meeting of the church is at http://tinyurl.com/2015-10-18-JointLAMeeting.
  3. The Thanksgiving Conference will be November 26–29 in Jacksonville, Florida. A detailed announcement is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.
  4. The 2015 Winter Training will be December 21–26 in Anaheim. Some video trainings in LA will begin December 21, some later. Registration for Anaheim should be completed by October 27. Donation is $155 for Anaheim, $80 for video/simulcast.