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A New Revival: Being Constituted with God to Express God

“In order to shepherd according to God, we need to become one with God, be constituted with God, live God, express God, represent God, and minister God.” (HWMR Week 4 outline)

“In His economy, God does not improve us outwardly. Instead, He transmits all that He is into us… God’s way is to transform us metabolically; it is to nourish, refresh, water, enrich, and strengthen us. This is God’s economy…” (Life-study of Philippians, pp. 323-324)

“God is expressed in us by means of His attributes. God is love and light, and He is holy and righteous. When we eat and drink of God, we shall live Him as love, light, holiness, and righteousness. These divine attributes will become our virtues as the expression of God… and this expression is actually God’s speaking.” (Life-study of 1 John, p. 29)

Church in Los Angeles

The whole church in Los Angeles will meet together Lord’s Day, October 18 at LA Trade Tech College. Please pray for rich time of blending among all the saints across all the languages, districts and halls for the Lord’s shining testimony in Los Angeles.

Korean Bible Seminar

The Lord blessed and supplied all the saints who participated in last weekend’s Bible distribution at the LA Korean Festival. We distributed 1000 copies of the New Testament in Korean, 200 in English, and 100 in Spanish. We will have a Bible seminar on Saturday, October 11 at 6:30pm. The subject is “Do you know that you have a spirit in you?”

Please pray:

  • For those who received an invitation, that the Lord would soften their hearts and draw them;
  • For the serving ones in their preparation, that they would be graced and supplied bountifully;
  • For each group table at the seminar, that every member of the Body would be coordinated together.

Children’s Work Perfecting Conference

“Our work for the Lord should have a long-term view. Six years go by very quickly; soon the children in first grade will be young brothers and sisters. When they enter junior high school, we can preach the gospel to their classmates in junior high. When they enter high school, we can lead many of their classmates to be saved. When they enter college, they will be gospel seeds. In this way the young people will multiply year after year. The benefit from this will be very great.” (The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1967, vol. 1, p. 315)

There will be a perfecting conference for parents and those who serve with the children on Saturday, October 10 from 9am to 3pm at the church in Diamond Bar meeting hall. This conference will consider how we can prepare our children to become little seeds of the gospel in their schools. Saints should plan to attend all three sessions; lunch will be provided for registered saints. More details at SCYP.com.


The International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones concluded this past weekend in Brazil with a blending meeting on the Lord’s Day. Many saints are now participating in blending trips to nearby cities or countries. The subject of the training was “The Crucial Points of the Major Items of the Lord’s Recovery Today.” The Lord’s recovery is the recovery of the truth as revealed in the holy Scriptures. Please pray for the digestion of the messages and for all the saints traveling and blending.

Europe and the Refugee Crisis

“Due to the recent changes in Europe, the people there are ready to receive something new…”
(WL, The World Situation and the Direction of the Lord’s Move, ch. 4)

“My burden is not to talk about politics but to show you that since God has a purpose to accomplish on this earth with mankind, He surely has the sovereign authority and power to arrange the situations in human history… Actually, the world situation is under the arrangement of God. It is God who appointed the times for a certain race to do this or to be there. It is God who made the borders of all the different nations (Acts 17:26). It is God who raised up kings and who put down nations.” (WL, The World Situation and God’s Move, ch. 7)

In recent months there has been a crisis in Europe due to the huge influx of refugees from North Africa and the Middle East. Last week, two teams of four brothers from Rhema Literature, supported by other saints from multiple countries, took a first-hand look into the refugee situation. One team went as far south as one of the Greek islands where refugees arrive in small boats; the other went to the far north of Germany, stopping at many refugee camps, border crossings, and train stations. Due to their lives having been turned upside down, many refugees are open to talk. The brothers believe that by listening to these ones with the compassion of Jesus, there will be an opening for the Gospel. Many refugees are educated and some speak English.

Continue to pray for the teams, their assessment of the situation, and the Lord’s enlightening on how the recovery should respond. Pray for Him to open doors and show which refugee camps should be targeted for the Gospel. Pray also for the openness of the native Europeans. The sudden influx of people can be a big disturbance to their lives (for example, one million refugees are expected to enter Germany in 2015). Pray that this situation will open the Europeans to the Gospel.


The second annual conference in Sofia, Bulgaria will be October 9–11. We anticipate a rich time of fellowship and blending, particularly with many new ones who will be attending. Please pray:

  • That nothing would hinder God’s chosen vessels from attending this conference;
  • That a word would be released that imparts a clear heavenly vision of Christ and the church;
  • That the Lord will take a definite step in raising up His testimony in Sofia and other cities in the Balkan countries, including Novi Sad, Serbia; Thessaloniki, Greece; and Split, Croatia.


  1. Morning revival: Week 6 of The Need for a New Revival (Memorial Day Conference). Next week we will start Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 3.
  2. Please include brother Justin Lim, justinlim@cantab.net on inputs for future prayer emails.
  3. The Junior High Conferences will be held October 23–25 in Riverside (for brothers) and Diamond
    Bar (for sisters). Registration deadline is October 11.
  4. The whole church in Los Angeles will meet together Lord’s Day, Oct. 18 at LA Trade Tech College.
  5. The Thanksgiving Conference will be November 26–29 in Jacksonville, Florida.
  6. The 2015 Winter Training will be December 21–26 in Anaheim. Registration deadline is October 27.