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The Lord’s Ultimate Recovery

“For the perfecting of the saints unto the work of the ministry, unto the building up of the Body of Christ, until we all arrive at the oneness of the faith and of the full knowledge of the Son of God, at a full-grown man, at the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.” (Eph. 4:12-13)

Even if our gospel preaching is adequate, our Bible teaching is accurate, and our meetings are scriptural, we need to ask ourselves this question: Do we have the ultimate move of God among us?

The Lord’s ultimate recovery, God’s ultimate move, is His gaining a good number of believers who know how wonderful Christ is, who have Him as their life and live Him, who are filled, permeated, and saturated with Him, who grow in life and are transformed by His flowing life within them, and who are built up with fellow believers to be the golden lampstand in their locality. (Special Fellowship, msg. 3, II.B.4-5.b)

Lord, gain Your ultimate move within and among us!

Summer School of Truth (SSoT)

Through the prayers of the saints, 61 young people and 44 serving ones, a total of 105 saints, have signed up for the SSoT. This has been the best Summer School of Truth yet and the Lord’s presence has been with every meeting. The young people are learning not only how to speak to the Lord, but how to listen to the Lord and have mutual fellowship. Please pray that the Lord would continue to appear to each young person and train them how to live a life of loving the Lord with the first love.

A Time with the Parents

In this dark age, there is a need, more than ever, for parents to pray with one another for their young people. There will be a time of prayer Wednesday, July 26, at 8 pm at the Wise’s home, 501 S. Bentley Ave., Los Angeles, 90049 (very close to hall 5). All parents of junior high and high school young people are encouraged to attend. Please pray that the Lord would fill this time with an atmosphere of prayer.


There are 133 FTTA and 17 FTTA-XB spring term graduates. Please ask the Lord to make them all normal, functioning members in the churches that they go to.

The fall FTTA term begins August 14; application deadline is July 31. Our goal is at least 160 first term trainees (80 brothers, 80 sisters). By July 22 there were 123 applicants (43 brothers, 80 sisters). Please pray that more brothers would apply.

Southern California Radio Broadcasts

KBRT radio in Southern California did not renew our agreement, which ended July 15. Although we are saddened by KBRT’s decision, we are not discouraged. This forces us to focus our resources on podcasting, which allows listeners to hear the program anywhere in the world at any time. Please pray for us to find the right person to help us in this new area.

We are holding a radio listeners’ dinner and live program at district 4 in Anaheim on August 5. We are inviting the KBRT listeners with special advertisements that began two weeks ago and will continue through August 4. Please pray for this time.

We will continue to broadcast on KKLA every Lord’s Day, where we have a pre-recorded program at 8:30 pm and a live discussion 9 to 10 pm.

Emigration Training

The emigration training continues to August 4. About 100 are participating, among whom about 20, including Craig and Henna Hall from L.A., will migrate soon afterwards to Germany. Lord, abundantly supply these saints, bring them fully into coordinated serving, and be their wisdom and prudence with moving and all the changes they face.

Lyon, France

We pray that the Lord will show us a proper meeting place: near public transportation, good neighbors, size for 60-80 persons, and facilities for children and young people.

More sisters will come either to study or to do one semester exchange, thus a second sister’s house is needed for next semester. Please pray for the Lord’s provision of the proper apartment.

European YP Conference

This annual conference is in Poland, Lord’s Day, 23rd July to Saturday, 29th July. There is also a simultaneous Parents’ and Children’s Conference.

The purpose of this conference is to provide an atmosphere of truth, love, blending, and enjoyment that imparts light and life, and builds up and inspires the young people to consecrate their lives to the Lord and take positive directions in their Christian walk. Our hope is that we all would develop a sense of mutuality, and receive the spiritual energy, strength, and motivation to live for the Lord and His recovery.

Videos showing meetings, greetings from small groups, outdoor activities, young people walking in the town of Małe Ciche, and the local landscape are at https://ypconference.eu.

Chinese-Speaking Perfecting Training

The Chinese-Speaking Perfecting Training for students is July 24 to 28.

2017 International College Training in Asia

This training, with a capacity of 1000 students, is July 23 to 27 in Kuching, Malaysia. It is followed by blending trips July 28 to 30 in nearby regions.

Continuing Burdens

Oak Glen: Lord, grace us (2 Cor. 8:1, 4, 6-7, 9) to give monthly for the payments on this property.
Kirchentag (Germany, May 24-28): contacting 4795 NT recipients to bring at least 100 into church life.
Polish Recovery Version NT: proofreading begins August 14; publication early next year.


  1. Morning revival: Week 3 in Special Fellowship concerning the World Situation and the Lord’s Move.
    After week 5 we will begin Knowing Life and the Church (Memorial Day Conference).
  2. Information about Germany and Europe: see July 9 prayer (“Older Entries” near bottom of https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/)
  3. Used Ministry Books: Since 2004 LSM has sent containers of used books to Africa and India. These books have been a great blessing to seekers there. LSM continues to collect all used ministry books in English, except morning revivals, for these distributions. They suggest that you remove personal information from the books. Bring books to your meeting hall any time throughout this year.