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Bind and Loose in Harmony

“Truly I say to you, Whatever you bind on the earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on the earth shall have been loosed in heaven. Again, truly I say to you that if two of you are in harmony on earth concerning any matter for which they ask, it will be done for them from My Father who is in the heavens.” (Matthew 18:18-19)

[In Matthew 18 the Lord Jesus said that] we have to bind the binding one [Satan] and release the bound one [a brother] by praying together in harmony.

We may have a reason for each one no longer meeting with us, but would the Lord agree with our reasoning? The Lord would ask, “Where is your brother?” In other words, the Lord would not let us give people up. We should not give up on anyone. We have to go to the Lord again and again with prayers touching heaven by binding and releasing in harmony. Heaven means God. We touch God, and God comes in to do something. (WL, The Vital Groups, ch. 1, sec. 3)

International Thanksgiving Conference

The conference will be in San Jose, November 24 to 27. Details are at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.

Because the conference is close to us, let us ask the Lord to send many from L.A., especially those who rarely go to conferences, to receive His word first-hand and to experience blending with saints from everywhere.

Bibles for America California Tour

Last week Thursday, a team of BfA staff members began a two-week distribution tour to cities in Central and Northern California. In many cities, local saints will join the team to give away free copies of the New Testament Recovery Version and ministry books at various venues.

Please pray that the Lord would go before the saints on this tour and that He would lead many sons of peace to them as they give away the Bible and books in each city. Please pray also for the local saints’ continued contact with many who receive these materials.


On 1 September saints began to serve in Germany for one to three months to continue shepherding the many new ones contacted and saved in the first half of the year. Detailed information and an application can be found at http://germany2016.amanatrust.org.uk . Please pray that:

  • a sufficient number of saints from outside Europe, including Los Angeles, will be burdened and available for this crucial stage in the Lord’s move in Germany;
  • the new ones will be solidified in the church life during the next three months.

Lyon, France

Through the years, a major obstacle to the Lord’s move in France is the lack of stable families. Before 2008 in Lyon there was only one family. By Lord’s abundant grace, now we have eight. All the families face different challenges daily. Please pray that the Lord continue to supply and strengthen these families.

For the past three years we had a brother’s house which has been a great blessing, but not after this summer; one brother graduated and the other continues his study in another city. Nevertheless, the Lord continues to strengthen our sisters’ houses: three sisters were admitted to Lyon universities, and the Lord sent two new sisters. Now there are seven sisters; six will live in two separate sister’s houses, and another with a family. We pray that all of them will be build up together through the corporate living.


  1. Morning revival: Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 7, week 40.
  2. The second and third parts of this year’s Spanish-Speaking Perfecting Training in Southern California will
    be Saturdays September 24 and November 19.
  3. The Lord’s Move in Europe:
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at http://www.lordsmove.org/information.html.
    Giving for the UK Building Fund instructions are at http://www.lordsmove.org/ukbuildingfund or you may give to the church in LA, designated for UK Building Fund.