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Coming to the Lord

“Come to Me all who toil and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

If the brothers and sisters are to be adequately and properly participating in the church life, they need to receive the life supply continuously. What you need is not so much to do something, to learn something, or to bear more burdens. What you need is mainly to receive the life supply… The Lord came to be this life supply…

Outwardly speaking, the church life is a requirement to us. It requires us to pay a price, but in reality we are enjoying, and we obtain Christ as our supply. (WL, Messages Given to the Working Saints, ch. 3)

Church in Los Angeles

The whole church will meet together Lord’s Day, October 16, at 10 am at LA Trade Tech College (same location as May of this year and October of last year).

L.A. Korean Festival

This popular annual event will take place at Seoul International Park in Koreatown from September 22 to 25. The festival is one of the largest cultural events in L.A. and is expected to attract over 350,000 visitors. The church has been using this time for the spread of the truth by giving out copies of the Recovery Version New Testament and BfA materials. This year, we will focus on inviting contacts to a Bible seminar for further contact. Spanish-language tracts and Bible offer cards will also be distributed. Please pray that:

  • More seeking ones would be contacted and invited to the Bible seminar on October 1;
  • Saints would coordinate as companions to contact people;
  • More saints would participate by praying in twos or threes, even though they may not be at the venue.

Oak Glen and Engedi

The Oak Glen Conference Center (https://socalblendingcenter.org) has belonged to us since
December of last year. Usage of this camp by the recovery has increased from 5% of total use last year to 35% percent now. Uses include churches, groups, and campus-related events. In November our college conferences will be held at Oak Glen.

Besides the down-payment last December, the churches in Southern California are making payments this year and next to complete this purchase. Financial giving through the first half of this year was less than needed. May we all be encouraged to give ourselves to the Lord to be graced by Him for giving to meet this need (2 Cor. 8:1-15). Each saint or family could set aside a small amount each week and give it to the church at intervals, marked for Oak Glen.

The Engedi conference center is for sale. Proceeds will be used for both the purchase of Oak Glen and for refurbishments or improvements. Some potential buyers have expressed interest but there has not yet been a definite offer. Ask the Lord to move this sale onward to completion.

Spanish-Speaking Perfecting Training

Saturday will be the second of three days of this year’s training for Spanish-speaking saints in Southern California. The focus is on the practice of the God-ordained way by our cooperating with Him. For this we need to have the vision of the age to arrive at the high peak of the divine revelation; we need the God-man living by being discipled to be overcomers living in the kingdom; and we need to be shepherds caring for and feeding the flock of God. Lord, train us to be the dispensational instruments You seek!

United States

The elections for the U.S. president and congress are November 8. We pray to release on earth the authority of the “Ruler of the kings of the earth” (Rev. 1:5) for His choice of elected officials.

Freshers’ Fayre on UK University Campuses

Most universities in the UK are starting their new academic year in recent weeks or now. This is the most crucial time for making new contacts on campus. Just in London alone, campuses where the saints will have a presence this week include the University of Greenwich, Brunel University, King’s College, University of Westminster, Kingston University, London School of Economics, and City University. Please pray:

  • To consecrate the new academic year, the students, the homes, and the labor on campus to the Lord;
  • That the Lord will raise up key students to co-labor on many campuses throughout the UK and Europe;
  • That the Lord will open the way to contact local seeking ones during this critical time and gain them as
    remaining fruit.

Zurich, Switzerland

This semester, the Lord brought six student saints from all over the world—Australia, Africa, Canada, China, and the United States. Three are doing a one-semester exchange and the rest are doing a master’s degree. The Lord is certainly blessing Zurich, and we want to be faithful to receive. Please pray that 1) by shepherding the students, the local saints would be vitalized; 2) by the shepherding, the students would be built into the church life and be connected with the saints; 3) by these students enjoying the church life, the Lord would have a way on the campuses, especially among their friends and classmates).


There will be a conference in Sofia, Bulgaria September 23 to 25.


  1. Morning revival: Crystallization-Study of Exodus, vol. 7, week 41.
  2. The last of this year’s Spanish-Speaking Perfecting Training in Southern California will be Saturday November 19.
  3. The International Thanksgiving Conference will be in San Jose, CA November 24 to 27. Details are at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.
  4. The Lord’s Move in Europe:
    Information about serving in Germany this fall is at http://germany2016.amanatrust.org.uk.
    Giving for the Gospel Work in Europe instructions are at http://www.lordsmove.org/information.html. Giving for the UK Building Fund instructions are at http://www.lordsmove.org/ukbuildingfund or you may give to the church in LA, designated for UK Building Fund.