Prayer & Announcements

Week of February 9

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Two Kinds of Walk by the Spirit

“But I say, Walk by the Spirit and you shall by no means fulfill the lust of the flesh.” (Gal. 5:16)

“If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.” (Gal. 5:25)

The Greek word for walk in verse 16, peripateo, means “to have our being, to deport ourselves, to order our manner of life, to walk about.” It is used with respect to ordinary daily life. It denotes a common, habitual daily walk.

The Greek word for walk in verse 25, stoicheo, has a very different meaning. It is derived from a root that means “to arrange in a line.” This may be illustrated by the movement of traffic in designated lanes on a highway. Thus, the Greek word for walk here means “to walk in line.” It also means “to march in military rank.” Walking in this way, like soldiers marching in rank, requires that we keep in step. (Life-study of Galatians, 2nd ed., msg. 38, pp. 325-326)

According to the Bible, every believer in Christ should have two kinds of walk by the Spirit. The first walk is our daily walk; the second is the walk in the divine rules and steps. As Christians, we are not those walking about on earth without a purpose. We have been created by God and also re-created and regenerated by Him with a definite purpose. Therefore, we must have the second kind of walk, a walk to fulfill God's purpose and to reach the goal of our life on earth.

A proper daily walk by the Spirit will qualify us and equip us for the second walk by the Spirit, the walk that accomplishes God's purpose. This second walk involves four rules or principles: the Spirit, the new creation, the gaining of Christ, and the church life. In order to have the second walk, and not just the first, we need to be under the regulation of the spirit, living by the new creation, pursuing Christ in order to gain Him, and practicing the church life. If we have the first walk by the Spirit but not the second, we may be regarded by others as “holy,” “spiritual,” or “victorious.” However, we will actually be purposeless. We need both the first kind of walk to equip us and the second kind of walk to carry out God's purpose that we may reach the goal and win the prize of the full enjoyment of Christ and experience of Christ. (Msg. 39, pp. 337-338, 345-346)

International Chinese-speaking Blending Conference (ICSC)

The 2025 ICSC takes place this weekend, February 14 to 16, in Anaheim. The saints of all languages are invited and encouraged to attend all sessions in person. Although most messages will be spoken in Chinese, this is not a conference for Chinese speakers only, but is one of the seven annual feasts in the Lord's recovery. Translation will be provided via the ListenWIFI app (formerly Listen Everywhere).

For saints who cannot attend in person at the Ministry Conference Center in Anaheim, the conference meetings will be streamed by live webcast ( according to the schedule below. Afterwards, the archived recordings will be available for free without subscription for one month.

Meeting 1: Friday, February 14 7:25 PM
Meeting 2: Saturday, February 15 8:55 AM
Meeting 3: Saturday, February 15 10:55 AM
Meeting 4: Saturday, February 15 7:25 PM
Lord's Table: Lord's Day, February 16 9:25 AM
Meeting 5: Lord's Day, February 16 9:55 AM

The general subject of this conference is “Chapters 5 through 8 of Romans—the Kernel of the Bible.” Please pray for the preparation, preservation, and protection of the speaking brothers and all the saints so that there would be no impediment to the release and reception of His word. Pray earnestly for the release of the Lord's rich and timely speaking for His entire recovery.

FTTA Gospel Trips

Gospel trips to the United States and 18 countries in Europe involving trainees from FTTA and other training centers ended on February 9. Please pray for the shepherding of the seeking ones contacted during these gospel trips. For reports and updated prayer lists from FTTA, go to


The Spring 2025 term of the Full-time Training in Anaheim begins next Monday, February 17. At least 40 incoming trainees will be joining the training this term (this number includes first-term trainees and a handful of re-entering ones), bringing the total anticipated number to over 265. Please pray:

  • That the Lord would shepherd each one He has called to be trained all the way to the FTTA, and that the enemy would have no way to distract them or frustrate their coming.
  • That all the trainees would come with an open heart and an exercised spirit, consecrating themselves fully to the Lord to be trained in every aspect of their person and living.
  • That the Lord would cover and preserve the safety and health (both physical and psychological) of all the trainees throughout the term.
  • That the Lord would continue to call His young people throughout the United States and Canada to be trained, and free them from all encumbrance and entanglement that they might respond to His call.

UK Building Project

Update: Thank the Lord for His sovereignty that the necessary funds have been received to begin the first phase of construction for the new FTTL training center, which will begin by the end of this month. This includes new electrical installations, demolition of the existing classrooms, installation of foundation and retaining structures, excavation and leveling of the site, and laying of underground services.

It would be possible to safely pause the work after completing this first phase, but the burden is to press on as quickly as possible to complete the remaining phases of the training centre and the development of new accommodation at the neighboring Bower Farm. This would give a wonderful campus environment with classrooms, dining facilities and accommodation on site for 200 trainees.

Please continue to pray that the Lord will provide the necessary funds and serving ones to carry out the construction. May the Lord gain this facility for the young people in Europe to be trained for His move on the earth.

For information regarding participating in this current building project by either praying, giving, or going, visit To give through the Church in Los Angeles for the new training center, please follow instructions at Designate offerings for “UK Building Project.”

Cairo International Book Fair

The 56th Cairo Book Fair took place from January 23 through February 5. Please pray for the spreading of the ministry and the raising up of the Lord's testimony in the Arabic-speaking world.


  1. Morning Revival: Week 5 of our guided reading through Galatians.
  2. Bibles for America's new blogpost “How Does God's Light Help Us Grow?” is available to read and share at
  3. SoCal Spanish-speaking Conference: Audio recordings and outlines from the recent conference on “Living the Kingdom Life by Living a Hidden Life” are now available at
  4. LSM Radio Programs: Life-study of the Bible with Witness Lee focuses on the enjoyment of the divine life as revealed in the Scriptures. Spoken ministry portions are followed by a lively discussion. For example, all 45 episodes on Galatians are available at
  5. Living to Him has a podcast series particularly helpful to working saints, including two recent episodes on being vitalized by “Setting Proper Goals,” at
  6. Ways to Give: Information about the church's online giving platform, Subsplash, and where to mail checks, are at


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