“Christ Will Be Magnified…to Live is Christ”
“For I know that for me this will turn out to salvation through your petition and the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, according to my earnest expectation and hope that in nothing I will be put to shame, but with all boldness, as always, even now Christ will be magnified in my body, whether through life or through death. For to me, to live is Christ…” (Phil. 1:19-21)
The book of Philippians is the unique book that tells us how to experience Christ. The experience of Christ is for the preaching of the gospel, and the preaching of the gospel is the very experience of Christ….When we express Christ, when we live out Christ, and when Christ is expressed through us, there is the preaching of the gospel….When the branches experience the life of the tree, the bearing of fruit eventually comes out. Bearing fruit is the outworking of the inner experience of life….The more the branches properly experience the life of the tree, the more fruit they will bear. In the same way, the preaching of the gospel is the outworking of Christ experienced by us. If we experience Christ, there is the outworking of this life, that is, the preaching of the gospel. (from Preaching the Gospel in the Way of Life, by Witness Lee, ch. 8; it is available online; select the book in the alphabetical list, then select the chapter in the upper right)
Training Registration
The summer training in Anaheim will be July 2-7. The registration deadline is Tuesday, April 24. There will also be several video trainings in L.A. Pray for more brothers and sisters, especially those who are younger and those who have never been to a training, to be released from other things and stirred to register for Anaheim or video.
Santa Monica
The church in L.A. has an on-going work at Santa Monica College, several saints from L.A. work in Santa Monica, and a few who live in Santa Monica meet in hall 5. Three groups of Spanish-speaking saints also meet in Santa Monica. Lord, raise up some English-speaking couples to continue the church life in Santa Monica with the Spanish-speakers and their English-speaking young people and children who are there.
Please pray for the Lord’s move in Africa. From now through May 5 there will be conferences, trainings, and perfecting fellowship in many parts of Africa. The coming weekend Dick Taylor and Tim Knoppe from Michigan will be in Nigeria for a conference; James Lee and Paul Nii-Aryee will be in Ghana for a conference. Next week Monday through Wednesday all four brothers will be in Ghana to repeat the eight messages from last weekend’s ITERO in Anaheim. Specific directions for prayer:
- The conferences will be on Enjoying Christ as Revealed in the Book of Psalms; pray for more vision of Christ Himself and much enjoyment of Him in the conferences and afterwards.
- Pray that through the trainings many brothers get deeper into the first love for the Lord and living and working one with Him that they may be patterns for all in the churches to follow.
- Paul and Pamela Nii-Aryee and their three children are migrating from the U.S. to Accra, Ghana for the campus work and to strengthen the church life there.
- Pray for much life imparted into the mortal bodies of the traveling brothers, and for a rich supply of life and light in all their times of fellowship with African saints.
- Pray that everything during these five weeks turn out to salvation so that the Lord can gain Zion in Africa.
The annual English-speaking conference in Kuching, East Malaysia is April 6-8. The subject is “The Will of God” as presented by Ron Kangas at the Southeast Blending Conference in Jacksonville, Florida.
- Please pray for brothers David Vinson and Ken Walker in their travel and in their care for this conference.
- Please pray for the saints to be filled with the full knowledge of His will. Also, pray that the saints would experience the fresh seeing of His will, the knowing of His will, and give themselves to the doing His will.
CSUN Spring Break
Some CSUN students are at FTTA Monday through Wednesday. Friday through Lord’s Day some will visit Riverside for blending. Please pray that the students have a good taste of the FTTA and that many new ones can join them for the weekend in Riverside.
Young People
Please pray for all the high school seniors to be one with the Lord in choosing where to go to college.
Two thousand saints will gather for the national conference in the Mexico City metro area April 6 to 8. Please pray for:
- the release of God’s fresh speaking for the encouragement of the churches and the saints;
- more blending during the meetings and in the homes;
- the safety of the traveling saints.
European Training and Conference
ITERO messages from last weekend in Anaheim will be respoken in London Wednesday and Thursday of this week for responsible brothers of the churches in Europe. This will be followed by a six meeting European conference Friday through Lord’s Day for everyone.
New Zealand
This week is the New Zealand National Conference in Auckland. Ask the Lord to take another step in His recovery in New Zealand.
Lyon, France
One sister from here is in FTT. Two others wish to begin FTT London this fall. How much we want to see this first generation of French young people answer the Lord’s call! They will become a wonderful pattern to many other young French-speaking saints in college and high school who also have heard the Lord’s call in their heart to go to the training one day. In a few years there could be a whole army of young people going forth into the French-speaking world. This is our “dream” from the Lord. We would ask you also to pray for this.
We are regularly contacting 17 native French speakers. A few have entered into the church life. Since the majority of the saints meeting regularly are not native French, there is the probability that most of this majority will one day leave France. Where then will the Lord’s testimony be in France? Please join us in praying that many of these native French people will become living stones, even pillars, for His corporate expression in France.
A longer report from Lyon is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.
- The deadline to register for the July 2-7 summer training in Anaheim is April 24.
- Morning revival: Psalms, week 21.
- Five to 10 minute video highlights of the Psalms are posted about once a week at https://churchinlosangeles.org/ministry/psalms.
- The Memorial Day Conference will be Friday night, May 25 through Monday noon, May 28, in Bellevue, Washington. Information is posted at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer. If you will take children, register them with your district by April 27.
- There will be a time for saints in the Lord’s recovery to go to Israel for a summer tour and blending meetings with the saints. The tour begins July 15; it is in summer particularly so that college students, trainees, campus workers, and high school students could attend. Registration deadline is May 1 unless all spaces are filled earlier. Information is posted at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.