“The Bountiful Supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ”
Philippians 1:19 contains the secret to experiencing Christ— the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ….Paul and Silas lived in this Spirit and received the supply from the Spirit. Therefore…even in suffering and in prison (Acts 16), they magnified Christ. To preach the gospel is to magnify Christ. As we have seen, it is a matter of the Body, but it also depends on the magnifying of the Lord in our life. Wherever we are, in school or at the store, among neighbors or among relatives, there must be the magnifying of Christ in our life. We cannot preach the gospel only by our word. We have to preach the gospel by magnifying Christ. We need to experience Christ within and learn the secret of how to experience Christ; then we will have an overflow of Christ. This overflowing is the real preaching. (from Preaching the Gospel in the Way of Life, by Witness Lee, ch. 8; it is available online; select the book in the alphabetical list, then select the chapter in the upper right)
Santa Monica
Lord, thrust out some couples or families to Santa Monica soon to begin an English-speaking group there (while also having fellowship with the Spanish-speaking groups).
Santa Barbara
Please pray for 1) migration of young couples or families who have experience with college students and 2) gaining of local families with homes open to church life.
Young People
Please pray for all the high school seniors to be one with the Lord in choosing where to go to college.
Africa – This Week
The past weekend through Tuesday Dick Taylor is in Ethiopia. Dick reports that they are having a wonderful time. Mid-week Dick and Paul Cooke from London are in Kenya for much fellowship packed around a short conference. Thursday through Saturday Dick and Paul will be in Uganda for more fellowship packed around another short conference. Dick will then go to South Africa.
- Pray for more vision of Christ Himself and much enjoyment of Him in the conferences and afterwards.
- Pray for much life imparted into the mortal bodies of the traveling brothers, and for a bountiful supply of life and light in all their times of fellowship with African saints.
- Pray that everything during these weeks turn out to salvation so that the Lord can gain Zion in Africa.
Africa – Last Week (a report from Dick Taylor and James Lee)
Since West Africa does not have any video trainings, the conferences in Ghana (James and others) and Nigeria (Dick and others) were on Psalms. The revelation of Christ in Psalms was very encouraging and uplifting to the saints and their response with the exercise of their spirit was the best ever – thank you saints for your prayers! On the Lord’s day there were over 440 saints in the conference meeting in Ghana.
About 70 saints under 45 years of age met together with Paul Nii-Aryee (long ago was in church in L.A. as a young boy with his parents; migrated from U.S. to Ghana this month), hungry to be constituted with the ministry. They want to set up some kind of network to encourage one another to go on. Pray for these young adults to continue to rise up for the Lord’s moving in West Africa, for life to flow freely.
The ITERO last week with the West African brothers was so rich and encouraging; we all felt we were just under the Lord’s shepherding. Even in matters difficult to fellowship, the Lord paved the way. At the conclusion, we sensed the real oneness in the burden to build up His Body and sensed such joy in being with one another—it was truly “How good and How pleasant” because of the Lord’s commanded blessing on the oneness. Please tell the saints that their prayers are being answered.
The saints and the people are quite open. However, it is not easy for them to go anywhere to blend—airfare is so expensive and roads are dangerous. Two brothers who tried to come to the conference from Central African Republic had to turn back because they were robbed of all and beaten. Pray for all the saints there to be comforted.
Ask the Lord to raise up a small internet team in Los Angeles to participate in propagating the ministry and shepherding seeking saints.
The churches in Salt Lake City and Lyman, Wyoming invite you to Pocatello, Idaho on the weekend of April 20-22. Our burden this year is different—we encourage the saints to come together to be blended and built up through serving together, to give a weekend to serve the Lord together for His interest and for His move among us. We will go door-to-door in some neighborhoods, have BFA distributions, and distribute gospel tracts. Saturday evening we will have a Bible seminar and/or gospel meeting, depending upon the need. We will also try to have a table on the Idaho State University campus every day the week prior to this weekend for any who could come for all or part of that. Please pray for the manifestation of the Lord’s victory here!
BfA Spanish-speaking Perfecting
On Saturday, April 21, over 100 saints from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York will participate in the next section of their Spanish-speaking perfecting training. This will focus on the importance, purpose, and content of the home meetings as a crucial component for the practice of the God-ordained way.
These saints will also begin contacting Spanish-speaking BfA recipients. Because many of these recipients have already expressed an interest in being contacted by BfA volunteers, this is an excellent opportunity for the saints to practice cherishing and nourishing the new ones in the home meetings.
Please pray that:
- The saints participating in the training be ushered into the practicality of the God-ordained way.
- Many new meetings be established in the homes of local Bible and book recipients so that they would be shepherded into the practical church life.
The annual conference in Paris will be April 21-22.
- The deadline to register for the July 2-7 summer training in Anaheim is April 24. Also, register now for video trainings.
- Morning revival: Psalms, week 23. After Psalms, weeks 23-24, we will use The Focus of the Lord’s Recovery (Thanksgiving conference).
- The Memorial Day Conference will be Friday night, May 25 through Monday noon, May 28, in Bellevue, Washington. Information is posted at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/. If you will take children, register them with your district by April 27.