Los Angeles
The entire church in Los Angeles will have a joint meeting Lord’s Day, May 6, starting at 10 am. We will have the Lord’s Table together, ministry of the word, and testimonies of some things the Lord is doing among us. We will also have the annual business meeting of the church.
This meeting will NOT be at our Haskell hall. We have rented a larger facility at Los Angeles Mission College in Sylmar. There will also be rooms for children’s meetings and a room for mothers with babies. We will have translation via FM radio. The room has handicapped access. Parking is free. Detailed directions with a map will be distributed by Wednesday of this week.
Ask the Lord to blend us more into the reality of His one Body, to impart more of His living word into each one of us, and to supply us to pursue Him in vitalization, companionization, and gospelizing.
Korean-Speaking Gospel
The Korean-speaking saints in Los Angeles will have a gospel feast Saturday, April 28, 6:30 pm in hall 1. We have 80 new ones invited to this feast. They are almost all our friends, relatives, work colleagues, and lost lambs. We will invite them to dinner followed by a gospel meeting. Please pray for 1) release of these 80 contacts to come to gospel feast, 2) for the atmosphere of Father’s love and joy in dinner and meeting, 3) for salvation of new ones, 4) for continuing contact with them for feeding. Lord, gain one remaining fruit per two saints in this year.
South Africa
This week Dick Taylor is caring for the first week of a two-week perfecting training in South Africa. He is assisted by four local brothers. He will return to L.A. on April 30. James Lee, who came back to the U.S. from Ethiopia April 17, leaves again April 27 to return to Africa to take care of the second week, which will conclude May 5. (He will then go to Boston for a while, then Israel, back to Boston, then come back to Southern California).
Many saints have taken off from work to attend this 2 week perfecting training. Please pray that the Lord will enlighten and constitute them all.
Please pray for the Lord’s strengthening to Dick, James, and the other traveling brothers.
East Africa
A number of coworkers are traveling in East Africa from mid-April to early May. In addition to the conferences last week in Kenya and Uganda, there will be a visitation to Tanzania (a nation in which the Lord has yet to establish His testimony) in order to meet with a positive contact. Please pray that:
- The Lord would raise up a lampstand in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo (on the border of Congo and Rwanda). Pray for the brothers as they visit the saints in Goma.
- The Lord would use this visit to Tanzania, (April 27th to May 1st) to open a door for the ministry, and His testimony. Lord, begin moving toward the church in Dar es Salaam (capital city of Tanzania).
A young married brother is open to serve the Lord full-time. Pray that the Lord would work out everything for him to serve and for many others to follow him to serve the Lord full-time to meet the need there in Ethiopia. There are 1000’s of Christians who are open to the Lord’s recovery but there are not enough workers to take care of this need.
San Marcos, California
It is very encouraging what the Lord is doing with college students who have been contacted at Cal State San Marcos and Mira Costa College. There are meetings on campus and in homes (small numbers Mondays and Wednesdays, larger on Fridays) and one-on-one appointments. We have encouraged the students themselves to pick up more responsibility for the Friday meeting. This seems to have really fostered some growth in the 10 to 20 that attend this meeting. A small number of students have also been involved helping cook food.
Last week eleven attended the college conference in Anaheim on the Priesthood and two students were baptized, one at the conference and the other after the prayer meeting in Vista with about twelve students attending and praying for their college classmate and sister. A parent and brother of one of the new students from Cal State attended the baptism and enjoyed the time very much, this being their first contact with the church.
At the current time, the community gospel in San Marcos is continuing through a monthly time of door knocking which involves saints from San Diego, Irvine and Vista.
Please pray for:
- Additional positive couples who would move to San Marcos to support and strengthen the campus and community work so the Lord’s testimony can be more solidly established.
- That the Lord’s table can be established in San Marcos this year.
- More homes in San Marcos to be opened and families to be gained as a basis for the church life.
The national conference in Poland is 28 April — May 1. Please pray for the gathering of the saints in Poland and for the advance of the Lord’s move in that country through the rich ministry in His recovery. Please pray also for the co-workers’ visitation to different cities in Poland following the conference.
- The deadline to register for the July 2-7 summer training in Anaheim is April 24. Also, register now for video trainings.
- Morning revival: REPEAT Psalms, week 22. The following week (April 30-May 6) we will use Psalms, week 24.
- The Memorial Day Conference will be Friday night, May 25 through Monday noon, May 28, in Bellevue, Washington. Information is posted at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/. If you will take children, register them with your district by April 27.