Although the resurrected Lord found the disciples in unbelief and hardness of heart (Mark 16:14), “He said to them, Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to all the creation” (v. 15). “And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word by the accompanying signs” (v. 20).
Bible Distribution in London
Several tens of thousands of New Testament recipients need contact. Because many from other place who came to London have returned home, the contacting burden falls primarily on the church in London. Please continue to pray that the Lord will
- draw each recipient to read and enlighten each one through the reading,
- stir in many to participate in the contacting and richly supply them,
- shepherd many recipients into the church life.
United States
“I exhort therefore, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings be made on behalf of all men; on behalf of kings and all who are in high position” (1 Tim 2:1-2). Let us petition the Lord about those running for president and other high positions in the United States. Lord, give us a government good for Your move today!
Please pray for the construction work at the training center in Boston. Only a few brothers are serving full time. They work six days a week and infrequently get home to be with their families. Pray for:
- a daily strengthening and joy to these brothers and to their families,
- completion of the exterior shell of the building before winter so that interior work can continue shielded from harsh winter weather,
- timely release of all the building permits for this project.
High School Seniors
This Saturday high school seniors from the churches in Southern California are invited to a fellowship time at UCLA. This time is open to all high school seniors, not just those interested in UCLA. The purpose is to impress the students with the value of their college years both humanly and for the Lord, and to provide some practical college fellowship. College students and full timers will share experiences of the Lord during their college years and how important that time was in their lives. May the Lord speak to each senior during this time that all would be supplied to go on this coming year.
Murfreesboro, Tennessee
We will have a BfA table at Middle Tennessee State University on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. We don’t have a full time team or a regular presence on campus and this is one of the few but crucial times during the year when we go on campus in a corporate way. Please pray for us.
New Zealand
Ken Walker will be in New Zealand for two weekend conferences:
- a college conference in Wellington Friday (August 31) through Lord’s Day (September 2).
- a blending conference in Auckland Friday (September 7) through Lord’s Day (September 9).
The conferences will concentrate on “a man of God” and “shepherding in love,” both from 1 and 2 Timothy. Ask the Lord to raise up more saints as His teachers, soldiers, athletes, farmers, and workmen (2 Tim. 2:1-15). Also pray for grace to brother Ken and for a rich word to be released through Him.
Christian Research Institute (CRI)
CRI has produced many short videos about the recovery, local churches, and Brother Lee. They are on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL793DA547CA28A410. Their lengths vary from 1 to 5½ minutes. Please watch as many as possible (there is a “play all” button at the top). The more they are watched, the more prominent they will become to counter negative information on the internet.
Pray for the effectiveness of these clips, especially for positive effect on young people on the college campuses.
Since August 2010 the peoples of what was formerly Yugoslavia (today’s Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia) have received the ministry through the Rhema free distribution. Approximately 10,000 orders have been received from these countries. A report about contact with these Christians is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.
Please pray:
- For the positive ones who have read the ministry books and are being contacted by the saints.
- For the ongoing translation, printing, and distribution of the ministry books in these countries.
- For the raising up of many local churches in the former Yugoslav countries.
- Morning revival: week 1 of Crystallization Study of the Minor Prophets (summer training).
- This year’s International Thanksgiving Conference will be held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma from Thursday, November 22 through Lord’s Day, November 25. The announcement is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer. There will be child care for kindergarden to 6th grade; if you will take children please register them with your district by Lord’s Day, October 28.
- The church in Lausanne-Bussigny would like to invite you to the international conference in Switzerland to be held on September 22nd and 23rd. Information is at http://www.amanatrust.org.uk/events/eventdetails.php?eventid=358.