O Jehovah, Revive Your Work
Hab. 3:2m, “O Jehovah, revive Your work in the midst of the years.” Revival is a matter of life, not excitement. We have daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly revivals, but we still need more reviving. Lord, grant us stronger and more consistent life revivals and bring a greater number into these revivals.
Go to the Highways
Luke 14:23: “The master said to the slave, Go out into the roads and hedges and compel them to come in, so that my house may be filled.” The Lord’s desire, and even His command, is that we go to bring people in so that His house may be filled. In this verse many versions have “highways” instead of “roads.” In this century the biggest “highway” on the earth is the internet. Let us ask the Lord to send some of us specifically, two by two, to the internet to gain people for His house.
Santa Barbara
Please pray for 1) the strengthening of the saints in Santa Barbara, 2) the nourishing of the students wherever they are for the summer, and 3) gaining of local families with homes open to church life.
Monterey Bay, California
Santa Cruz, at the north side of Monterey bay, is home to a University of California campus with 16,000 students. It is the only one of ten UC campuses in a city without a local church.
Seaside, at the south side of the bay (about 10 miles from the church in Salinas), is home to Cal State Monterey Bay with 5,000 students, over half of whom live on campus.
Lord, raise up churches in these cities and reach the campuses to gain students for Yourself.
Olympic Games
Saints from around the world have come together to distribute the New Testament Recovery Version and Basic Elements of the Christian Life, vol. 1, in London. We are stationed at locations where many teams and officials and workers from all over the world enter and come out all day long. We will be here through the 12th when the Olympics end. We need prayers for:
- our teams (including new comers) to be blent and coordinated;
- all the local saints who are serving here 12 to16 hours a day;
- all the religious groups to be neutralized;
- all the authorities to be blessed, saved, and to be our and the Lord’s servants under the ruling and reigning of our heavenly King;
- the rainy weather in London to stop or else not to be a hindrance;
- all the saints participating to be strengthened and preserved spirit, soul, and body, complete;
Lord may You have Your way in, through, and out of every brother and sister for Your building, unto Your glory. To You be glory in the church, Amen.
(photos are in a separate .pdf page)
Europe and Beyond
Please continue pray that the Lord will 1) have mercy on the readers of the free literature distributed by Rhema and Bibles for Europe, 2) richly supply the local saints and full-timers laboring in the follow-up contacts through Europe and beyond, and 3) will shepherd many recipients into the church life.
- Morning revival: week 4 of The Genuine Oneness of the Body… (Memorial Day conference).