A Flock of Men
Ezekiel 36:37, “Thus says the Lord Jehovah, Moreover for this I will be inquired of by the house of Israel to do it for them; I will increase them with men like a flock.” May we inquire of the Lord for increase in Los Angeles. Our church life is centered on campuses and young people, but it is not limited to these. Let us ask the Lord for increase among young people, increase among college students, and increase among family, friends, neighbors, and business acquaintances. Let us pray for growth from our current number to 1000 by the end of this year.
United States
Revelation 1:5, “Jesus Christ…the Ruler of the kings of the earth [and the Ruler of the presidential candidates of the U.S.].” Let us declare our agreement on earth with the Lord’s heavenly ruling over all the political activity this year.
Perfecting for Serving Saints and Parents of Young People
We warmly invite you to join us for a one-day perfecting training on March 10, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Irvine. This is for all the parents, serving ones, college students and burdened saints for the junior high and high school young people in the churches in Southern California. Spanish translation will be available. A letter about this time is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer. Register here. Registration deadline is Saturday, March 3.
Santa Barbara
Please continue to pray for the Lord’s move in Santa Barbara:
- that the students we have cared for the past year will enter more into the church life;
- that the students contacted this year will be freed to have weekly appointments;
- for further blending among the couples active in the church life;
- for the migration of a younger couple with experience in campus work.
South Africa
Dick Taylor and Michael Stewart left L.A. on Lord’s Day (February 26) and arrive in South Africa Tuesday morning. They will be in Pretoria until next Monday morning (March 5) and then fly to Cape Town until Tuesday night (March 6). They return to L.A. March 7. In Pretoria they will visit the campus and small groups and also speak five messages from the winter training in a conference Friday through Lord’s Day. About 250 are expected in the conference, which will make it the largest ever in South Africa.
Please pray that all the saints, including the many new ones from both campus and community, would freshly see that the book of Psalms is full of nothing but Christ, house, city, earth. Pray for all to be captured during the conference by the Lord’s beauty in order to be His house (His church) for His city (His kingdom) so that the Lord could come back and take over this earth.
Bookshop in Central London
In the five weeks that the bookshop has been open, each week has seen an increase in customers, with a particular interest from people in neighboring offices and from other locals. There are regular customers. Radio listeners have been visiting most days, and some have stayed for a longer time to read the ministry and get to know the serving ones. Thank the Lord for His blessing. Please continue to pray for the radio listeners, the Rhema recipients, and the university students and people who live and work near the bookshop.
Please pray for the Lord to gain a district in each of the 33 boroughs of London, and also for many saints to migrate both within London and to the key cities in the UK for the Lords’ testimony.
We praise the Lord for preserving this land for His move. Since 1997, the Lord has moved here to bring many saints into the Recovery. There are now 96 churches across India, with many good testimonies testifying the Spirit’s move here. However, it is our belief that the Lord can do much more in this vast country. People’s hearts are still soft and simple toward God. Here we can freely preach to Hindus, Muslims, and seeking Christians. During 6 – 12 February, the co-workers based in Delhi area plus full-time trainees and some other saints gathered for one week to pray and prepare for the Lord’s intensified move.
Please join us in prayer that the Spirit would continue to blow strongly across India to bring all the churches into the same flow of the Spirit, so that the Lord would gain a breakthrough in us this year. May the high and awesome wheels of Ezekiel 1 move in India to prepare for the last and greatest revival that will bring us all the way back to Jerusalem to receive the Lord’s return.
- Morning revival: Psalms, week 16.
- A Spanish language perfecting will be held one Saturday in each of July, August, September. Información en español (and English) está en https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.
- The 2012 Spring Russian-Speaking Conference will be in Sacramento March 23-25. The registration deadline is March 4. Details are at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer.
- An invitation to the spring conference in Israel is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer. Registration deadline is April 1.