Lord, Open the Doors and Close the Gates
Christ is the real David, the One who has the key of God’s dominion. There is no greater way to exercise oneness with Him than by prayer. One kind of prayer is to fight by binding and loosing. (summer training, msg 8)
- Lord, open the door of the kingdom wider to spread this gospel to more places on the earth (Matt. 24:14), to bring in more people locally, and to bring us more under Your headship.
- Lord, we ask You to close the subjective gates of Hades (Matt. 16:18-27) in us—liberate each one of us from our self with our concepts, preferences, and opinions.
Co-workers’ Prayer
July 23 to 25 the co-workers in North America will gather to pray for the Lord’s move.
West Coast College Training
We are happy to report the Lord’s glorious blessing on the West Coast College Training! We had a total of 409 saints (including 323 students) compared to 346 total last year (18% higher). The atmosphere was higher than the previous year, with more focus on the Lord despite the higher numbers. Many students were again renewed in the desire to practice morning fellowship with the Lord, to exercise their spirit in daily life, and to begin to rise up on campuses to bear fruit and function. Many were also touched concerning the preciousness of the church with the aspiration to be in the reality of Philadelphia. At the end, Minoru exhorted all of the students to pray “Lord, here am I” and consecrate themselves wholly to the Lord. We felt the covering from all the prayer and the enemy suffering much loss! May the Lord work out, in their daily living and practice, all of what these students heard in during this past week! Thank you for all your prayers!
Midwest and East Coast College Trainings
These trainings are this week on “The Course of the Church.” Please pray that the Lord would fully capture each student with:
- A vision of the church and a desire to be an overcomer
- A solid learning concerning how to spend personal time with the Lord
- An aspiration to exercise their spirit in daily life
- A resolution to rise up and take the lead to bear fruit on their campuses
Summer School of Truth
The summer school is July 16-29. Please pray for 1) the Lord’s blessing of life on the coordination of the serving saints, 2) all the young people to receive a fresh and up-to-date vision of the church, and 3) for lasting connections between young people and college students.
Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Murfreesboro is the home of Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU), the largest college in Tennessee. The Peruzzi family recently migrated from Hall 5 to Murfreesboro. They own a house close to campus that they would like to be used for a brothers’ house. Their request: we need five brothers or sisters who attend MTSU to be able to establish a Christian Students club allowing us to have a table at campus club days, etc. Right now we have one brother who is a new graduate and teaching at MTSU, and maybe one student, but we need a solid five.
Testimonies about contact with seeking saints are at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/. Lord, gain more people for Yourself and raise up churches throughout Spain.
Bibles for Europe
From mid May to the end of June, over 2000 New Testaments and thousands of other pieces of literature were distributed in the United Kingdom. The rate of distribution has increased in July. Half of the recipients want further contact. Due to the limited number of saints in the recovery in the UK, recipients are being invited to Bible seminars. Those scheduled in July are:
- Ipswich and Norwich, England, July 14
- Edinburgh, Scotland, July 15
- Chelmsford, Cambridge, and one part of London, July 21
- other parts of London, July 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
- Morning revival: week 1 of The Genuine Oneness of the Body… (Memorial Day conference).