God’s Move to Fulfill His Economy
God is moving, working, and managing the world affairs to fulfill His eternal economy, to make Christ everything to mankind for the bringing in of the kingdom, the age of restoration. (Minor Prophets, msg 1, I.C) Amen. Move in, through, and around us this week, this month, and this year!
Video Trainings
Please pray 1) for the release of the Lord’s word to the churches; 2) for the receiving of this word; and 3) for translations needed to reach churches in all parts of the earth.
West Coast College Training
Approximately 415 saints are in Northern California for the West Coast College training, July 9-15. This includes at least 65 saints from Los Angeles (11 serving ones and 54 students). The subject is “The Course of the Church.” Last year Satan fought strongly against the training, and we need much prayer to cover this year’s training. Please pray that the Lord would fully capture each of these students with:
- A vision of the church and a desire to be an overcomer
- A solid learning concerning how to spend personal time with the Lord
- An aspiration to exercise their spirit in daily life
- A resolution to rise up and take the lead to bear fruit on their campuses
Midwest and East Coast College Trainings
These trainings are July 16-22. Their subject and burden is the same as the west coast training.
Summer School of Truth
The summer school is July 16-29. Please pray for 1) the Lord’s blessing of life on the coordination of the serving saints, 2) all the young people to receive a fresh and up-to-date vision of the church, and 3) for lasting connections between young people and college students.
In order to publish and print our literature in Turkey we are planning to establish a publishing company in August. Please pray for all the procedures and needs in establishing this company. We hope the Rhema materials can be printed and distributed within this year.
Please pray for the translation of the free books and for the preparation of the seeking ones.
Recovery Version Distribution in United Kingdom
Continue to pray for the distribution during the Olympic torch relay, in many cities in the UK, until July 27. More information is at http://distribute.biblesforeurope.org.
Please continue to pray for the Lord’s mercy on the readers of the free literature distributed by Rhema throughout Europe and for His shepherding them through local saints and full-timers into the church life.
- Morning revival: training verses or repeat week 4 of The Focus
Beginning July 16: week 1 of The Genuine Oneness of the Body (Memorial Day conference) - The annual international blending conference in Dublin, Ireland will be August 25-26. Register by August 13. Information and registration is at http://www.amanatrust.org.uk/events/eventdetails.php?eventid=355.