A Balanced Christian Life
We need to be balanced. We must include gospel preaching as an item to balance our Christian life. If we have not preached the gospel in several days, we are not balanced. If we are going to practice a proper church life, our church life and the Christian life of every brother and sister must be balanced by gospel preaching. In the four Gospels, whoever came to the Lord, the Lord sent him to others to preach. Matthew 28:19 tells us to go to the nations, but Mark 16:15 says that we must go even to all creation. This verse says, “And He said to them, Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to all the creation.” Christians have much to do to preach the gospel not only to the nations but also to every creature. We must do it! (WL, Basic Principles for the Service in the Church Life, ch. 5)
An Electronic Camel
Rebekah traveled on a camel (Gen. 24:61-65) to meet Isaac to be married to him. Now we are traveling to meet the Lord to be married to Him. Many of today’s conveniences, like the internet, are unclean like camels in the eyes of God (Lev. 11:4). Nevertheless, they enable us to travel through the “desert.” When we meet the Lord, we shall leave all the “camels” and be fully with Him for His satisfaction. (adapted from W.L., Life-Study of Genesis, msg 61)
While we are still in the “desert,” let us beseech the Lord to use the internet to bring many people to Himself as part of His bride. Also ask the Lord to raise up more saints in L.A. to use the internet for shepherding people and for proclamation of the truth.
Santa Barbara (1)
An end of the school year celebration for UCSB students was held last Wednesday. At least 25 from Santa Barbara were present including 14 UCSB students. There was a good atmosphere of singing intermixed with testimonies of experiences this year. Many students were appreciative of the Christ they gained. At the celebration, there was also a kickoff for the summer pursuit program; 14 signed up. Some video from the celebration is at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5l8beT52Gs.
Santa Barbara (2)
Lord, strengthen the church in Santa Barbara and increase Your testimony there by thrusting out workers through migration this summer.
Dick Taylor, James Lee, and Craig Birchler are in Australia. Monday and Tuesday of this week they are with the churches in Brisbane and Gold Coast. Wednesday morning Dick goes to Adelaide and James and Craig go to Tasmania. Friday afternoon Dick and James go to Perth until Monday; Craig will go to Newcastle, then return to California on Lord’s Day.
Pray that the word of the Lord may run and be glorified (2 Thes. 3:1) throughout Australia, that all the saints there may experience more perfecting into oneness in the Triune God, and that the traveling brothers be fully supplied in all three parts of their being.
The evening of June 15 there will be a prayer meeting in Rome. June 16-17 there will be a conference and the first Lord’s Table of the church in Rome. Over 500 people worldwide have registered to participate, including four from L.A. Eighty native Italians have been invited.
The Greek election in early May had such fragmented results that no government could be formed. As a result, there will a new election June 17. Greece is currently financially and politically unstable and their financial instability, if not handled well by a new government, could upset much of Europe. Pray for an election result in Greece that will be best for the Lord’s move throughout Europe.
Egypt had the same president for 30 years until the turmoil last year. A presidential election was held in May and the runoff election is June 16-17. Pray for this election to bring in a government and an atmosphere that opens more doors for Him in Egypt and throughout the Arab world.
Germany and Austria
On May 26-28 almost 300 saints, including children, gathered together for a conference in Frankfurt, Germany. Among them were around 60 new ones who had never been to a meeting before. Most of them meet as a free church in Salzburg, Austria. Their pastor came last year to the conference. He met us through the New Testament Recovery Version in German. In the last two years he has distributed over a 100 New Testaments to the believers who meet with him or are connected to him. A one-page report is at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/.
Ask the Lord to raise up churches in Austria and in Frankfurt, Germany.
Recovery Version Distribution in United Kingdom
The Olympic torch relay, which lasts from May 19 to July 27, is an excellent opportunity for saints volunteering in 27 UK cities to reach the local people out to observe the torch. From July 27 to August 12, local saints and saints visiting from abroad will have the opportunity to distribute free materials to people attending the Olympic Games from some 200 participating countries. More information is at http://distribute.biblesforeurope.org.
Please pray that:
- The hearts and minds of many local and visiting people be open to receive and enjoy the free materials.
- The Lord would supply the workers, funds, and materials through His Body so that the Word of God could be spread throughout the United Kingdom, Europe, and the world.
- The saints would enjoy a wonderful time of blending and building up in the UK and throughout Europe.
- Morning revival: week 4 of The Focus of the Lord’s Recovery (Thanksgiving conference).
- We are invited to pray for, and if the Lord leads, to participate in two Bibles for Canada gospel sowing trips in late July and early August. Those who have conversational ability in French are greatly needed but those who only speak English are welcome too. Details are at https://churchinlosangeles.org/prayer/. If you are interested, read the information and register as soon as possible.
- The annual international blending conference in Dublin, Ireland will be August 25-26. Register by August 13. Information and registration is available at http://www.amanatrust.org.uk/events/eventdetails.php?eventid=355.